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Status Updates posted by kasupaa

  1. fin??lly unic??de in??ut ??n ??y ????c, ?????? ????

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Pillar  of  1000  gay  wasp  eggs

    3. kasupaa


      『t??t??lly?? @Aferni you choose the keyboard settings and then just add the different input methods :D

    4. paradoxal


      i am proud of you, son

  2. WHERE'S MY 致命傷!!!!1111 Airmail never again ;;___;;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Never has problem with my air mail package, all of their are come in 4 days in my box after shipping...

    3. kasupaa


      yeah there really was no other problem than that the package came so slowly and I wasn't abled to track it XDDD I actually just chose it because Chimeishou was so cheap that I didn't want to spend like 4x the price of the single on postage, but then paradoxal wanted some stuff too and well, we could have had it on ems or FedEx the same :DDDDDDD

    4. paradoxal


      i ruin everything ;(

  3. SO tomorrow I'll be going on a sitsit with paradoxal, my first in like two years AND yesterday I got two teeth pulled out. I feel like an old person right now, how am I supposed to chew anything?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. eiheartx


      You should take photos ! :DD

    3. paradoxal



      @zess come to finland brah

      @prets SITSIT tuu meidän jatkoille, inkubioxKK kaverisitsit

  4. Ahh the feeling when a CD you bought used arrives fullu wrapped and brend new <3 ~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kasupaa


      Yeah <3 and as the icing on the cake it was the most expensive of the ones I got *A* haha to my typos

    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      all using cd who I bought on closetChild was under the plastic (who can be open and close)

    4. kasupaa


      Yeah that's where I ordered these too, but they wrap every CD in a plastic file, however the CD had it's plastic wrap untouched under the plastic wrap they put on at closetchild, so it was kinda double-wrapped :DD

  5. Just ordered a couple days ago perhaps _the_best_album ever, ??采トゲ喜寿??グロリア <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kasupaa


      Well i guess no one can beat Maria Cross............ The album was so multidimensional I can't even

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I'm hesitant to even call Maria's work an "album." Truly it can only be considered a masterpiece.

    4. kasupaa


      Well Masterpiece................. From heaven!!!

  6. Royz - Answer and 少年記 - BANG ME. I seriously cannot say which one is my favourite right. now.

    1. Tetora
    2. paradoxal


      you should rip my CDs more often <3 ;)

    3. kasupaa


      yeah I really should :DDDD

  7. Royz - Starry HEAVEN. My power-track this morning as I am about to hand in my Bachelors Thesis!

    1. Spectralion


      You definitely gonna nail it!

    2. Zeus
    3. kasupaa
  8. so no sitsit for me ;;____;; haven't still recovered enough from the dentist's operation, I'm so annoyed >___<

    1. paradoxal


      next year then... ;(

    2. Mihenno


      I'll go in your place, it's okay

    3. kasupaa


      that's good so that the ticket didn't go to waste :) was the sitsit good!?

  9. 凛 with Sui starting to sound good, liking Chaotic Resistance, but what's with the NEO ARK -bit on Sacred Xanadu?

    1. Lestat


      My opinion is the complete opposite, unfortunately. They went from being my favourite band to a band I hardly look at nowadays because of their change :/

    2. kasupaa


      that's too bad! It's sad when that happens, and it happens a lot in VK imo... I guess since such a large chunk of the band was replaced that it changed their sound also, and of course the vocalist is a big part of that

  10. OMG just received my birthdaygift from paradoxal, like the LIMITED FIRST PRESS edition of matenrou's Abyss wouldn't be enough I also got dawn of anomie and Gloria<3<3<3 I can't even, such friend

    1. paradoxal


      best friends 5evahhh

    2. Biopanda


      Para didn't get me anything for my birthday :( I must be a scrubfriend

  11. 摩天楼オペラ's JUSTICE First Press limited edition is the most beautiful physical CD in the world, period. Merry Christmas meeeeeeee!!!!111

    1. Spectralion


      I want to buy kassai to gekijou no guroria myself, but I'm still hasitated.

    2. kasupaa


      yeah, the first press limited of that one will most likely be my next purchase as well, so glad they aren'n actually that expensive even though they are rare!

  12. randomly found Secilia Luna's live-only single Crecent in my cd-shelf. Totally forgot that I bought it once just for the sake of it being live only :D but this sounds actually ok.... :DD

    1. kasupaa


      It was from a convention and I just thought that hey this might be rare or something..... and apparently it was distributed for free originally

    2. fitear1590


      That song is really good! I wanted to like their later songs too, but the cheap synths always jarred me...

  13. I hate it that the tags on Spotify are fucked up..... I mean there's a lot of visu I would love to listen from there, but then It's limited to just those with an english track title....

    1. kasupaa


      ....and I'm defying this even at the moment by listening to Kamijo from there...

    2. Tetora


      Yeah Google Play is like that.

  14. Okay, now I have listened to SYMPHONY OF THE VAMPIRE while writing schoolwork and have to say, after the gig, that this is not half bad... Why was I so against solo-KAMIJO?

    1. paradoxal


      moulin rouge ftw

    2. kasupaa


      I am hungry ftw

  15. Lycaon - Shadow. I can't even. Such wow.

  16. Listening to ニア・イコール <3

    1. paradoxal


      sooooo goood, pls come back, i wanna listen to this together

  17. Listening to Alice Nine - VANDALIZE. Wow it's been a long time no see with these guys

    1. kasupaa


      and ALPHA up next!

  18. just had to order DIALITE's Primal Theory b'cause they are breaking up noo ;;__;;

    1. hiroki


      yeah, sadness. they're amazing.

  19. I might just cry right now because 夕月夜??淡??夢 might be the most beautifull vk-ballad ever ;;__;;

    1. hiroki


      nice song :')

  20. Hanging out with Para, soon Dawn of Anomie 8DD

  21. I don't remember the last time I've listened to Versailles :o

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      I don't remember either. But it's the same for many bands, there's so many great bands, i don't think to listen all of them.

  22. Yay, excited about SuGu's Black!!

    1. Tetora


      Yeah I am so pumped.

  23. Lycaon - ??晶??.

    1. kasupaa


      Lycaon was my second-favourite band. Makes me just sad. Nothing can save 2015...... I'm sooo grateful I got the chance to see them live. Thank you for the music.

  24. Jupiter - Arcadia <3 I so want this single as a hard copy

  25. yay AYABIE raisoo raisoo raisoo

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