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Posts posted by kai_desu

  1. Wow, i didn't know being a staff on boards can be such a most wanted thing. Other than it teaches you how to cooperate and working as team that can be use when working irl, there's really nothing more to be proud of.

    Plus, unless you're dedicated/commited to the forum and could online very often for checking up the boards and fix everything that goes wrong, having a hunger to be a staff of one boards should not ever be comes to mind.

    Not to mention you have to have some self control,

    so you wouldn't banhammer everyone you don't like just because. And willing to hear many complains addressed at your inbox and take it as feedback than seeing it as whines and sending them back "i don't care, it's ur own business lulz" PM. Or to attack some idiotic members back with another harsh insults when they're insults you, but to tell them to come to their sense kindly instead.

    Been there done that, i became an admin in a year on one Indo-Japanese forum after i was a mod for 2 months. I knew how it works and the dirty bit, too.

    It's not as fancy/glamorous as it seems, srsly.

    If any, it's a very reliant position, and more time consuming than any games on facebook.

    Though i admit it, it's fun. If you enjoy team work and working under circumstances and pressures especially. It's challenging.

    So yah, this job is not just about banning peoples and order people what to do and not. It's more than that.

    Well said Chianti.

  2. Sorry, can only be a mod if you think Dir en grey is the most un-original, most un-talented J-Rock band in the history of J-Rock.

    And cat, you still are the enemy >O

  3. "I didn’t go to religion to make me happy. I always knew a bottle of Port would do that. If you want a religion to make you feel really comfortable, I certainly don’t recommend Christianity."

    — C.S. Lewis

  4. "May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself."

    — Neil Gaiman

  5. Wait what?! People actually buy these games for other uses than multiplayer? Seriously? And people buy it for PC? What's wrong with people?!

    PS3 + mulitplayer = WIN!

    Playing games like this on PC gets way too easy. Every other shot ends up as a headshort, which is boring. On PS3 on the other hand you'll get chakllenged. Heatshots ain't that easy when playing PS3.

    It's simply preference. I hate playing FPS with a game controller. I need a keyboard and mouse. There is also a definite difference in the type of people that make up the PC community as well (comparing to PS3).

    In WaW, I hated that most of the games I played on my PS3 were filled with little 12 year olds thinking they're the shit. I quit playing it because of that, but I still play it on PC.

    Not bashing the PS3. Love the system, but for me, FPS just aren't really my thing on it.

  6. I know you guys don't like Android as much as me, but shit this was hilarious, lol.

    No, we don't 8D;

    But. I have to say, I can see the droid quickly coming up to standards with the iPhone, if not passing it, mainly for the fact that its run on an open platform, wheres the iPhone OS is a closed platform.

    More people working on things, adding new features, being on more of a level with the common user force, will make the droid become a better device.

    But for now. I don't like it 8D I still like my iPhone. Give it a few more years and then we'll see.

  7. Just take a look around. Haven't you seen how much jrock fans in general hate on each other?

    If you like a band too much, you're a fangirl.

    If you use too many fragments of japanese, you're a weaboo.

    If you like to dress in a vk style and don't look as impeccably photoshopped as the band on their promo shots, you're a weirdo.

    If you listen to the wrong "sort" of jrock, you're a loser.

    For a relatively small fandom, there is surprisingly little solidarity in the jrock/vk fanbase.


    It's funny, but can't look down on her like that. We were all there once, making the same mistakes and pronouncing everything wrong. Hell, I'm sure 95% of us still do. We're not all Japanese, not all of us grew up in Japan, we're not all fluent in Japanese or have a first-hand experience of Japanese culture.

    Can't tell you how long I pronounced oshare as "oh share" instead of "オシャレ." It never occurred to me that it was a Japanese word 8D; So~ you can laugh at me for that I suppose, much as you can, laughing at her for pronouncing things wrong.

    Stay off the high-horse of "I've been listening to j-rock/visual-kei longer than you, and know how to pronounce everything correctly, and lolz if u say anything wrong."

    We're all in the same boat.

  8. I chose other.

    I believe their should be a forum dedicated to me so everyone can discuss how awesome I am, and to post their marriage proposals. Oh, and it should be placed at the very top of the board; above everything else.



    But, jokes aside, both forums and the help section being moved seem fine to me. It'll be interesting to see what is posted if it spurs anything.

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