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Everything posted by kai_desu

  1. kai_desu

    Dual screen, Ubuntu Gnome
  2. kai_desu

    It's definitely not a 100% effective way, sure. But it could be coupled with a wiki-like community management of content - Nothing intrusive, but something like... when you log in, a small box (NOT a popup) shows somewhere saying "Hey! You've scrobbled some tracks that we don't recognize. Mind helping us assign them to their rightful places?" that would direct them to a simple tool to select the artist, album, and track to be added. Now take that and times it by the thousands of people that used their service. You'd have a pretty well established artist/album/song library with a dedicated community behind it. Though in the end, it kinda boils down to Google-like AI and machine learning to truly make it smart enough to pick up on things (hell, could be coupled with using Google itself to anticipate releases for artists and pre-add them). My developer brain is starting to go off the rails now, so I'm going to end it with that.
  3. kai_desu

    I wish they fixed the way they detected artists/songs - it's blatantly really only geared for popular western music as they only go off the artist name tag - leaving communities like ourselves to resort to "hacks" such as tagging artist names in UTF-8 to give them their own "proper" profile. There's a lot of other things they could be going off of to distinguish artists that may share the same name - song titles, song lengths, album titles, etc. You query all this data together and you have yourself a unique hash in which you can determine the correct artist that should be scrobbled.
  4. kai_desu

    @Original Saku get a same sized second monitor! Fresh install of Ubuntu Gnome, with my custom built blog application on second screen.
  5. kai_desu

    I think I have all of you beat with my ultimate otaku desktop screenshots from 2004
  6. kai_desu

    Ubuntu 14.04-1 Gnome 3.12 Atom Dock Atom Shell Numix GTK Theme Numix Circle Icons INTERSTELLER Wallpaper [link]
  7. kai_desu

    That's how I roll!
  8. kai_desu

    Latest desktop while also working a bit on a project I started not too long ago.
  9. kai_desu

    This has nothing to do with Fox or any other news cast. It's simply a message being shared online (and is not the original source of the video - which I think should be apparent enough by the title alone - why would the original uploader refer to himself in the third-person as "black man").
  10. kai_desu

    You can also thank the media for highlighting events like this, because they know it will cause a shit storm allowing them to have higher ratings. If something happens to someone who is not white, they have to fucking HIGHLIGHT it like it's the reasoning behind the event. If the kid were white, it would have been reported as "local teen shot by police after a dispute" rather than "cop shoots unarmed white teen". Many others have already said it before, but this rioting is bullshit and is not an answer to anything. It's just an excuse for people to steal shit and cause mayhem due to what's called deindividuation and disinhibited behavior. Read about it.
  11. kai_desu

    mp3tag? Should check out puddletag for *nix.
  12. I don't see how this is funny in any way. This is sad, that two children became so delusional that they tried to kill another to summon something that only lived in their minds. Then again, this is nothing new and has been going on since the beginning of mankind. I hope they get the help they need mentally, as well as the girl who was stabbed to make a grand recovery.
  13. kai_desu

    I like the feature's that it brings, but it is drastically slower than ST - which can be tough at times (especially if you're trying to open a large file). It has great potential if they can work out the speed kinks - but at the same time it is understandable as it's built off of web technologies housed within a stripped down version of Google Chrome. Also I highly recommend http://www.laracasts.com - while it's geared towards Laravel, you also learn about some pretty important design patterns. There's also http://rebuildinglaravel.com/ which is another good read that also goes over some design patterns.
  14. kai_desu

    Just so you know, to get silver/platinum hair it's not just simply bleaching your hair - if you were simply bleaching it hoping to get it to silver/white (and I hope you were using a peroxide-based bleach), you were damaging the shit out of your hair. Even then though, it'll take your bleaching your hair 2 - 3 times over a short span to get it primed. I don't know the full details but my girlfriend had silver hair for a while - she used a purple toner in combination with the bleach, and had to put the purple toner in our conditioner (also, you can forget about actually shampooing your hair as it'll strip a lot of the color out). The roots had to be touched up about every two weeks or it'd look just off. In short, it's super high-maintenance and takes quite a bit of planning to pull off.
  15. kai_desu

    Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace Also, working on a little side-project for work. Laravel <3
  16. kai_desu

  17. Never fear dear citizen of the net! We have Google on our side! If anyone is having difficulty loading the forum after the server move, it simply means you need to clear your browsers cache and flush your local DNS records. Say wha? Flush DNS records!? It's easy. Just follow the steps here: http://www.liquidweb.com/kb/flush-dns-cache/ Close and re-open your browser, and you should be bathing in MH glory.
  18. kai_desu

    Finally I can not feel guilty about pre-ordering my PS4! The time is soon to come where I can actually use the beast (have second son (beaten it) and assassins creed currently). I look forward to E3 and whats shown off.
  19. Was in school for a BA in Computer Science. After my first year, I moved, and landed a job doing web development. So... never finished my degree as the job I have now is what I was aiming for (well, I was aiming for Google). Funny part is my first year I never took any CS-related classes (I'm entirely self-taught in what I do). They were all the core classes I needed for any of my CS classes (English, Math, etc.) I still want to go back and get my degree, as there are a lot of different fields I'm interested in besides web development. Machine learning, AI, solid foundation in C/C++, etc. Regardless of the field, there is always skillsets and knowledge you pick up that can be applied to other areas of CS.
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