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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/13 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    it is announced at 劇情テノール(gekijou tenor) one-man live at Shibuya REX at 2013/03/10 that their new album "Shall we dance?" will be released at 2013/08/07 (1,500yen) [track list] 01.全盲キャスト(zenmou cast)-ACT2- 02.Cinderella 03.美女と野獣(bijo to yajuu) 04.faraway 05.Lonely night, fearful night, so join us and smile 06.Pay more money!! 07.sukidayo 08.スキダヨ(sukidayo) 09.please dance again btw they will hold their 2-part one-man live at Shibuya RUIDO K2 at 2013/11/10 ♂一部【男声限定集中稽古-Beast-】 ♀二部【女声限定集中稽古-Beauty-】
  2. 1 point

    Resist new maxi single release

    it is announced at Resist live at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2013/03/08 that their new maxi single (title not yet finalized) will be released at 2013/06/05 (2 songs, 1,050yen)
  3. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    i hate it when you look at a word for so long it stops becoming a word and it just becomes sth weird
  4. 1 point
    after departure of Gt.和希(kazuki) at 2012/12/21, support Gt.政燮(seishou)(ex-BratNote) has officially joined PLUNKLOCK at 2013/03/12 http://www.plunklock.com/
  5. 1 point

    BugLug new singles & LIVE DVD release

    "R.I.P" "BUKIMI" "Live to Love" trailer could be watched through YouTube since 2013/03/10
  6. 1 point

    Non-Japanese Visual Bands

    What drives me up the wall with Western VK bands is no one seems to tweeze their eyebrows. It's like messy caterpillar across their face. I mean, if you're gonna try and be VK be prepared to shave off your eyebrows and pencil in some. It's a rite of passage if you're going to be VK. In any case, Maa sums it up perfectly. VK is full of a lot of cliches but if you're going to follow all the VK cliches for fuck sakes do it right. ...and do something with your eyebrows.
  7. 1 point

    the GazettE New Single, New DVD & New Album

    I think regardless if you like or hate it, you can't deny you're not curious and you will probably check out the releases. Gazette have this tendency to have samples that make you go "hmmm...maybe this won't be so bad". Sometimes its bad. Sometimes its good. Somtimes it amazing, but personally, I will follow Gazette to the grave so I'm super stoke for this!
  8. 1 point

    Current Band Obsession

    Im kind of Obsess with Royz right now xD because their TEARS album was F*** amazing!! and after i listen to it i love them even more now! lol
  9. 1 point

    Non-Japanese Visual Bands

    I often wish there was something like a visual band scene in my city. Not fantastic musicians who look like they stepped from magazines, but just generally some people who enjoy playing and attending that kind of live show. I'm pretty sure that once something like that exists the music will evolve by itself, become interesting and more than just a cheap weeaboo-copy of the original. For almost any other genre things work like that naturally. When british punk became popular in the 70s suddenly fans all over the world formed bands who tried to be like the sex pistols or whoever and in the beginnig they were propably not as good. they played anyway because it was fun. Just v-rock is different and somehow that is really sad. There are lots of international fans and many of them idolize some bandguy, many dress up 'visual' and actually look good, many even play an instrument... but only very, very few people go and form a band or at least support others who do so. And that is because the fans themselves suddenly have unrealistic standards when it comes to judging bands from their own country. Why shouldn't they sing in whatever language they want? Of course it's best if you actually understand what you're singing and in the end you won't get popular when your lyrics suck but... I've often heard people cover songs from another country and it sounded really good. or cute/funny when it wasn't so good. Same about the styling. Non-japanese people can look just as cool in this type of make-up/costume if they find the right style and develop the skills. But most people (especially guys of course) need some time to learn these things. Especially when there is no established scene in their country and they just can't go and ask a friend, like japanese bandmen starting out propably can. And about the nickname.. who cares, really. Sorry for the rant but damn. Where is the love and peace in music when it comes to this fandom.
  10. 1 point

    Non-Japanese Visual Bands

    Nobody cares about a german/swedish/brazilian etc. band singing in english and having an english name. A finnish band singing in Swedish doesn't even raise an eyebrow (see Finntroll). A german band singing in French would be considered curious, but they wouldn't get hated for it. An english band singing in Kiswahili would be considered exotic, but they wouldn't be hated for it. Only the japanese language is considered so sacrosanct by fans that it may never me used in lyrics by any gaijin band. Ever.
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