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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/13 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    BGM "THE NATURAL BORN SINNER" could be listened to through YouTube since 2013/05/11
  2. 1 point
    東京酒吐座(tokyo shoegazer) new album "turnaround" will be released at 2013/05/15 (2,000yen) [participating guest artists] ミヤ(miya) (MUCC) (mix engineer) 成田忍(narita shinobu) (4-D mode1) (supervisor, Gt.) Atsuo (Boris) (Dr.) イチカワマキコ(ichikawa makiko) (ex-COALTAR OF THE DEEPERS, now in BP.) (Vo.) 石井秀仁(ishii shuuji) (cali≠gari, GOATBED) (Vo.) 尾苗愛(onae ai) (禁断の多数決(kindan no tasuuketsu), POLTA, ROCKET K) (Vo.) miyu (ex-Royal Cabaret) (Vo.) 桜井青(sakurai ao) (cali≠gari, LAB.THE BASEMENT) (lyricist)
  3. 1 point

    TRANSLATIONS first mini album

    the teaser for mini album
  4. 1 point

    the GazettE's DIVISION

    After listening through the whole thing twice (which wasn't as easy as it sounds, but I will get to that later) I decided I'd drop a review here as well. All GazettE fans beware, this is not going to be pretty. DISC 1 Disc 1 actually started with a really good SE. It had a kind of dark atmosphere that reminded me of DIM's SE's and I suppose that's a good sign. Unfortunately the rest of the disc fell in its vain. Most tracks sound very similar to eachother, and it doesn't really help that you have two guitarists playing the exact same riffs which hardly creates a good melody. Hedoro had its moments (as a blatant HEADACHE MAN rip-off, that is) but the rest was forgettable. Still, it was nothing horrible on a TOXIC level and for that I have to somehow praise them, even though it's obvious they have no ideas left whatsoever. The bass and drums that should be carrying the rhythm don't do their job, as Reita is hardly audible on this entire album. Kai's drumming doesn't add much either. Also guys, there is something that you call "guitar tuning". Use it. 6/10 DISC 2 The main problem with this disc was me not being able to get through it twice. On an initial listen I thought some parts sounded cool, but when giving it my full attention I realized how incredibly bad this is. Reita skipped the recording sessions, there is no melody whatsoever because you have the two guitarists once again play the same riffs and the synth that could also help with the melody is just making random bleeps here and there. Add some autotune with that and you have yourselves something that was so bad that it didn't even make TOXIC. No matter how much they call this a DIM inspired disc, I don't hear it apart from the obnoxious heavy songs that have stolen parts from songs like OGRE and HEADACHE MAN (one of these tracks had the exact same breakdown as HEADACHE MAN had). The electronics do nothing to the songs but annoy me either and the autotune is just not well placed and very disturbing. 3/10 Overall: 4.5/10. I said everything there needs to be said. So that's why I'm now going to do a track-by-track review in gifs. Because I am bored like that and I have already given a long and plausible reason why I think this album was pretty damn bad. DISC 1 DEPTH 歪 籠の蛹 ヘドロ 影踏み 余韻 [DIPLOSOMIA] DISC 2 [XI] DERANGEMENT REQUIRED MALFUNCTION DRIPPING INSANITY ATTITUDE GABRIEL ON THE GALLOWS [MELT]
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