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  1. 1 point
    地獄絵(jigokue) live-limited CD "昏睡の針と蜘蛛の糸(konsui no hari to kumo no ito)" will be released at their live at Nishikujou BRAND NEW at 2013/05/23 and at 2013/07/05, which will include 4 songs from their demo tape released in 1997 (digital remastered)+3 bonus tracks+1 secret track [track list] 01.見世物箱 02.安楽死 03.鏡地獄 04.つむぎの糸 05.十二匹の腐乱犬 06.瓶詰めの記憶 07.うつろの針 08.逆回転の針
  2. 1 point

    METEOROID new single "BALLERINA" release

    it is announced at METEOROID presents live "Domestic Alien Vol.1" at Takadanobaba AREA at 2013/04/10 that their new single "BALLERINA" will be released at 2013/06/07 (1,000yen), which will include CD (1 song "BALLERINA")+DVD (including "BALLERINA" PV) and will be sold in advance at their presents live "Domestic Alien Vol.2" at Shibuya REX at 2013/06/06
  3. 1 point

    Hi everyone

    Nice to meet you! I'm new on this forum. I was surprised to find an active Jrock forum, since most places seem to be deserted... So I hope I'll be able to talk about music with many people here! I live in Belgium, and I'm currently a university student. The bands I like the most are Kagrra,; Nightmare, Kra, Bergerac and Plastic Tree. But I listen to many other bands, and I'm always looking for new bands to try out. I'm mostly active on tumblr as ponyindreamland. I translate Nightmare's tweets (sporadically) and I've also done some interviews and lyrics. I also have a fast.fm account but I haven't been using it for very long. Um, yeah, that's it I guess, if you have any questions, ask away! ^^ Please be nice to me~
  4. 1 point
    Probably the only Penicillin cover act I wouldn't find offensive.
  5. 1 point

    ROGUE new maxi single release

    "ARK" PV could be watched through YouTube
  6. 1 point
    Holy shit, a show hosted entirely by people with rad taste in music
  7. 1 point


    new PV has uploaded at youtube
  8. 1 point

    本業(hongyou) has re-formed

    Oh my god guys. OH. MY. GOD. Listen to this song right now. Do it. Did you do it? Aren't those the most fucking amazing vocals ever? Stanning this band sooooooooo damn hard.
  9. 1 point
    "Escalera" SET-LIST at 2013/04/01: 01.赤い靴 02.リーサ in the sky with strawberry eyes 03.カザネ 04.はしゃぐ街角 05.電気ブラン
  10. 1 point
    their new digital single "メルト(melt)" has been available for free download in their OHP since 2013/04/07 and up to 2013/04/28 their new maxi single "零(zero)" will be released at 2013/05/29 (1,575yen) [track list] 01.零(zero) 02.アントリッパー(untripper) 03.メルト(melt)
  11. 1 point

    Dir en grey - THE UNRAVELING

    I didn't like how Kyo sounded so lifeless during THE FINAL's chorus.
  12. 1 point

    Last Thing You Bought

    Bioshock: Infinite Ni no kuni
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