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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/13 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    SET-LIST at 2013/02/22: 01.夜曲 02.鏡 03.イミテヰション 04.デスコ 05.八十年代 06.ストロベリヰ 07.待つ女 08.鬼百合 09.人魚姫 10.火の鳥 11.バブル 12.告げ口 13.Ψ 14.無題 15.コスモ 16.鉄壁 EN1 01.溺れて 02.棘の海
  2. 1 point

    J-Rock Awards 2012 - THE RESULTS!

    Didn't know this could be the roots of drama. Some people just care too much.
  3. 1 point
    his solo live-limited single "Awork." has been available for ordering through Closet Child
  4. 1 point
    their LAST LIVE DVD will be released in early 2013 summer, which is planned to include the whole one-man live "Silence" (35 songs, 210 minutes) their best album will be also released in early 2013 summer, which will include their unreleased song "Nuit Blanche de L'aurore" (i.e. "White night of the aurora") btw translation of certain songs could be read through their blogspot http://9goats-eng.blogspot.com.es/2012/05/k-for-kanji-version.html
  5. 1 point

    TRUST new mini album "CrowN" release

    "失楽トランプ(shitsuraku trump)" PV spot could be watched through YouTube since 2013/02/24
  6. 1 point

    J-Rock Awards 2012 - THE RESULTS!

    It's funny that people don't vote and then complain about their favourite bands not winning. I can only repeat what I said last time: The margins in this poll are extremely small. That happens when a small number of people vote on a large number of bands. In the majority of cases it's only one vote that lies between winner and second place. In some cases, two votes overall were enough to make it into the ranks. So don't say "I don't vote because my vote doesn't change anything" - it does a lot in this poll. That being said, there is another thing I wanted to discuss: Participation in the voting has decreased from year to year. And it's not like there aren't enough people around. Which makes me think that the majority of people aren't particulary interested in this voting anymore. I'd surely be interested in running it again next year, but I wonder if it's worth the work. Plus, if it has even less participants, it will be hard to get any solid results at all. So I'd to ask: Is there anything we should change about the voting? Should we make it shorter or change some categories? Should the staff maybe pre-pick some artist for each category and then let you vote on it instead of having free categories? Should we raffle out some price to a random voter to encourage participation? Any other ideas to make more people interested in this again? Or should we just scrap the whole voting alltogether?
  7. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

    With my friend, Fanny, before going to the venue where the competition is being held.
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