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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/13 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Is liking VK a phase?

    Be careful here. Hindsight is 20/20. it's easy to say that the visual music from the 90's is better than today's music because only the best of the best have survived over time. I can guarantee you that there are just as many crappy visual kei bands now as there were then - there was just no outlet to hear about them. Many of these crappy bands have been lost to time, and some of the good ones too. It only seems different because the Internet allows us to find out about virtually any band that forms within the last few months. We are now barraged with more information than ever before. It's not the scene that's changed, but just your perception of it. And for the record, the whole "90's VK scene" was fraught with as many faux-goth bands then as the scene today is filled with metalcore bands that like electronic effects. It's a challenge to find good artists doing something different no matter what genre you listen to, no matter what time it comes from.
  2. 1 point
    ロットン(Rotten)(f.k.a. -dist-) has disbanded at 2013/02/17, as their members consider difficult to continue activities together after their various discussions for their differences in musical attitude and enthusiasm Vo.カナメ(kaname) & Dr.なお道(naomichi) have practically retired for band activities (at least no longer in musical "frontier") after then, Ba.TOKI will continue his musical activities in HeavensDust, and Gt.SIVA has expressed his intention to continue musical activities in the scene http://ameblo.jp/rotten-member/ Ba.TOKI blog & twitter: http://ameblo.jp/toki-bass-69/ http://twtr.jp/user/TOKI_BASSIST Gt.SIVA twitter: http://twtr.jp/user/SIVA_GUITARIST
  3. 1 point

    Is visual kei officially dead now?

  4. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

    me and my friend leigha at school today. i was cute
  5. 1 point

    Is liking VK a phase?

    I can't believe I didn't post here yet. Anyway, here's my take on the matter: Whether VK is just a phase is up to every individual. It also depends on what VK means to you, in some aspects. There are enough cases of people jumping from VK to K-Pop, totally abandoning the former. This is something I find very odd, because if you truly loved it for the music you wouldn't be able to make such a dramatic switch. So yes, for those people it's probably a phase. For the ones who like VK mostly because of the music are different cases. You can grow out of it in a way that your musical tastes develop in such manner that you won't see the appeal in most VK stuff you listened before anymore. I can honestly say that I stopped listening to almost 60% of the VK bands I used to listen to back when I just got into the scene. That doesn't mean it was a phase and that I'm over it now, but it just means that my musical tastes have developed and changed, and that most VK doesn't fit in there anymore. I still have some VK bands that I really enjoy listening to and that I still actively follow, the number has just decreased. Other people who develop musically might do that differently than I do and might still find VK more appealing than I did at that moment. So if I have to put it short: it depends on the person, basically. Saying it's a phase everybody gets out of is a bit close-minded.
  6. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

    Mreow! Aaaaaaand, to make my comment super pervy/messed up (cuz I don't want to double post)
  7. 1 point

    [selling] Vertex "Freeze" single

    I was thinking about putting this up on eBay, but that's a pain so hopefully someone here is interested! "Freeze" single from Vertex, just released. http://i604.photobucket.com/albums/tt13 ... vertex.jpg (cover art) In perfect condition, includes lyrics sheet. CD design is the same as the cover art (not just a CD-R kind of thing). 1000 yen, plus shipping from Japan (I can send by whatever method you prefer) and Paypal fees. Send me a message if interested or if you have any questions!
  8. 1 point

    SONG OF THE DAY! ^__^

    It's a real shame that Mastodons latest album among many fell victim to ruthless mastering, resulting in earfarting clipping-orgies beyond any (or behold even "good") taste. fortunately the live-recordings are great, i enjoyed this very much. the songs on "Hunter" are all really good afaik, can't listen to them tho
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