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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/13 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    JyuLie new maxi single "18禁(18kin)" will be released at their presents live "18禁(18kin)" at Ikebukuro CYBER at 2013/03/25 [track list] 01.19歳の春(19sai no haru) 02.夕暮れにリストカット(yuugure ni wrist-cut) 03.L.I.E http://ameblo.jp/fumikiyothemiejiesfive/
  2. 1 point

    PLUNKLOCK May 2013 in Europe

    I don't know whether we have to blame the financial crisis for only getting shitty indie bands all the time or if the organizers just pick bands because they're cheap, not thinking whatsoever of if they'll make profit and whether people actually like them. Perhaps a more famous band is more expensive, but perhaps there is a possibility to actually bring one if they saved all the expenses they're giving out on indie bands that no one wants to see anyway.
  3. 1 point

    brick break will resume activities?

    after being on hiatus at 2012/06/04, brick break will perform at Takadanobaba AREA at 2013/04/15...it appears that they will resume activities since then
  4. 1 point

    Last Thing You Bought

    Movies; Oldboy (blu-ray), I Saw The Devil (blu-ray) and Drive (dvd).
  5. 1 point
    Suits him well to be honest. Now he can have the whole stage for himself and his dramatic gestures without the fear of hitting a bandmate in the process.
  6. 1 point

    PLUNKLOCK May 2013 in Europe

    i'm so happy I could die ! I have exam in May but it's ok I won't go cause PLUNKLOCK is like HEAVEN before death ! JUST KIDDING PLUNKLOCK SUCKS, the bookers should be burn for bringing them in Europe instead of some other amazing bands that would certainly made them earn much more money ! I really don't know who decided to bring them, but please, if you read this, just watch at nowadays popular bands, and try to bring one, and not a random-unpopular-cute looking-crappy japanese band Thank you.
  7. 1 point

    UnsraW will officially disband

    is Kisaki their manager?
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