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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/13 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Suits him well to be honest. Now he can have the whole stage for himself and his dramatic gestures without the fear of hitting a bandmate in the process.
  2. 1 point

    Ru:natic member changes & new mini album

    Preview 精神欲求不安定(Dr.Nao)(Seishin Yokkyuu Fuantei)
  3. 1 point

    PLUNKLOCK May 2013 in Europe

    Flipping tables here, are they serious? What I don't get is that these promoters are worried about the scene dying, but then they keep bringing the same shitty indie bands (literally the same!) nobody cares about. Yeah of course no one is gonna show up... If it was a new shitty band I could deal with that but come on.. orochi, gunji and plunklock? Guess I'll be saving a lot of money this year.
  4. 1 point

    PLUNKLOCK May 2013 in Europe

    i'm so happy I could die ! I have exam in May but it's ok I won't go cause PLUNKLOCK is like HEAVEN before death ! JUST KIDDING PLUNKLOCK SUCKS, the bookers should be burn for bringing them in Europe instead of some other amazing bands that would certainly made them earn much more money ! I really don't know who decided to bring them, but please, if you read this, just watch at nowadays popular bands, and try to bring one, and not a random-unpopular-cute looking-crappy japanese band Thank you.
  5. 1 point

    ダウト(D=OUT) LIVE DVD release

    ダウト(D=OUT) LIVE DVD "The 5th Anniversary year「THE FINALE」紅!白!御祭り騒ぎ 2012年12月30日@国立代々木競技場第二体育館" will be released at 2013/04/24 (2 TYPE), which will include scene of their one-man live "The 5th Anniversary year「THE FINALE」紅!白!御祭り騒ぎ(kou! haku! omatsurisawagi)" at Kokuritsu Yoyogi Kyougijou Dainitaiikukan at 2012/12/30 limited edition-紅(kou)- (7,770yen) will include 2DVDs+booklet (20 pages) and will be in 3D sleeve case, and regular edition-白(haku)- (4,800yen) will include DVD only SET-LIST at 2012/12/30: 01.FESTA. 02.MUSIC NIPPON 03.全身全霊LIVES 04.SUNRISE 05.サテライトTV 06.POKER FACE 07.獄 08.中距離恋愛 09.CAT WALK 10.tears SE 11.バラ色の人生 12.ジュリアナ 13.DANCE NUMBER 14.BUDDHA COMPLEX 15.鬼門(強制終了) 「昔のLIVE映像流れ」 D=OUT乱入 16.平成バヴル 17.BAR夕暮れ 18.太刀風横丁 19.シャングリラ EN1 01.国道Blues線(演歌ver.) SE.れかちゃん可愛い「隣(第一)では女王(あゆ)が」 02.DOPING!! 03.あいするひと 04.刺青 05.花咲ビューティ 06.生にしがみつく EN2 01.鬼門
  6. 1 point
    NIGHTMARE | Madrid and/or Barcelona, Spain Megaromania | Madrid and/or Barcelona, Spain Vior gloire | Madrid and/or Barcelona, Spain Kiryu | Madrid and/or Barcelona, Spain Misaruka | Madrid and/or Barcelona, Spain Synk;yet | Madrid and/or Barcelona, Spain UNITE | Madrid and/or Barcelona, Spain
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