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ヒャクモノガタリ (100 Story) will go on hiatus

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ヒャクモノガタリ (100 Story) will go on hiatus after their live at 2018/10/11 as Vo.サトキ (Satoki) has been diagnosed with depression.







Edited by Alkaloid

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6 hours ago, The Piass said:

The reason is that the singer サトキ(Satoki) has been diagnosed with depression.


So is half of the population of the world nowadays.

I don't mean to disregard his pain (in case this is true, since many bandmen just lie about their reasons for leaving bands) but come on. This sounds like a lame excuse so we can sympathize with him and not get mad over him leaving the band. It also sounds very unlikely that a person that is struggling with depression to the point of leaving a band would still come up with a new look and tour for 1 more month, since it bothers him so much. Also, being an artist and meeting fans,no matter how little their fan base may be, is a great way to overcome depression so that he will feel useful and that people care about him, so yeah, I think it's time people stop using mental health as an excuse for letting others down.



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Didn't she say something about this a while back? Or am I thinking of someone else? Regardless, this is really disappointing. Here's hoping she can come back some day, I really love her voice.

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