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FoLLoW new maxi single "プラネタリウム(planetarium)" release

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perfect description of how your pointess posts appear to me :)

If you want... why is it so boring ? There are so many bands with the same sound :


LOG, ALIVE, the Raid., Royz, Resist, faice, LONDBOY, Sonic Death Monkey, BLaive, Codomo Dragon, Smileberry, RAVE, LUCHe., D'SKO, Avidit, Oneness, TRUST, REALies, Sick², Anfiel, Vell, EVE, should I continue ? That's why they are boring to me.

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If you want... why is it so boring ? There are so many bands with the same sound :


LOG, ALIVE, the Raid., Royz, Resist, faice, LONDBOY, Sonic Death Monkey, BLaive, Codomo Dragon, Smileberry, RAVE, LUCHe., D'SKO, Avidit, Oneness, TRUST, REALies, Sick², Anfiel, Vell, EVE, should I continue ? That's why they are boring to me.


hahaha EVE and the Codomo Dragon have the same sound? are you serious? and comparing SDM to Anfiel is akin to saying Chronosphere sounds like DEG. my humble suggestion is that if you want to be taken seriously, at least educate yourself about what these bands actually sound like before arbitrarily assembling a list of bands you know nothing about.


notwithstanding the factual inaccuracies, everyone in this forum is well aware that you obviously don't like certain kinds of sounds - which, in itself, is totally fine. but, please, stop going into every single thread of bands you don't like and saying 'boring' like a broken record. save yourself the trouble of posting stuff that people already have seen 354585 times, and ours of having to skip over the same inane posts again and again. we've already been doing that for the past 3 years and it's getting insufferable.



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"if you don't care, don't read"


If you don't care about my opinion why do you read it ? and why do you quoted it ? 


I have the right to say what I think if I argue (what I do). 


I was curious because all of you is "ooh it's so perfect" "oohh they are genius" so I wanted to listen it... and I found them extremely boring because there are soooo many pop electro (rock ?) bands doing the same music. Yeah, all of these bands are electro pop rock which means... the same sound.


I tried this band. I don't like. That's fine. End of the strory.

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"if you don't care, don't read"


If you don't care about my opinion why do you read it ? and why do you quoted it ?


lol @ the irony.



and I found them extremely boring because there are soooo many pop electro (rock ?) bands doing the same music. Yeah, all of these bands are electro pop rock which means... the same sound.


according to your impeccable logic every single painting in this world is the same because it's all about putting pigment on canvas.


look, we know you don't like electro vk or pop rock or soft rock. that is fine. but it gets old extremely quickly when you go into every thread of bands you don't like and repeat the same thing you've been saying for at least the past 3 years. we already get it. please imagine how it will be like if someone's constantly spamming threads of your favorite bands with posts such as yours and forcing you to read them. it's a habit that's tremendously annoying if not downright disrespectful.


i'd much rather use the thread space here to discuss FoLLoW and Masashi so i won't be responding to you anymore. to everyone else: sorry for the digression, let's go back to talking about the band.

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It seems like they will announce a new release this week. Masashi has stated that on twitter today!


yeah i saw masashi's tweet a few days ago mentioning that the new single will have 2 songs written by junsei and one by him!! can't wait :3

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yeah i saw masashi's tweet a few days ago mentioning that the new single will have 2 songs written by junsei and one by him!! can't wait :3


ah nice! I missed that tweet and was too lazy to search for it xDD

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