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Music consumption...odds and ends

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So I originally intended to post a simple status about this, but as I continued to type, I found myself burrowing a seemingly deeper rabbit hole.
There's a new album coming out that I'd like to hear (the new boris, but the band name is irrelevant), and it's already available to stream in it's entirety via NPR. I already know several people who have listened to the stream and yet I haven't been able to bring myself to do the same. So I stepped back and asked myself why? Here's an album that I'm most certainly interested in, and yet I choose to abstain from listening. My initial response was that "i'd wait until the album leaks" before I listen to it. And so I took another step back and asked myself, "why wait until it leaks?"
And now that I think about it, I DO feel a bit odd about waiting for an album to leak before listening to it (when said album is available to streem in full). I can understand a person waiting to obtain a physical copy and not listening to a leak, but waiting for a leak and not listening to a stream? I guess i'm still trying to wrap my head around this. I think this kind of behavior sheds some new light on how the dynamics of music comsumption has evolved, as the advent of streaming has added an entirely new dimension to things. This additional element has also allowed me to more clearly see that I really do view mp3s (leaks & so on) as property/something that I own.


(this issue is also somewhat related to the nocturnal bloodlust thread because streaming services have introduced a new aspect that also affects the music indsutry, aside from piracy)


I'm really just rambling here, but I suppose my questions for you all would be:


Do you partake in streaming music/make use of streaming services? How has this affected the way you consume music?


Do you all feel a certain sense of ownership over digital files (whether purchased or pirated)?


How would you describe your methods of music consumption?



As hinted at above, I haven't really found a place for streaming yet in my music consumption habits. I'd only find a stream useful if I planned to buy an album that I was certain would not leak and wanted to sample it. The bulk of my music purchases have been focused on releases that would be difficult or impossible to find online,so I guess you can say that my music consumption habits are steeped in pirate/music-trader ethics.


I do use 'google music' to stream my digital collection to my phone when i'm on the go, but essentially i'm still just making use of the files I bought/pirated - so there's still that vague sense of "ownership".


My apologies for the scattered/hazy post btw ^^;;

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I don't listen to streams of albums before they come out because they don't match with my listening habits. I have to be in a certain place at a certain time to catch the stream, and if I want to hear the entire album I have to allot time to do so. I don't have time for that. I also like to listen to new albums multiple times in one day to let all the different facets of the music sink in. I've never bothered to check a stream out, but the concept makes it seem like I get one shot to digest it and then I have to wait until the album leaks to try again.

Even if freely available before the release, I'd much rather listen to music on my own schedule. That is why I wait for album leaks.

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I've just imagined what will I do if I suddenly want to listen to band I've never listened to.

Well, for example Misaruka (their pvs creep me out so I never start listen to their stuff). They are available at streaming services.

But using streamin service is convenient only when I'm using PC, 'cause streming from mobile devices discharges battery fast and internet connection just dissapers sometimes or doesn't work at some places.

So I'll just try to find and dowload their releases.

Playing purchased or pirated music directly from your hdd or a portable player is simple and reliable.

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