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Everything posted by CloudyTree

  1. CloudyTree

    Ich klinke mich hier einfach mal kurz ein. Ich würde unglaublich gerne mal Alice Nine oder vistlip in Deutschland erleben, aber irgendwie hab ich da gerade nich viel Hoffnung... Ich glaube mit München hast du relativ gute Chancen was japanische Bands angeht. Viele stoppen da wenn sie eine EU-Tournee machen wie z.B. zuletzt the GazettE oder Born/Lycaon. Also ich bin jedenfalls neidisch auf euch, in die Nähe von Stuttgart kommt praktisch keine einzige Band...
  2. Sounds cool! Hope somebody can share it. Trailer:
  3. CloudyTree

    First: Great review paradoxal!! After the announcement of their new single and seeing their new look and website, I feared they would turn into one of these countless "Let's-throw-as-many-electronics-as-possible-in-our-music"-bands. But after hearing the first preview my doubts were blown away! Yes, 甘酸っぱいマンゴー is full of electronics, but GAK did a great job here. His programming pushs the song to a whole new level and harmonice great with the guitar riffs. Together with Keiyas great voice, an amazing song is created, which could be the trademark of this young band. 5/5 Hysteric Lady sounds more like a left-over of their Nexus-Era and reminds me of Dark Insanity. Nevertheless it's a cool song. It is much harder than the A-Side and a song which is live a lot of fun. 4/5 Just try this single, it's absolutly worth it!
  4. CloudyTree

    I liked their first single, so lets see if this one is good, too.
  5. I really like what I hear! Btw. Please... Could someone translate the lyrics?XD
  6. CloudyTree

    Look is pretty cool!
  7. CloudyTree

    I love this voice! Sounds definitely better than the original version!
  8. CloudyTree

    Yeah they look fantastic! Also the cover art looks like a big improvement compared to Punishment! Hope the music improves too, since I enjoyed only Forget All on their last single... But good to see them moving forward, despite the departure of Rui!
  9. Blown away by that cover art!
  10. CloudyTree

    It's definitely one of the best singles in VK I've ever heard! In the Sunlight is simply beautiful, great vocal work by Kou (all the praise he receives is justified) and I love it. 4/5 Namida no utagoe is for me the epitome of a great song, it's more complex than In the Sunlight, has a great yet unused melody, lovely backing vocals and shows again the great range of Kous voice. It is a bit more innovative than the A-Side and for me one of their best songs. 5/5 WHY is this single live-limited?
  11. That sounds really great and powerful! 甘酸っぱいマンゴー is damn catchy Can't wait for the release.
  12. Seems like they changed their style a bit. They look much brighter now and the cover art is ... interesting. I mean three boys, each one holding a mango, isn't something you see every day But, yeah this makes me just more excited for the single, cuz I have no idea what it will sound like
  13. CloudyTree

    Seems like they're growing fast now. Nice for them. Would love to hear an album announcement at one of these two one-mans!
  14. CloudyTree

    Samples are cool as expected. Think I will buy the limited.
  15. CloudyTree

    If there is a band I trust to comeback of a hiatus, it is Alice Nine! Looking forward to it!
  16. CloudyTree

    Sad news... Btw. I wonder what they want to say with "Departure of rise"...
  17. CloudyTree

    Despite all the hate for PSC: They made fucking good music under their management! But I'm interested in which direction they head now and hope also that they depart of Universial Music.
  18. Great! Would be interested in the B-Side too.
  19. CloudyTree

    Exactly what I thought! It sounds as if you would bring Patriot and Chronus together, which count for me to their best works 'til now ^^
  20. CloudyTree

    Full PV: Song is awesome!
  21. CloudyTree

    And I feared they would disband, because the live on 7/25 was the last on their schedule... Great that he recovered, hopefully it's a full one!
  22. CloudyTree

    Sounds interesting so far, especially FORGET ALL. I really liked The mask not dyeing, so I look forward to it. And it would be nice to hear a preview to "stillbirth" soon ^^
  23. CloudyTree

    Yay! [4] Period was awesome! Hope they deliver another one on this level!
  24. CloudyTree

    There is the PV of blessing rain! I have never seen a band, who has every song on CDs for a PV. Great respect! I miss the PV of Claire...
  25. CloudyTree

    Great! Hope it will be on Itunes... I know, it's unrealistic.
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