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Posts posted by Yukimoto

  1. totally sounds like a distrack which is kind of sad because I'm not sure who really did all the bad that happened but now a new label and everything seems fishy but yeah totally ragging on them. BUT it sounds amazing lololol. and it sounds like them I mean nothings really different besides his vocal style for this and the lack of a solo because Cazqui was awesome at that sort of thing.

  2. @Gesu Oh most definitely the act of wanting to just have sex with multiple people is not only in the black community. Japan has low  birth rates and people assume that Japanese people may go extinct but that doesn't mean they aren't having sex because a lot of people still have many partners and just do it as the thing they like to do without attaching a name to it. I also feel you on the wanting to date people that is your type and that's a good thing to have because that means that you still want what's best for you and that even though you may not know if you want love or not I think you do or you would just have sex with anyone. Even those that are attractive have sex with unattractive people or people that aren't there style because they just wanted to have sex so you aren't there yet. But all races are under the same boat it's just that some aren't outright saying it like others do.


    @Komorebi don't let it get you down that not many people are asexual but also sexuality is fluid and can change at any time I think. But don't let it deter you from making friends and if you really don't want to have sex then don't. Internet friends are totally cool too, but if you can meet those type of people online then you can most definitely meet the in real life. They probably are going through the same things you are, too. So something to bond over and really start a great relationship off of ^_^.


    @ghost most definitely the correct mind set to have honestly. It is totally true that you could always have sex but not everyone can say that they've only done with people worth it and not just as a fling! Keep doing you!

  3. @CAT5 I totally agree with you with everything you said and it's even that much more crazier when you move abroad and people's main focus for wanting to talk to you or meet you on chats or in person is just because they want to have sex with foreigners. Totally not anything I'm looking for so I stay clear but it is the driving force for why people want to meet you in a country you are not from, especially if it's dominated by only a single race and there is stereotypes too....


    But I feel like a majority of people are only after one thing and being abroad I felt it actually more than being at home. I mean to each their own but a majority of people don't want to put a label on anything and just want to have a lot of sex with a lot of people and may keep you around if you're good but don't want to move any farther then that. That does crate problems in the minds of others because they assume everyone is the same.  Based on my looks people just think I've had sex with a lot of random people and I'm like that is not true actually. That is not my thing but it creates so many different mind sets when people don't do it for love and only for lust. And then there is the act of finding someone who isn't like that which can be that much harder too. The likelihood of finding someone who just wants sex is way higher than finding someone who actually wants to care for you. The worlds so messed up in my opinion and lots of people don't care about how their actions can affect others and is just after personal gain.   

  4. 9 hours ago, patientZERO said:

    When I saw them a couple years ago at Soma, he pointed at me and said something about there being lots of gaijin in the crowd and then in English said "what's up guys, how's it going?"


    Hiro's the best!

    Haha nice! Well their lives are filled with foreigners anyway but when I went both times he kept his eye on me a lot and the first time he aimed a bottle at me lol and the second time i was kind of in the front for the live DVD that I'm sure won't come into existence because of the other members leaving lol

  5. 7 hours ago, Wakarimashita said:

    B-But there's barely any :< they're dropping their vk side release after release :<<

    True I don't mean like a lot but it's still subtle there just for maybe contour or it kind of looks that way from the pictures where he really had no make-up on. But there are also picture filters haha. Anywho he's still the hawtest person in the scene to me, with and without make-up ❤️


    Also, when I saw them live twice he kept staring at me and even tried to throw me stuff haha that's a bonus lol

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