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Everything posted by Yukimoto

  1. Yukimoto

    This song is really nice. Chanty always making magic
  2. Yukimoto

    WTF He's doing like the best music today!!!! Missed Ryu<3
  3. Hmmmmm I think maybe he tried to hard maybe? But I guess Ruki's voice is a lot deeper too. Not sure but yeah nothing like the GazettE version but it's always nice trying to cover bands ^^
  4. Yukimoto

    @Shaolan974 I'm guessing they had booked Ikebukuro a long time ago before Corona and now they are giving a link for those to request to get their money back.
  5. Yukimoto

    The PV AMAZING!!! The Song AMAZING!!!! Ya'll playing on that key change.... such a highlight for me lol. But for real if these actions were really in place in Japan it would be in a lot better shape right now ~_~. But that was quick thinking and works well with the song so good on the director!
  6. Yeah in asian culture, usually everyone is supposed to work for the same goal, pretty much follow the leader and if you deviate from that goal then you aren't a good person and you're against everyone else. so they use that saying of being selfish quite a lot in Japan for those who try to be different and it helps to keep everyone in line really.
  7. So simple and a lot is repeated yet one of the most beautiful things I've seen in some time. I love that he made this himself and how it came out. Surely a lot better then anything I could've done
  8. Yukimoto

    @returnal ahh ok. I'll have to try to find their releases then
  9. Yukimoto

    Gotcha! I'll try to see if I can gather them. Thanks!
  10. Yukimoto

    Interesting! I wonder if their is a disco of them somewhere. I need to check them out now.
  11. Yukimoto

    Who is this? reminds me of one of those old nostalgic songs like the band the novembers!!! Waiting to hear some more previews!
  12. Yukimoto

    The live version sounds that much more amazing
  13. I pretty much love everything they do but this was on a whole-other level!!1 Get it boys<3
  14. Yukimoto

    the vocalist is amazing haha. I really do love when they get into the furitsuke more and not look all unhappy in the videos
  15. Yukimoto

    LOL you should try living there first. I think most people have a perception of how things are in other places even though they've never been there. But it does have some fun culture things to learn about but people are very different from westerners all over Asia, not just Japan.
  16. Yukimoto

    Yeah they have like sexual parades in Japan and Japanese people easily do things in the nude and don't give a second thought about it so I wouldn't put it passed them.
  17. Yukimoto

    Japanese people probably wouldn't see it as a bad thing I think that's why. Showing your self to each other and touching each other is not really a bad thing there so that could be why he thought it was ok if I was to think about it in terms of that.
  18. Everything sounds so beautiful ;-;
  19. Yukimoto

    This was nice
  20. UGh I love this band so much! Such a cute song. Pretty Oshare-kei of them too haha
  21. Yukimoto

    Everything sounds amazing! Need this in my life.
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