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Everything posted by Yukimoto

  1. Yukimoto

    Why are the lyrics so basic but I loved it so much!!!!
  2. they sound amazing though for real! Got to go see them already haha
  3. Yukimoto

    It's been tooooo long! I missed these guys!
  4. Yukimoto

    there music is so amazing!
  5. Yukimoto

    This sounds amazing
  6. Yukimoto

    this sounds amazing! need this single!!
  7. Yukimoto

    @peffy I totally agree with you as well I mean if a bands singles all sound similar people don't enjoy it and if they like to try new things people don't enjoy it. Just do what your band wants to do and make yourselves happy. It is your project anyway. I loved everything they did BTW
  8. Yukimoto

  9. Yukimoto

    @The Piass "Shuugo" is for the group picture and the other "Kojin" is for the individual pictures.
  10. They sound amazing!
  11. Yukimoto

    sounds amazing!!!
  12. Yukimoto

    sounds so good!
  13. Yukimoto

    Sounds amazing and the vocals sound pretty similar to Kamijo. Loving it! But a different vibrato
  14. Yukimoto

    I'm so glad that he's back I must see him live!!!!
  15. Yukimoto

  16. Yukimoto

    This sounds amazing!!!!!
  17. And they both sound amazing like always! and a new Psycho Pass???? Like whatttttttt I love that show!
  18. Yukimoto

    @-NOVA- DOIT! I love me some Yuugiri and the original can not be beat at all. They even tried harder with the instrumentals but I thought it was too much. The original is by far miles above this hehe.
  19. Yukimoto

    @-NOVA- Haha I love me some Mao but Yuugiri did it way better. Did you ever hear the original? I also don't like the effects they used on his voice
  20. Yukimoto

    @-NOVA- this is really good too
  21. haha this sounds so amazing but the MV having that compilation of people getting hurt was hard to watch hahaha
  22. UGH they are just amazing!!
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