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Everything posted by Visutox

  1. Visutox

    After more than a decade, I finally found the time to watch the first X-Men trilogy and it was pretty cool. The three films were equally good without being transcendent. I can't pick up a favorite but the worst one might be the third. Not because it was bad but because it had some potential to be great and didn't do what I expected it to achieve. Such a pity. Still, I enjoyed my time. Also watched 君の名は (Your Name.), and I really loved that one. It's been a while since a movie had impressed me this much, it really was a touching story. Pretty well done and the characters were interesting, funny and really great. I'm definitely gonna recommend this movie to anyone that hasn't been able to watch it yet.
  2. Visutox

    Hate how depression never fails to say hi when nobody's around.
  3. Visutox

    I'm fucking finally done watching the last season of Dexter, and I was a bit skeptical since most of my friends were telling me about how the episode final sucked. Well, I don't agree at all. This is possibly the best finale the series could have wished for. I loved how it ended and it left me speechless. Not gonna say anything more than that in case a few of you didn't watched the series but hell, if you still haven't you must give it a go. One of my favorite TV shows ever. I'm happy I watched it.
  4. Really digging the song, can't wait. Also loving the album cover, another beauty artwork for 2017 and still going.
  5. Visutox

    Finally watched season 2 of Narcos and holy fuck, this is some bloody crazy shit. I loved every aspect of it and I would re-watch it again and again. This is how a well directed and produced tv show looks like, regardless of the accuracy of some historical facts (that Pablo's son been bitching about). First season was extraordinary and second season was simply just mind blowing. Now, I understand why the show has been renewed for a third and fourth season, but I find that the two first seasons could have been enough. Of course you won't see me complaining, but I hope this doesn't get uninteresting.
  6. New Morbid Angel song. I hate hyping shit up but this honestly sounds quite good, let's see if the album fulfills its promises.
  7. Linkin Park did it; they somehow managed to release the worst album of the year and also the worst of their discography. That is such a huge achievement to be fair. Hats off.

  8. Are they any different than in the previous album(s)? I'm being skeptical because of you, now.
  9. New Der Weg einer Freiheit album coming up this summer! Can't wait, Stellar was really amazing. One of the finest black metal acts out there. Album's titled "Finisterre". By the way, checked out the new Nokturnal Mortum album yesterday and I was blown away. I adore it.
  10. Had totally forgotten about it! Tomorrow's surely gonna be a great day.
  11. Visutox

    Reading. I literally can't stop and I'm glad about it since I've never been much of a reader so yeah, that's pretty positive! Btw, does music count? Nah, I'm messing around. /is out/
  12. Wondering if anyone on here is familiar with Michael Moorcock's works and could send me some suggestions? He's written a good number of sagas and I'm kind of lost right now. 

  13. Alright guys, as expected Schammasch announced a new EP to come out on the 9th of June. I'm quoting their post on Facebook: I just love how these guys keep experimenting and getting better with time, they're certainly one of my favorite bands and among the best in the extreme metal in the last years scene. I'm really curious on how the new EP will sound, the description of it is very interesting. My expectations for this new release can't be any higher, it's Schammasch after all. Triangle was, for me, the greatest thing I've listened in 2016 and this 30 seconds preview pisses me off because it sounds so fucking promising. I think you get it now: I'm. So. Fucking. Stoked.
  14. Shiiiit finally something new from these guys!! That's really some amazing news to wake up to. And I agree about their debut, feels somewhat short but that doesn't bother me personally. I enjoy as it is. And damn that teaser sounds really good, I'm truly looking forward to listen the whole thing because I'm confident this will be as solid as their debut (if not better). Also loving the artworks, look kind of minimalistic and that's pretty cool (like the one of their debut, which I prefer by the way). Now because of this I'll be spinning their debut like there's no tomorrow. It was about fucking time I'd be getting back to it. Yasss!
  15. My first impression of With Primeval Force is meh, pretty good but I need to give it more time maybe. The cover art is mind blowing though, absolutely stunning work! The embedded track sounds really good, will definitely keep an eye on these guys and I'm looking forward to check out this album. And yeah, beautiful cover art. Used to listen a lot to FFDP and I See Stars (more the first than the second) but I can't stand them now. A7X's latest album is truly great though, I keep coming back to it every once in a while and I really dig it. Btw, I really didn't like it the first time I gave it a go, but then it kept growing on me till I ended up enjoying it as I do now.
  16. Visutox

    Yep, there's already one on here: I used to listen a lot their debut album, and I'm still not over Rami's departure because I loved her vocals but shit happens I guess. It's been ages since the last time I listened a single song from the girls so I might as well catch up one of these days. And to me it's simple; if they don't identify themselves as VK then they're not VK. You'd say it's an easy argument but I'm not the type of person to dig into the details in order to tag bands like this or that (I suck at it).
  17. Visutox

    ^ I find the second half to be a lil bit weaker but nothing serious, it's really a fun album. I also love how DAMN. is 55 minutes long and doesn't seem so long, whilst To Pimp a Butterfly is longer and you can feel every minute of it. I don't mean that TPaB is boring but they're two different albums, they sound totally different. Also catching up with the latest Death Grips right now, it was about damn time!
  18. Visutox

    Has anyone listened Kendrick's new album yet? Wanted to know what the hype around it is all about and now I know, it's fucking dope.
  19. Visutox

    Discovered her music with Electra Heart, so that one has a sort of special spot in my heart. But The Family Jewels and FROOT are really good as well, and I enjoy listening to those as well. I remember when FROOT came out (the single) I couldn't stop spinning it, it's so good. I also listen to (but rarely) Beyoncé, last time was when I felt like coming back to Lemonade, which I thought was ok at first but then I ended up hugely disliking it. I don't know, I just fail to see the greatness of it (musically speaking).
  20. Visutox

    Episodes 1 and 2 (s3) of Black Mirror really fucked me up, the 2nd one especially. Holy shit. I hope I'll be able to watch the whole thing before heading to school.
  21. Visutox

    I enjoy listening to some Marina and the Diamonds when I'm on my pop mood. I also happen to spin Lana Del Rey (still have to check out Lust for Life though, there's been a lot of hype around it). And I hardly listen anything else than what I've mentioned. EDIT: Lust for Life is ok.
  22. Visutox

    Finished reading The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún, and gotta say that it was a good and interesting reading. I'm happy about it because I was a bit skeptical at first, as I said before, because I'm not very familiar with poems. But I really enjoyed reading this book, even though I had to get used to the Yoda writing style. The comments made by Christopher Tolkien are great and they give some interesting information about the Norse mythology, and some links there are between it and the Tolkien universe. Anyway, since a lot of friends and my brother have been telling me to read The Witcher, I considered it was time to do so. Finished reading the first chapter just now, and so far so good, I've gotta say. This is my first serious interaction with the saga (even though I remember starting The Witcher 2 on PC but dropping it immediately after because my config was deplorable), so I'm discovering Geralt and even though I can't judge a character based on a few pages out of a saga of seven books, I can say for now that he doesn't seem really badass for now. Will keep on reading and hoping to start appreciating him more.
  23. Visutox

    Since I had my reading of The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún by J. R. R. Tolkien on hold because of The Da Vinci Code (which I finished today and really appreciated reading, I definitely don't get all the hate and the criticism it received), I'm gonna resume my reading and try to enjoy it. I'm not very familiar with poems so this will be quite a good exercise in order to get used to them and try to appreciate them.
  24. Visutox

    Finished watching season 2 of Utopia and now I'm wondering how the fuck did that show get cancelled? It's a fucking masterpiece and it makes me angry that tons of shitty tv shows get renewed for more and more seasons but shows such as Utopia get cancelled like this. Fuck, dude. Easily one of the best series I've ever watched. I also regret watching it because now I think I'm going to die of frustration one of these days, knowing what the episode finale implied. Season 3 would've been even crazier.
  25. Visutox

    Started reading The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, I'm really enjoying it so far.
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