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Posts posted by allisapp

  1. bakteeri


    This is too sad for me. 8( I read that one time, and now I don't dare to read it second time, because last time I wasn't that... dry...

    But may I say one thing fast, Daisuke was one of my role model (one of the four) and this was first time that I REALLY cried for someone who I don't know personally. But may he rest in peace in our minds. 8)

  2. ^ Don't forget Kiyoharu! 8DD

    But yeah, Miyavi is also someone who I don't like. Actually, only one thing what I like about him, is his tattoos!

    One of the reasons why I don't like someone, is because their imago in media. So usually I select someone who's worth of liking --- which is really stupid thing about me, I admit.

  3. Hmm, I think that I would still listen these band which I still do; System of a Down, (old) Metallica, Kotiteollisuus, Marilyn Manson and finnish "classic-bands", which are band like Eppu Normaali, Dingo, Leevi and the Leavings etc. But yeah, I think that my music taste wouldn't have changed much, because I've always liked same kind of bands. (Because of my brother, who civilize western bands to me)

  4. [off] Not trying to start anything, but I must say that as I think that X Japan is ok band, but I hate hide. I don't likedhis imago, style and so on. He is as a person something what I haven't never liked. This may sound stupid to Taiji-fans, but I've always liked Heath istead of... everyone. He's only one whos solo I've listened (Okay, I had hide's solo albums at computer, but it was years ago.) and he's the one who I admire. But go on. \o/ [/off]

    And the band which I haven't never liked: An Cafe. I haven't never liked this kind of music, and I think that it doesn't change in the future, too. Actually, An Cafe is not my first j-rock band, which is really rare now. (I think?) But yeah, I don't like them, sorry.

  5. Damn, I've always known that my luck is bad, but it's THIS bad?

    I missed the train, because my key got stuck in bike's lock. Then I tried to get it from there by violence, which led to split key. I ran to home, took my spare key and again I was running.

    And then... I missed the train because of that damn 10m. I was just outside the rain, when it continued its journey.


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