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Posts posted by allisapp

  1. I was sever years old, when I realized, that I needed an email-address. So, me and my brother thought and thought, when my brother yelled "Aha!" And pointed his finger to mousepad. I was like ooookay, you're weird, NO! But then I noticed the text at mousepad, and started to change it Alsop --> Allisapp.

    And here we are, username has been under my "caress" for a nine years.

  2. [off]I just came with a band-idea... but it's from... western. :--D

    Vocals; Chuck Norris

    And because it's Chuck Norris, we don't need any crap players with him, because he does them - without an instrument. Actually - Chuck Norris doesn't sing at all, the chair where he is sitting, sings for him.

    I'm so funny that I almost died from laughing so much ? ... or not[/off]

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