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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    Finished Making a Murderer today. An incredibly interesting but very flawed documentary-series about the murder of Teresa Halbach by Steven Avery and his nephew Brendan Dassey. The documentary is a bit too black & white for me and is very much one-sided, which is quite a shame. But other than that it's a well-made and superbly edited documentary about a very engaging and interesting case. Worth a look for sure. The most shocking thing here is the treatment of Brendan Dassey, a teenager who's clearly not very intelligent and who clearly doesn't fully understand the situation he is in. The treatment of this, to some degree I'd guess, autistic boy is quite disgusting to be honest. He was never given a fair chance, and it just shows how awful the justice system can actually be. The facts about Brendan's defense attorney and defense attorney's hired investigator might be the most shocking thing I've ever seen. This is like taken straight outta a poorly written Law & Order episode or something. How the fucking fuck can that shit be real? Christ almight, what the actual fuck?
  2. Bear

    They've actually gone on for almost 30 years now. They formed in 1990 and put out two demos hat year. I honestly think they'll call the quits after the next album, at least as a studio band. Maybe we'll see some EPs, spesial compilations and so on after that, but I do not think we'll get another four albums, and I don't think Mirai will start on a new round of S I G H unless he knows he can finish it. I have no idea, I just expect them to build further on the sound of Graveward, like they did with Scenes From Hell which built futher onto what they started with Hangmans Hymn.
  3. Bear

    Harry Brown - A good old-fashioned revenge flick that lies somewhere inbetween Death Wish and Gran Torino. The film stars Michael Caine, a man that did films such as these so very, very well back in the old days. It's a debut feature from a new director and a good debut it is. It's well-acted and nicely shot, and the setting is cold, hard and brutal. If you're a Game of Thrones fan you'll spot a few familiar faces as well. Iain Glen, Liam Cunningham, David Bradley and Forbes KB all appear in this.
  4. Since Germany have a huge black/thrash/speed metal scene at the moment I'll go on recommend a few more bands: Black/speed metal with Irön Kommander/As A. Axetinctör (Vulture) and Genözider (Quintessenz, Vulture). These guys sound like the bastard child of Venom, Motörhead and Bathory. Pretty cool band. These guys are split up now, but it's one of the previous bands of Genözider. Black/thrash with lots of Bathory, Venom, Hellhammer and so on in the sound. Some nice heavy metal influences too. More black/speed metal, and if you're familiar with black metal you should notice the Venom reference in the name, which is quite obviously an inspiration. But there's elements of Bathory and so on as well. Really cool and catchy black/thrash metal with some nice heavy metal influences. Very nice and rocking stuff. And one Italian: Black speeding metal with the usual influences. Bathory, Venom, Nifelheim, Sabbat and so on. This one is truly great.
  5. I'm almost embarrassed to admit this, but I actually like the two super cheap, cheesy Diabolic Night covers, as well as the ones that actually good. They're absolute shit, but very chaming and I feel like they totally match his overall image and 80's feeling. It just matches really well IMO. That's a great pic too, btw.
  6. You're not gonna check out Nuctemeron and Diabolic Night? These two bands are great.
  7. I've got some German gold for you fucks: Classic sounding occult heavy metal from Genözider (Quintessenz, Bulldozing Bastard, Vulture) and Steeler (Hellhunt, Vulture). This sounds like it was released in 1986. For fans of Mercyful Fate, first King Diamond, Hell, Angel Witch and so on. Black speeding metal hell with a heavy mid-1980's feeling to it. Think Bathory, Running Wild, Venom, Evil Blood, Sabbat and more. Speed metal massacre in the vein of Ranger, Razor, Exciter and more from Genözider (Quintessenz, Bulldozing Bastard, Vulture), Steeler (Hellhunt, Vulture) and Axetinctör (Bulldozing Bastard). It's got a classic feeling to it, and speed is the key here. Speed kills! Black speed metal hell in the vein of early Sodom, Deathhammer and more. This shit is awesome and sounds like 1986, which is a good thing. Total fucking war! New track from Genözider's Quintessenz. Total 80's black metal worship, but this sounds less Hellhammer and Bathory and more Mercyful Fate and Angel Witch then the previous stuff. The first demo is a modern classic and the EP is great, but the debut album was a bit disappointing. This however sounds top notch!
  8. Bear

    Samurai Cop - I felt like finally watching the recently made sequel to this god damn masterpiece and decided I had to rewatch this again. Samurai Cop, starring Mathew Karedas/Matt Hannon and Mark Frazer, neither actual actors, as well as people like Robert Z'Dar, Melissa Moore and Gerald Okamura, is an early 90's action film that's gained a proper cult status over the years. Why? Because everything about it is so fucking bad. The script sucks, the actors suck, the director suck, the action sucks, the dialogue sucks and so on, but all in a great way. It's so bad and so cheesy, and so fucking entertaining. A sleazy, womanizing cop, a Japanese gang called Katana wich consists mainly of white guys, a shit partner and so on. Fantastic film! Superb trash. Samurai Cop 2: Deadly Vengeance - Gregory Hatanaka, founder of the distrubution company Cinema Epoch who specialices in asian cult films, desides to brush the dust away from the legendary Samurai Cop and makes a sequel, 25 years after the first one was released. Mathew Karedas/Matt Hannon and Mark Frazer reprices their roles, as well as Cranston Komuro and Gerald Okamura, and the film starts off really well. The first few shots in the film is actually really good looking and gets my hopes up sky high, but as the film goes on I get more and more disappointed. Unlike the first one, which is just awful from A to Z, this has a few great moments, but Gregory Hatanaka's use to cheap CGI (lots of CGI blood!!!) sucks, and the film just gets too absurd as it goes it. It doesn't feel very natural at all, it tries too hard to live up to the legacy of the first one. It just tried too hard to be bad, and that's Hatanaka's big mistake here, aside from the CGI blood which is the worst. Decent, but not as good-bad as I had hoped. Tommy Wiseau (The Room) has a big role too, and Bai Ling is great. Did really well for her role.
  9. Yeah, I understand. Thos type of films ain't for anyone, but my point was merly that horror is a very varied genre and can be a lot of different things. It's probably the most varied genre we have as far as film goes and that might have a lot to do with the popularity of the genre.
  10. But horror can be a lot more than just ghosts and scary shit, though. Not all horror films try to be disgusting, scary or anything like that. Warm Bodies is a romantic horror comedy that's sweet and heartwarming, Frankenweenie is an animated horror comedy that's just really sweet and fun, Tucker and Dale vs. Evil is a horror comedy that is all about crazyness and fun, giallos (the genre) that is murder-mysteries, very closely up to thrillers and so on. Horror is just not all about scares and gore. Not at all. You have everything from romantic horror films to action-horror to mystery-horror to body-horror, torture porn, psychological horror and on and on and on, and it's a lot of different approaches to the genre.
  11. I understand what you mean, but I don't agree. Animation is, as I've already stated, a medium and it can cover every single genre in the world of cinema, from action and crime tocomedy, horror and porn. The term animation isn't used to describe the genre of the film, but the artform and it's an easy way to seperate live-action flicks and animation. And you'd be right in calling Porco Rosso an animated adventure film, but it's only the "adventure" part that tells anything about the genre. Animated is only used to seperate it from liveaction films, or just to tell you to some degree the techniques used in making this film. As for war, it's a genre for sure, and a genre that is all about giving you a feeling of war. Historical film could also be seen as a genre I guess, but it's not a well-defined genre at all as it can cover a lot of genres. But a historical film could be anything from a drama and an action flick, like e.g wuxia. So it's a very vague genre in many ways, and more often than not I see people either combine it with another genre (historical drama, historical war film) or just use a subgenre, Jidaigeki, costume drama, period drama and so on. But I guess we can just call this nitpicking. Never mind me and go on, guys.
  12. Bear

    This is one of my favourite games in newer time. I think it's absolutely brilliant, and everything from the gameplay, visual style and music reminds me of times when gaming was a lot better than it is today. I cannot explain just how much I love this game. 100% my cup of tea. My only complains is that I found it a bit too easy and I didn't die much at all, but other than that it was an excellent game!
  13. Bear

    Siren Blood Curse is a very good game IMO, and horror the way horror should be. Great, frightening atmosphere, which is a serious scarce in the world of horror games. Creators of such games often seem to misunderstand what horror is and should be all about, and what it is that actually makes horror games work. The two first Silent Hill games, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Siren Blood Curse, Slender: The Eight Pages, that's what horror games should be like. They are all atmosphere-based games, and great games as well.
  14. Bear

    SPL 2: A Time for Consequences - Pou-Soi Cheang's sequel to Wilson Yip's SPL: Kill Zone isn't really a sequel at all. Other than the title SPL and a few actors (who return but with different characters) there's nothing here that screams SPL. I consider SPL: Kill Zone, with Donnie Yen, Sammo Hung, Simon Yam and Simon Yam a true masterpiece of modern Hong Kong/martial arts cinema, so it's not an film that's easy to follow-up. So how does it? Well, let me tell you. Neither Donnie Yen nor Sammo Hung returns, but instead they've gotten modern martial arts beast Tony Jaa, Jin Zhang and Louis Koo, with Simon Yam and Jing Wu returning. In other words they've got themself a real good cast who perform really well. Tony Jaa is badass as usual, but he's no Donnie Yen. They tend to cut his scenes a bit too much, but he's badass and his fights are always entertaining. The action itself isn't quite as good and a few moves which is so very much out of place and looks fucked up, nor is the story as good. There's too many subplots, and they should've rather cut a couple of them and given more focus to the other subplots. But I was very much entertained. The film is cool as fuck! THere's a few insane fights, though. Brilliant choreography and execution. Hardcore as fuck.
  15. The last guy looked so out of place on the individual pictures. He looks awful as well. Kyo however looks very cool for a change. Looks like some badass from a cheap, Italian 80's trash film.
  16. Bear

    The Black Room - Mystery-horror with a brilliant Boris Karloff in a duel-role as a pair of twins, which means he gets plenty screentime which is fantastic. What an actor! It's very well-acted from everyone, superbly told and beautifully shot with striking cinematography that's sure to make your mouth water up. But Boris Karloff is half the fun here, and this is easily among his best performances. Top 5 for sure, which says quite a lot. The Walking Dead - Another mid-30's horror flick with Boris Karloff, who delivers as usual. He's fantastic here, especially for the second half of the film. As creepy as he is good. I really liked this film, but as much as I liked this film I actually ended up being a bit disappointed by the end. It's directed by genius Michael Curtiz (The Adventures of Robin Hood, Captain Blood, Casablanca, White Christmas), so my expectations went straight through the roof. The film is great, but with a filmography like that I couldn't help getting my expectations up, and it didn't live up to those. However, I still rate it 8/10 though, so you could say I reallyy did like it. Boris Karloff once again steals the show and he's 90% of the fun here. Legend!
  17. Bear

    I thought this was one of the best episodes of the series so far. Shit's getting real, and it was really nice and intense throughout. Hodor, though. Always liked him a lot.
  18. I disagree with Salems Lott being a full on glam metal band. And the reason is simple: they play a type of music that doesn't fall in under that term. There's elements of the traditional glam metal sound in their music here and there, but they fall a lot closer to the heavy/speed/power metal of bands such as X Japan, Aion, Harkenkreuz and Rosenfeld, and of course bands such as Accept, Loudness and more. You gotta remember that glam is about more than just having big hair and flashy clothes. To be a glam band you also gotta play a type of music that fits in with the genre, and Salems Lott simply isn't doing that. Visualy I also think they look more like X Japan, Rosenfeld, Harkenkreuz and so on, than any traditional glam bands IMO.
  19. Bear

    Pulgasari - North-Korean kaiju by a South-Korean director. Does that sound insane? Well, it is. It's a story that is as bizarre as it is fascinating. Eight years prior to this film Kim Jong-il, a massive movie fan at the time supposedly with over 15-20k film in his library, ordered South-Korean master-director Shin Sang-ok and actor Chong Gon Jo kidnapped. The reason? Kim Jong-il wanted North-Korea to be known for making great films, and as Shin Sang-ok was the hottest director in Korea at the time it was an easy choice. As far as I know he made somethin glike 7 propaganda films before making this, and all were of course produced by Kim Jong-il who also approved of ideas and stuff. The first seven films also starred Chong Gon Jo, but his last North-Korean film, Pulgasari, did not. The story behind this film has made it cult, but it has more than a fascinating backstory. Pulgasari is a fairly standard, but well-executed kaiju film heavily inspired by Godzilla as Kim Jong-il was a massive fan. They even flew in Duk Ho Kim and Teruyoshi Nakano, known for their special effects on a lot of kaiju films like the 70's Godzilla films and more. While cheap-looking, the special effects does the job, the actors are mostly on par or good and the story, as silly as it is, really engages me. A fun film! No, it's more than fun. It's great, despite all of its flaws.
  20. Bear

    I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle - With a title like that you'll expect something silly, over the top and cheesy as fuck, and I think they manage to make a film like that. It's as low-budget as it's stupid, but it's an incredibly fun horror comedy with a funny premise and good execution. Pure fun! He Never Died - Totally unpredictable, almost insane black horror comedy with none other than Henry Rollins of Black Flag in the lead, and he does a brilliant job. The script isn't too funny, but the script along with Rollins' delivery makes it real fun. He's spot on every single time he spit out something fun, which is quite often. The plot and characters is lacking, they truly are, but Henry Rollins simply makes up for it. He's excellent! Really liked He Never Died and I'll say something as bold as fuck: He Never Died is as good as Henry Rollins is cool.
  21. Bear

    Still working on the H album. Hellz yeah!
  22. Horror- and action-(martial arts to be more specific)films, easily. Not sure why animation is included though. It's not exactly a genre, it's an artform/medium/technique used to make a film that will belong to a proper genre. Akira is a science fiction film. Frankenweenie is a horror film. Porco Rosso is an adventure film. From Up on Poppy Hill is a drama film. And so on. They're all animated, but that's not their genre.
  23. Bear

    This song is just too fucking good. Catchy as fuck, and Tinie's flow is exceptional for being such a modern poppy rapper.
  24. Bear

    I loved the shit out of Drake's Fortune and Among Thieves, but I could never get into Drake's Deception and used way too long to finish it. Could barely do it. Got so fucking bored of it. The gameplay were never this series strong side, but the first two games just had a brilliant atmosphere, a great story and a fantastic setting that totally got to me, but I thought Drake's Deception just lacked that. It was just more of the same but without the fantastic elements that made the two first games work so good. Such a shame. I think Among Thieves is miles ahead of the other two games, with Drake's Fortune as a good #2.
  25. Bear

    I always liked the costume quite a lot. Fantastic film! I love how clever and self-aware the film as a whole is, but without losing the horror of it all. Clever, but very dangerous and witty at the same time. You gotta watch the sequels too. The second and fourth are great too.
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