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Everything posted by Bear

  1. When at Inferno the friend I lived with was in a total post-punk/goth rock mood and played She Past Away on repeat for four days. We started and ended our days with She Past Away. Truly excellent stuff. Digging the shit out of them right now. https://shepastawayofficial.bandcamp.com/album/belirdi-gece-2 Can someone recommend me something similar to this?
  2. Bear

    Nice, that sounds very cool Jiggy. I need to check his shit out. Been listening to a lot of hip ho lately. Mainly old Wu-Tang Clan, Gravediggaz, Gza's Liquid Swords, and the first few albums by acts such as Eric B. & Rakim, Digital Underground, A Tribe Called Quest, Public Enemy, The Pharcyde, De La Soul, Boogie Down Productions, AZ and The D.O.C. Been having a lot of these albums on repeat for a long period of time now. Golden stuff! I think I'm one of few, but I prefer Follow the Leader to Paid in Full. I think both the production and especially Rakim's rapping is improved on Follow the Leader. Rakim's found his own style and a proper flow on Follow the Leader, a thing I think lacked on their debut, Paid in Full. I still love the shit out of Paid In Full, though. That has to be said.
  3. Bear

    Started on Daredevil season 2 today and four episodes in I'm shocked by how good this is. Story-wise it doesn't seem to be quite as good as the first season, but action-wise it's already been much better. Some really spectacular and very un-american action-scenes, just as in the first. But it feels much more brutal, much darker and a lot more playful. That corridor/stairwell scene in episode three was just too good. That shit is just too good. I think I watched that video something like 15 times after I finished the episode. That's something you expect to see in asian martial arts films, not american superhero series. Breathtaking!
  4. Listening to Jumalten aika, Moonsorrow's new album, as we speak, and this sounds truly exceptional. It sounds a lot less traditional folky and viking-esque than their previous album, the good but disappointing Varjoina kuljemme kuolleiden maassa, which again had more in commong with the albums before Verisäkeet. It's way more progressive and a lot darker and with much more emphasis on the black metal, but not quite as much as Verisäkeet or V: Hävitetty. It feels more like the natural follow-up to Tulimyrsky, continuing the dark, blac and progressive pagan metal of these three releases, rather than the folky viking metal of the pre-Verisäkeet albums. So far I'm very, very impressed.
  5. Bear

    Trash - A beautifully shot and well-acted adventure-thriller by Stephen Daldry, but it's way too long and feels a bit all over the place where the director is not quite sure how he wants the film to play out. And the cop-characters was awful. Terminator, yes? Fucking hell, he was so badly written. But on the positive side the three young leads are all excellent, as well as their characters being very good. Sadly they're not fleshed-out enough. They aren't given enough meat on the body, which truly is a shame. And I wish there was more about either the lives of the three young boys or the corruption itself. Never do we get to know enough about either of these sides, which is what truly lets this film down. Decent enough, but not a masterpiece or anything.
  6. Bear

    Tricked: The Documentary - A decent documentary about postitution, focusing mainly on underaged prostitutes and offers a few good interviews with cops, pimps, (former) prostitutes, journalists and johns. It's a fairly dark documentary dealing with a subject that is a lot darker than what way too many people think, and it offers a horrifying look into the world of prostitution. But at 70 minutes it's way too short, and it doesn't go far enough into the depth of the sex industry and what's behind all of it, nor does it mention things like poverty, lack of parental insight, childhood damage and low self-esteem. It doesn't get into this. It only tells us that all prostitutes are forced into it by black men who will pretend to be their boyfriend before turning bad on them, which is way too black/white. But I am not a fan of how the movie portray the johns though. You have a lot of bad johns who goes out looking for underaged prostitutes and who doesn't give a fuck about how these girls are treated. But all johns aren't as bad as this film make 'em out to be. People have different reasons for paying for sex, but this film portrays it as if all buyers are the exact same. Not impressed by that. Nor am I a fan of how they make it look like it only exist black pimps. Yeah, maybe there's a lot more black pimps than pimps of other ethnicities, but still. Meh. It also comes off as very biased. I prefer my documentaries to be as neutral as possible, but this one isn't at all. Which means there's a lot of information lost because it only focus on one thing. I do like how it goes into how a lot of prostitution is just modern slavery, though. Which is a very sad fact. But at the end of the day I'd rather watch Whore's Glory which is a lot better film in every way possible. It lacks the pimp-side of it all, but there we meet different type of prostitutes, different type of individuals. It's not such a black/white documentary. A 6/10 type documentary. Should get a sequel where it focus on a different angle of it all.
  7. Bear

    I'm not a fan of posting pictures off the internet, but my own pictures turned out so fucking awful I decided to just delete them and use the official pictures for the merch for a chance. Recieved these today: One Sigh - Scorn Defeat hoodie and two tshirts.
  8. Bear

    Heroes Shed No Tears - A really nice and colorful, both as far as costumes, general visuals and characters goes, wuxia by Chor Yuen. As with a lot of his wuxias, especially The Sentimental Swordsman-trilogy and both Clan of Amazons and its sequel The Duel of the Century it's a rather complex film that always moves forward and introduces a lot of different characters as the film goes on. If you don't pay 100% attention you'll easily get frustrated because you won't now how this and who that are. Chor Yuen has an eye for visuals and the film's sets and costumes looks beutiful and the entire film is beautifully shot as well. It's got a great cast and lots of fantastic characters, and no matter how big or small they all seem very real. None, not the hero, not the villain(s), not anyone, comes off as black or white. They're carefully crafted characters with a range og emotions and reasons. You never know what they might do or what turn they'll take next. Not Chor Yuen's best wuxia, but very good nonetheless.
  9. Bear

    Just finished the two last episodes of Black Sails eason 3 myself, but I can not disagree with you anymore. Some spilers ahead: It's gonna be a long wait till season 4. Good thing there's coming more Game of Thrones, Better Call Saul and Daredevil (not seen these two yet), as well as upcoming series with Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Defenders and more in the meantime. Shieeeeeeeet!
  10. Got back home early today. Jesus christ, my body is wrecked but as usual it's been totally worth it. I think I missed out on two bands I wanted to see, but that shit always happens when it's a festival. A short summary: Wednesday: Gorguts kicked off Inferno for me and my friends, and what an awful gig. None in our company, no matter if we don't get the band, like a couple of albums or adore the band liked the gig. We all really disliked it and just had to leave. 2/10 Hetroertzen looked like they were onto something but the sound was just awful, so we left halfway into the gig. They've been under heavy critizism in the past for goinf with this weird-as-fuck image, but to my huge disappointment they went for a plain and standard black metal look this time. No fairy-shit. 4/10 Exodus ended the evening for us and was superb. A nice setlist, good sound and a fantastic energy you just had to love. Very good gig! 9/10 Exodus: Thursday: Vader was already well into their set when we arrived, which sucked because the 20-25 minutes we saw was very good. The sound was good, the band looked like they had plenty fun and it was all good. 8/10 Marduk was our next band out and they did well. Played a surprisingly slow setlist wich obviously made it a lot easier for the sound guy to fix the sound, but I was let down by the bass drums. They sounded awfully triggered to my ears and ruined a lot of the experience for me. Everything else was good, though. 7/10 Cattle Decapitation I've already written about, and they were the big surprise of this years Inferno. A god damn fantastic gig is what they delivered. I'm not a fan, but live they were completely different live than on record. Less brutal and much more controlled, yet heavy and brutal as fuck. Great energy too! Kudos to the guitarist for his awesome playing style and fucking ridiculous haircut. 8/10 Mysticum is the band of the year for sure. What a set-up, what a light-show, what a gig! So simple, yet so massive and unique. Concerts simply doesn't get much better than this. Perfect! I'll also add that the band got a small fee to play at Inferno, but they actually went as far as to spend a big amount of money from their own pockets to get the rig they used for the show. It cost a lot more money than they got. Respect! 10/10 Mysticum: Friday: Sodom was, like Vader the previous day, halfway into their set when we arrived, but the 20-25 minutes we saw was very cool. A tad too modern for my taste, especially oldies like Blasphemer and Sodomy and Lust (which they started right when we arrived) was too god damn modern. They just didn't play them the way they should be played, which is a shame. But a cover of Motorhead's Iron Fist with Abbath on vocals were fantastic and totally made up for it. 7/10 Suffocation started out OK, but I am not a big fan and after a couple of songs it felt like they were just repeating the two same songs over and over again. Got tired after a couple of songs and had to struggle not to go hanf myself. 3/10 Craft was alright, but they're not exactly a fantastic live band and the vocalist looked like he had the shittiest time of his life. He did not look like he was were he wanted to be, nor like he enjoy playing life. But Demonspeed and Fuck the Universe really rocked. 6/10 Nile headlined this day and played for 90 fucking minutes. It was godawful! The bass drums were the worst of Inferno this year, and the only thing that was not boring as fuck was some of the talk between the songs. Especially Dallas Toler-Wade was great. But other than that I though it sucked. 2/10 The Crawling was another band I had wanted to see, but we only saw half before we left. I thought it was boring as fuck. 4/10 Sodom: Saturday: Nifelheim kicked off the fourth and last day of Inferno Festival 2016 for us, and what a way to kick off the last day. Second best gig of the festival for me. The sound was great, the attitude were on point and the setlist was brilliant, but for a band with only gold in their discography that's quite obvious. I loved everything about this gig. Perfect! 10/10 Moonsorrow was, alongside Nifelheim, the band I looked the most forward to and they did not at all disappoint. Not the best of the festival obviously, but third best I'd say. They struggled a bit with the sound and 85% of the synth completely drowned in the mix, but that was actually a positive thing as what we got was a much darker and blacker gig which suited the band a lot. I played Pimea on the voirs but told my friend they would not play this live, I knoew that much. But to my big surprised they played it live and it was like a trip to heaven. Jesus christ it was good! 9/10 Månegarm is a band I think it OK, but I'm not a big fan of the band. But I wanted to see them, tried and left early on. It was so boring, and they were so standard. I wanted viking metal, but this was straight forward black metal without any viking metal feeling whatsoever. Poor as fuck! 3/10 Mayhem ended Inferno Fesitval 2016 and in great fashion too. This was a gig full of what I'd call fan service, which is the first time I see for a metal band. Maniac, Messiah and Manheim all guested and did songs from their respective era which was a very cool touch to the gig. Very, very good gig! 8/10 Nifelheim: And that's that. A brilliant fest and lots of amazing concerts. Happy!
  11. Cattle Decapitation are the big surprise so far. What a fucking gig! Fantastic! Mysticum are by far the best gig so far. That shit was from another dimension. Brilliant!!!!
  12. It was tight and shit, but there was no energy og joy on stage. It looked like a band doing a job they hate. And it was awfully poppy in a way. The sound was good, but it wasn't heavy, brutal og hard in any way. Nothing about it was metal at all. Weak. Exodus however wrecked the place. What an energy and intensity. Great gig!
  13. Had to leave Gorguts after three and a half song. Even my brother who like Newer Gorguts thought it was awful. Godawful doesn't even start covering how bad they were. What a joke of a band they have become. Saddening.
  14. Bear

    Getting ready for the night train towards Oslo with a couple of beers and some good music. While the idea of night train is lovely, it's usually fucking awful because it's always so god damned cold there. I'm always freezing like hell when taking it, but it's usually a bit cheaper so I always end up going with the night train. Ugh.
  15. Bear

    Child's Play - That feeling when you rewatch a film for the first time in 10-12 years and the film is not just as good as you remembered it, but even better. The whole concept of a killer doll is a bit stupid, truly, but Chucky is a bit of a fucking creep and he just looks evil, which makes it work. Child's Play is a supernatural horror leaning towards the slashers of old, and it's cheesy as fuck. But it's filled with suspense and atmosphere, and it feels rather classy, despite its budget and plot. Everything just works so damn well. It's just a very well-made and cool film overall. Frontière(s) - One of many great films of the New French Extremity (Horror) wave, and been waiting to see this for long I had build up quite a massive exectation to this film. I'd say that this is one of the better films in the subgenre french extremities. Frontière(s) is politically driven, dark, bleak, raw and brutal horror film, and while not original in itself, but some of its visual style and directing feels original. And it's a very daring film, with it not being shy of using images and themes that's dangerously close to Holocaust, but it works because there's such a strong meaning behind it all. Stripped down, yet artsy backwoods horror/torture porn that surely is inspired by The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and I even see hints of The Fly and other body horror in some of the its gore and characters. Great film!
  16. Bear

    I'd say An Idiot Abroad, Ross Kemp on Gangs and Superheroes: A Never-Ending Battle are the best. An Idiot Abroad is just pure comedy gold and among the best within the genre of comedy, be it film, series, stand-up or whatever. Absolutely brilliant! Karl Pilkington should be the one and only world ruler! No kiddin'. Ross Kemp on Gangs is very intense and interesting, especially since I am very fascinated by different gangs around the world. Superheroes: A Never-Ending Battle is a must for anyone who enjoys superheroes but don't knnw everything about it. I thought it was an excellent and thorough exploration into the world of superheroes, from the begining of it all and to what it has become. I am very interested in The Moaning of Life with Karl Pilkington too, which is another travel documentary but a bit different from An Idiot Abroad. Should be very interesting and very fun.
  17. Bear

    I enjoy me a good documentary. A few favourites of mine: An Idiot Abroad (travel documentary comedy. Pure gold!) A History of Horror with Mark Gatiss (mini-series about horror) Superheroes: A Never-Ending Battle (mini-series about superheroes) Ross Kemp on Gangs (Ross Kemp travels the world and meet up with gang members, locals who's been affected by the gangs and authorities) The Real Football Factories (series taking a look at football hooliganism and hooligans firms in britain) The Real Football Factories International (the sequel taking a look at holliganism around the world)
  18. Bear

    I'm really disappointed by the AKG Y50's. I'm on my third pair now and they are simply not working properly, especially not when listening to rock and metal. A lot of the elements disappears. When I take a left/right speaker test on youtube you will not hear anything on one of the channels, and when I liste to e.g Ghost's Ritual the intro is completely fuked. You will not hear the intro guitar, just the hi-hat and the bass and lead guitars when they kick in, and the solo are buried so deep into the mix it's impossible to hear everything. It's so annoying. The cable connection between the cable and headhones is awful as well, causing the sound to disappear every now and then. But it's my third pair and I am almost sure it's a production mistake and that the entire batch my local shop got is fucked up. I did order three pair of in-ear Venture Electronics VE MONK the other day, though. They cost $5 a pair, but the reviews of these have been crazy-good. Apparently they're not the most comfortable, but the sound is supossed to be excellent, in fact so good that no-one understands a shit of this. No-one can make out how something this good can cost $5. Can't wait to get them! Big chances I'll order three more when I get them. Think I paid $19 for the three of them including shipping. My brother also said these were fucking amazing, and a lot better than his $90 in-ear phones that got amazing reviews a few years back. I'm looking forward to getting these motherfuckers!
  19. Bear

    I'm getting so damn ready for the Inferno festival now. Lots of great bands and four days with concerts, great people and probably way too much alcohol. Went to a two day mini-festival with the same people a week ago, this week we'll go on a four-dayer with the same people. It'll surely destroy me, but it'll be fun. So happy we have a day of next monday. Fucking hell! Gonna try to use the school's sew machine today. No idea how it works, but I gotta use it before I go.
  20. Bear

    Drag Me To Hell - After many years of doing a lot of different things, with Drag Me to Hell Sam Raimi kinda revisited the ground of where he started. Drag Me To Hell is an atmospheric, tense and thrilling, yet very funny and with a lovely campy tone on top of it all, supernatural horror film that is obviously inspired by the masterpiece that is Night of the Demon. Many of the same elements are used. I actually think the film is great, but it feels too much like a product of its time. Made in the 80's this would've been an ultimate horror film, but it's dragged down by some AWFUL CGI and a few unnecessary jump scares that was the shit back when this was released. The most obvious scenes would probably be the ambolt scene, as well as the goat and cat scenes. The overall tone of the film is very old school, and more often than not the special effects are as well, but the CGI breaks up the entire tone, of the film, despite being very cartoonish and campy to begin with, and is awfully bad. It's such a shame. I've given this film 8/10, but it could so very easily have been a 9 or even 10 if it was more old school.
  21. Bear

    Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum That's one hell of a bandname. And for their debut they've chosen the interesting title "Prajecyrujučy sinhuliarnaje wypramieńwańnie Daktryny Absaliutnaha j Usiopahłynaĺnaha Zła skroź šaścihrannuju pryzmu Sîn-Ahhī-Erība na hipierpawierchniu zadyjakaĺnaha kaŭčęha zasnawaĺnikaŭ kosmatęchničnaha ordęna palieakantakta, najstaražytnyja ipastasi dawosiewych cywilizacyj prywodziać u ruch ręzanansny transfarmatar časowapadobnaj biaskoncaści budučyni u ćwiardyniach absierwatoryi Nwn-Hu-Kek-Amon, uwasabliajučy ŭ ęfirnuju matęryju prach Ałulima na zachad ad ękzapłaniety PSRB 1620-26b" I'll add the tracklist as well, just for the hell of it: Not even sure if that's all, or if some of them are cut off. Yeaaaaah... well. Jesus.
  22. And the death metallers in Graveyard have a new album coming up and here's the new track: https://soundcloud.com/war-anthem-records/graveyardes-with-fear-and-thirst That sounds very good. They bring nothing new to the table, but it sounds very good and if you're into old Dismember, Grave and Unleashed you should be up for this shit. Sounds good!
  23. Yeah! Those lyrics could've easily have been written by the guys behind "Metalheads against bullying". I'm at a loss of words for those lyrics. Fuck me, that sounds good. If this is an indication on what the album is gonna sound like, then they've taken another huge step away from the doom metal and further into the world of psychedelic rock. Immense track! Absolutely brilliant.
  24. Bear

    Now, my top 10 of the 2000's so far: 1. The House of the Devil This isn't just my favourite film of the 2000's, it's one of my all-time favourite films. The House of the Devil is Ti West's own homage to the 70's and early 80's horror films, a slow-burning horror film that in many ways resemble films like The Omen, Rosemary’s Baby, The Innocents and The Haunting. Ti West knows what makes a horror film good and he uses that knowledge for all it's worth creating a masterpiece out of this world! 2. Hero With 2001's Hero Zhang Yimou was one of two directors helped breathe life to a genre that was close to dead, namely wuxia that was so very popular from early/mid-60's and to the early 90's. Hero is a beautifully shot and wonderfully told wuxia-epic with striking, breathtaking cinematography and fantastic action-sequences that stays true to the origins of the genre, yet dare to explore new grounds. Beautiful film! 3. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Ang Lee's wuxia masterpiece is undoubtedly the film that kickstarted the genre again, and with it's fantastic story, breathtaking cinematography and excellent direction it brought wuxia to the masses while at the same time pleaing old school fans of the genre. A most excellent film! 4. The Good, the Bad, the Weird Kim Jee-woon has several fantastic films to his name, but this is and will most likely forever be his ultimate masterpiece. A western-adventure inspired by The Good, the Bad and the Ugly and spaghetti western in general, yet manage to stay original, unique and asian in its own way. Always fresh and never boring, thrilling action and hilarious humour. A perfect adventure! 5. The Call of Cthulhu Black and white silent horror from 2005, based on L.P. Lovecraft's masterpiece novella and made to look like a film from the 20's. When thinking about it you can always see that it's a tad modern and digital, but it's made in such a way that it's very easy to forget, and it manage to feel like a 1920's film anyway. 6. Blancanieves Another black and white silent film, but this time not a horror film. Blancanieves is a fantasy-drama, and it's something quite different. It's basedon Snow Shite, but with a new twist or six to it, and it truly does evoke the feeling of a 1920's film, even more so than The Call of Cthulhu. It'd call this film melancholic romantic, eerie and erotic in its own way. An incredible film! 7. Housebound One of my all-time favourite horror comedies, and one that might climb the list with a rewatch or two. Housebound is at times frightening and creepy, at other times hilarious and full of suspense. The film is part haunted house, part ghost story, part murder-mystery and part comedy, and it pays homage to the genres very well, taking the best from each genre and mixing it together. 8. Bone Tomahawk A unique blend of western and horror that takes its time to build atmosphere and suspense, and for many it takes too long. But if you got patience you'll be rewarded because this film is most excellent. It mixes classic late 60's western with late 70's exploitation horror and just takes it to a whole new level. Superb! 9. The Hateful Eight I'm a huge fan of Quentin Tarantino and I consider most of his films real treats and masterpieces, but this is easily among his best. A real slow-burning, dialogue-driven western, but at 3 hours it never gets boring. Not even close. It's brilliant from start to finnish, and the dialogue are easily among the best he's ever written. Such a film! 10. Yellow A 26 minute long neo-giallo. Stylish, atmospheric and topped off with a brilliant score. Nothing moe to say really. This is the 10 films of the 2000's I've given 10/10, so this was easy. The order might be a bit different tomorrow, but it would feature the same 10 films for sure. And a list of the 10 best documentaries of the 2000's, just because all of these are so god damned fantastic! Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy Ray Harryhausen: Special Effects Titan A Band Called Death Indie Game: The Movie The King of Kong Jiro Dreams of Sushi Rewind This! Video Nasties: Moral Panic, Censorship & Videotape Best Worst Movie
  25. http://decibelmagazine.com/blog/woman-is-the-earth-song-premiere New Woman is the Earth track. Black metal in the vein of Wolves in the Throne Room and Fen. Sounds really nice, but I am very surprised by the active, almost flashy drumming. Oh dear me. Destruction reaches a whole new low with these lyrics and the video. Quite embarrassing to be honest. Jesus!
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