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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    If there's something I learned about 10 years ago it is that one canot take the score on IMDB serious at all. It's fucking shit for most part. One must learn to ignore the IMDB score, and the faster one learns that, the better. The film also looks very interesting, just like Oz Perkins' I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House (which currently holds a 4,8 on IMDB, but a 68% on Rotten Tomatoes). It also looks really nice. Got a feeling it's a slow-burning horror films based mostly on atmosphere than anything else.
  2. It's probably not the easiest band to get into, but I'd sure as hell give both Häxan and Henbane some time to grow. Two very different albums where Häxan have more of that old school unholy atmosphere like Mortuary Drape and Necromantia, and Henbane a bit more in the vein of Katharsis. I personally think Henbane is a bit more easy-listening due to it sounding a bit more professional and stuff. I prefer Häxan myself though. I actually think both Häxan and Coven, or Evil Ways Instead of Love would be really nice as soundtrack to films like Häxan, City of the Dead and so on. They both gives me assisiation to witchcraft and shit. Not sure why, they just do.
  3. I'd recommend you giving their older, shorter releases a few spins and get to know their style. Would probably make it easier to get into the new album too. Amazing!
  4. The synthwave, especially the darker and harder bands like Perturbator, Carpenter Brut, Gost and so on are very big among metal fans, and Perturbator have even played on a black metal festival, ending the whole weekend. And artists like Perturbator and Gost also have lots of releases on the metal label Blood Music. James Kent of Perturbator used to play in some black metal bands, Franck Hueso of Carpenter Brut is very much into metal and have toured with Ghost, the Gost guy used to be involved in some metal and hardcore stuff. And if you ask me a lot of these darker, harder bands goes hand in hand with metal. Would love to catch these bands live myself. Superb stuff!
  5. Bear

    Havent had the time to watch Westworld yet, but ive got huge expectations as i am a huge fan of the film. And Denmarks been great as far as both films and series goes for ages now. Cant believe how far ahead denmark and sweden is compared to norway. I wonder what the reason for this is.
  6. Bear

    Just started playing SpeedRunners with a friend and this is fucking amazing. It's a multiplayer side-scrolling racing game. It's very simple, but for most part you win by doing something tactically smart or every now and then just by luck, but it's usually small mistakes that cost you the win so it's often incredibly even races. We're only two, but I imagine this is even funnier when playing 4 together, and even funnier again if you're 4 in the same room playing on the big screen. Anyone tried it?
  7. Bear

    Thought I'd just throw out my best of 2016 list here now that's we're already in 2017. Another great year for both music, films series and almost everything else in life. 2016 was so good that it actually gave me one of my favourite series of all time. Top 5 for sure, and that's impressive as my top 5 have been the same for ages now. So managing to get into that is very impressive IMO. Also, I'll not include new seasons of ongoing series. I'll take new series only. 1. Stranger Things I will go as far as to call the first season by Stranger Things perfection, and personally I find it to be even better than the best season of The Wire. I think this is that good. A huge, fat homage to 80's pop culture and overall something veryJohn Carpenter-, Steven Spielberg- and Richard Donner-esque. PERFECTION! 2. Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency It's as silly as it's funny and absurd, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency offers something different and I really liked it. 3. Luke Cage The third ientry in Netflix' Marvel series, and while not quite as good as Daredevil, Luke Cage does not stand back to Jessica Jones which I really like. It's very different drawing heavily from blaxploitation, which the comics originally did as well, and I think that is a really bold move. Superb soundtrack, great characters and lots of things to enjoy. 4. Cooked Food writer Michael Pollan explores how cooking transforms food and shapes our world. But this is not about cooking itself, it's more about the cultural anthropology of cooking and that's what makes this so interesting. Fire, water, air and earth! 5. The Get Down A drama set to the late 70's Bronx. Hip hop and disco. What more do you need to know? This was cool as fuck! 6. Hip-Hop Evolution A mini-series about hip hop. It's a bit too short, but it takes the most important elements of the different eras of hip hop and goes through them nicely. It's entertaining, it's informative , but it leaves you wanting more. Do we get more? I don't know, but I sure hope so. 7. Crazyhead I'm not sure if this deserves to be higher up or not. This was funny as fuck, it was offensive and bold, it was different. I'm not sure, but I really enjoyed it. A unique combination of horror and comedy as far as TV-series goes. 8. Slasher A disappointment, but that might have been because of high expectations. The main problem as I see it is that it's too long. It's only 8 episodes, but 4-6 would've been more than enough. It spends too much time on drama, which is a shame because the killer is AWESOME. I mean, he's absolutely brilliant! But at the end of the day this is closer to mediocre than good, which is a shame because the potential was there all along. Very interested in seeing other peoples list, and even more interested if you write a little about it. A few words to give us a glimpse into why it was so good and what the film is.
  8. Bear

    Thought I'd just throw out my best of 2016 list here now that's we're already in 2017. Another great year for both music, films series and almost everything else in life. 1. Green Room Jeremy Saulnier doesn't know how to fail. He's written and directed 3 films, two of which was the best of the year. Like the brilliant Blue Ruin, Green Rom is an intense, brutal and powerful horror/thriller with a nice edge to it. As good as Blue Ruin? Probably not, but brilliant nonetheless. 2. The Witch Slow-burning horror with focus on atmosphere, atmosphere and even more atmosphere. The Witch is a film heavily influenced by the 70's folk-horror genre and it does it well. Powerful film! 3. Rogue One Rogue One offers something new to the Star Wars franchise while maintaining the feeling of Star Wars. An impressive entry to an impressive franchise (-the prequel trilogy which is godawful. Fuck you all!) 4. Deadpool A non-family friendly superhero film that's profane, violent and super funny. This just takes the genre into a whole new dimension and it works really well. 5. The Conjuring 2 While not as good as The Conjuring, The Conjuring 2 is no let-down. Like the first one it's not original, but it captures a lot of the 70's and 80's haunted house and ghost story feeling but without feeling like a rip off or anything. It's simply very effective. 6. Captain America: Civil War Not as good as the previous Captain America film, but it's still very fun. But unlike the previous which was a unique superhero thriller, this is a bit more standard popcorn flick in the vein of The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy, but way better of course. It's great fun. Truly is! 7. Midnight Special Ambitious sci-fi that might not be in everyones liking, but I was super impressed by this. Probably deserves to be higher on this list too, but it's a fairly heavy film and deserves a new view or two to be fully appreciated. This Spielberg-esque sci-fi is superbly directed and acted with intriguing mysteries. 8. Hush Another film that probably deserves to be a bit higher on this list. Hush is a unique and super effective take on the home invasion/slasher genre. It doesn't offer much that's new, but there's a couple of small elements thrown in that makes it feel like something completely new to the genre. It's filled with suspense and great atmosphere. Do yourself a favour and watch it right now! 9. Asperger's Are Us A documentary that follow a comedic group called Asperger's Are Us that consists of four guys with asperger. I thought it was as interesting as it was entertaining, and it's both touching and funny from start to end. 10. 10 Cloverfield Lane Quality-wise it's not exactly Cloverfield, but it's still very good. I liked it quite a lot. Very interested in seeing other peoples list, and even more interested if you write a little about it. A few words to give us a glimpse into why it was so good and what the film is.
  9. Bear

    Holy shit, that's what I call a reply. Great post! Not Japanese, but since he stepped into the land of Kaiju I just thought I had to shout out to the almighty Pulgasari. North-Korean Kaiju by the South-Korean director Shin Sang-ok who was kidnapped on orders from Kim Jong-il to direct fantasy/propaganda films for them. It's an incredible film, and the story of Shin Sang-ok and his wife Choi Eun-hee is also super interesting.
  10. Bear

    What the fuck, guys? No one with a massive knowledge on Tokusatsu? That's just weird. Tokusatsu über alles for fucks sake!
  11. I am sure the people who are really into the genre know both the artist and the video, but we might be lucky enough to get a few new visitors to this thread who doesn't know it. That was all. And I'll just throw this out there again because this release is just too good. The film too is brilliant: https://maiovvi.bandcamp.com/album/yellow
  12. Some links and shit: The Rise of the Synths http://theriseofthesynths.com/ https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-rise-of-the-synths--2#/ https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2050134024/blood-machines-turbo-killer-2 And the amazing song and video Turbo Killer: One of the best music videos ever. So fucking cool! Interested in both. The posters looks absolutely brilliant. Fantastic! Would love to have both on my wall.
  13. There's also a team wanting to make a sgort film based on Carpenter Brut's Turbo Killer, with a Carpenter Brut soundtrack. The video is amazing, so this could become awesome as fuck. Hope they get enough money for this. One of the Kung Fury guys seems to be involved too. Heeeeeelz yeah!
  14. The title is actually Rise of the Synths. Still gonna be sweet. Btw, I need more of the dark, Blade Runner-esque retro synth bands. Give em to me.
  15. Documentary called The Rise of Synthwave coming next year. It's gonna be sweet and interesting. I hope.
  16. You really have to. It'll change your life.
  17. Bear

    Good god, that is amazing.
  18. Bear

    There's nothing wrong with plot holes and Harry Potter fucking rules. And I am not one of those who originally loved the shit out of Harry Potter. Thought the two first books were boring and fucking hated the first film. Haven't read the books since back then but I've watched the film and while it holds up better today than when it first came, I still don't consider it a good film. Mediocre at best. Second is decent, but the third however kicks off a lovely franchise with a fantastic universe, great, well-acted characters and a cool story. Go Harry, go!
  19. Bear

    I rewatched The Rundown (aka Welcome to the Jungle) with The Rock, Seann William Scott, Rosario Dawson and Christopher Walken yesterday and this film is really fucking underrated. First off, the chemestry between The Rock and Seann William Scott is incredible and they both have great comical timing in this film and it feels very natural, especially the comedy provided by Seann William Scott, and second off the film looks stunning. The highlights of the film? Christopher Walken'smonologue about the tooth fairy and Seann William Scott thunder and lightning. And tin the end this there's just something very Romancing the Stone-esque about this film and that is something I always say in the most positive way as I fucking love Romancing the Stone. The Rundown is smart, it's witty as fuck and it's exciting. It's an adventure that feels real. Excellent film!
  20. I will dismiss every single list without Cultes des Ghoules - Coven, or Evil Ways Instead of Love among the 3 best as a joke. That's how damn good that album is.
  21. Bear

    Yeah. There is, of course, fanboys who didn't like the film, just like there's non-fanboys who didn't like the film. But the overall reception's been great, and the new twist on the saga has been much appreciated. The thing I've seen the most complaint about is the lack of an classic opening crawl, a thing that really gets you in the mood from the start of. But other than that it's been well-recieved.
  22. Bear

    Eh. What kind of drugs are you on? This move has gotten a fantastic reception among the Star Wars fanboys. And for good reason as the film was brilliant.
  23. I've never been big on Satanic Warmaster, but this album is really good. I think the album sounds very Norwegian and Swedish, unlike his previous albums which sounds closer to the finnish style. Some clear homages to bands such as Dimmu Borgir and Dark Funeral, and I also spot on clear influences from Gehenna, Old Man's Child and more. Dimmu Borgir - Broderskapets ring Satanic Warmaster - Nuin Gaer Faun I like a band who so clearly dare to show his influences and even borrow great riffs and make something own out of it, if not completely unique or anything. But it sounds pure and nice.
  24. This band just knows how to do a cover, don't they? The cover of Grave's Soulless is also really fucking good, although not quite as good as this. This sounds 100% Moonsorrow, but those of us who are familiar with the original will also be able to recognize the track. Just how you're supossed to do a cover. It sounds so huge and epic. Class! Moonsorrow is one of those very fre bands where I'd love to hear a full cover album.
  25. Bear

    Here's what I do not like to do on mondays, and even less on the first day school is back to regular after most of the kids have been on/had a vacation: having to clean up an insane amount of piss from the floor, a chair and up the table legs. And I mean, it was A LOT. From the amount of piss out on the floor and shit I am sure he's not had a piss for a week. Jesus.Fucking.Christ. What hapened though was that my little friend, an autistic boy, was back at school after a week off. And that's hard, because changes ain't too easy to handle in situations like this. His father struggled to get him up and into the classroom to begin with, but after a while it went really good and we did lots of work and shit. Way more than usual. Then came the break and time for some food. He wanted to eat along in his room which he usually does, and is allowed to do. I checked in on him 2-3 times during the first 20 minutes. Then I finnished my food and went back to look at him and there he stands: pants and underwear around his ankle's and a river of urin all over the place. I'm leaning back to the table behind me, looking in the window and struggling not to break into laughter by covering my mouth with my hand. Because it's a hilarious scene no matter how fucking wrong it is. He then pulls his pants back up and looks at me through the door-window, laughs, then starts to threaten to step into it. Of course, he doesn't do this and is actually far from doing it. He just wants me to give him a reaction, wich I do not. The teacher gets something to clean with and we both step into the room, ready to clean it up with him. What does he do? He fucking steps in it and I am not joking. He steps into the piss. Holy shit. Have to get his socks off and then the cleaning starts. Who knew piss could be this fucking awful? Mainly because of the amount, and the fact that it was everywhere. Monday's, man. It ain't easy. Cleaning rivers of pee ain't funny. But life is fairly good, and this kid is actually amazing. Funny little boy with lots of love towards others, even though he's got a weird way of showing it at times. But that comes with autism I guess.
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