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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Execration doesn't know how to disappoint and this sounds like it's going to be another stellar release. Nice coverart too.
  2. Proscriptor McGovern is God! Watching him play some of the tracks off Tara live while doing the vocals is absolutely insane. The speed, technicality and complex fills of the drums itself is impressive and mindblowing, but watching him do it live while screaming his guts off. Unbelieveable! A band that deserves to have a much bigger name. Everything up until Tara, from the epic sounding death metal of their early demos, EPs and Barathrum: V.I.T.R.I.O.L., to the black metal of The Sun of Tiphareth and black/thrash metal of The Third Storm of Cythraul and Tara are must-haves IMO. Classics, everything! Kinda fell off the Absu-wagon after Tara and don't like either of their two last albums, but it's a band I'll always give a new chance when they release something new, and when I do that I also give their previous efforts that I don't like a new try.
  3. Bear

    This series is just really underrated ATM. I thought it was awesome, and I am sure this will pick up a cult following with time. It's just got everything to make it a cult series. I really enjoyed it.
  4. Absu is a fantastic band, and watching Proscriptor do the vocals while he play as he does is insane. Superb live band! As far as Nargaroth goes they're not a cult band. Generally regarded as a retarded band, and one of the most disliked metal bands around. No figure in the word of metal ash been asgaming ridiculed as Ash/Kanwulf. They do look shitty live too. I do like 3-4 of their releases a lot tho. Not gonna deny that. But Black Metal Ist Krieg is a really embarrassing release. Godawful!
  5. The only "nintendocore" (what a fucking lame term) band that matters is Horse the Band. The only modern metalcore band that doesn't suck donkeyass and horse cocks. Superb liveband too.
  6. Bear

    I've written up and down about Onibaba for 10+ years already. Brilliant, brilliant film with a unique folk-horror vibe that gets me every single time. Masterpiece!
  7. Bear

    Two episodes into the new season of Twin Peaks and so far it just couldn't have been any better. It's weird and surreal and extremely Twin Peaksy. Holy shit this is good!
  8. My man Disposable mentioned norsecore in one of his previous psots. For those who don't know, norsecore is a term aplied to black metal bands that is play constant very fast blastbeats and tremolo riffing with a professional and modern production. The term norsecore was once used as a derogatory term about Swedish bands, but I don't believe it is anymore. Some examples of bands and albums: Marduk - Panzer Division Marduk Marduk - Nightwing Marduk - Heaven Shall Burn The Abyss - Summon the Beast Dark Funeral - Vobiscum Satanas Dark Funeral - Diabolis Interium Setherial - Nord... Niden Div. 187 - Impergium In Battle - Rage of the Norsemen Just a few examples, there's more bands that fits the bill, also from outside of sweden even though it's mainly a term for swedish bands. This isn't my favourite type of black metal at all, even though I like all the albums mentioned (-Panzer Division Marduk) quite well. But there's two albums that sticks out from all the bands considered norsecore, and that is Setherial's "Nord..." and Dark Funeral's "Vobiscum Satanas". Setherial - Nord... This album is brutal as fuck, but it's still melodic, epic and rich on fantastic atmosphere. While Setherial is usually considered a third-rate black metal band, this album sticks out and can be mentioned among the first-rated black metal albums out there. And if you like "Nord...", be sure to check out Japan's Avsolutized... with one of the guys from Arkha Sva and Ahpdegma. The albums is only 31 minutes long, but if you check out the compilation Mot din svarta ångest you'll be in a for a real treat. 50 minutes of Setherial's Nord...-esque black metal. This is a complete and utte homage to Setherial and even feature a cover of Setherial's My Veins Are Open, but Avsolutized... actually does this track better than Setherial themself. Ur Èmdr Oervn of Arkha Sva is known for his unique vocal approach, and he brings that style into Avsolutized... as well. Dark Funeral - Vobiscum Satanas I'm not sure if I consider this album better than their selftitled EP or The Secrets of the Black Arts, but it is as good, that is for sure. It's faster and more brutal than their previous albums, but it does maintain the melodic style from The Secrets of the Black Arts and contains great atmosphere throughout. Alzazmon (Tomas Asklund) is probably best known for his simple drumming on Dissection's "Reinkaos" or his godawful drum sound AND production on Gorgoroth'Quantos Possunt ad Satanitatem Trahunt, Under the Sign of Hell 2011 and Instinctus Bestialis. But on Vobiscum Satanas, his only album with Dark Funeral, he nails the drum sound and his drumming is immense. His drumming is a real pleasure on this album, if you don't mind blasting that is.
  9. Nice, sounds neat! I do think you should fuck with Marduk, tho. I'm not a fan of everything, and especially not Panzer Division Marduk. But Rom 5:12 is a proper masterpiece and the album that got me into Marduk and made me appreciate their older stuff too. The album changed how I saw and heard Marduk. Rom 5:12, Opus Nocturne and Frontschwein are highly recommended. Just listen to this beast of a song!
  10. Bear

    Why was my reply deleted? Anyway, this will be my third "date" in the 6-7 months I've had tinder. Don't see the problem tbh, and I certainly don't see how that's an awful lot.
  11. They're somewhere between singing and harsh vocalc. Sounds awesome!
  12. I know it sucks to go early to festivals, but you'll not be disappointed. I posted some live videos and shit a few pages back. Amazing band and they look and sound fantastic live. They truly offer something different live, and their type of different also happens to be pure magic. Had to turn this off after 3 songs. The vocals. Jesus christ. Godawful!
  13. Do us all a favor and see Zuriaake. Just do it!
  14. The new Dødsengel leaked. Will give the album some spins later today. Excited! Saudi-Arabian Al-Namrood just dropped a new album too. I've never been into the few albums I've heard, but there's always been something about the band that catches my interest over and over again. Want to like them tbh. Middle-eastern folk/black metal. Should be my cup of tea, so I don't know why it's not working for me. But I'll give them a new chance with this new album, and check out their older stuff while I am at it.
  15. Bear

    Got myself a "date" (i fucking hate the word date lol) for tomorrow. If she's just half as fun and nice in real life as she is over discord and snapchat, then this should be real fun. he is incredibly hot as well. Cute as fuck.
  16. Holy fuck, I do not know what to do right now. I own Perturbator's "Dangerous Days" on red/blue splatter limited to 200 ex, and some guy saw I owned it and asked me if I had it for sale. I said that everything I own is for sale if someone offers enough, however I was honest and told him I was a greedy fuck and he'd probably have to pay up quite an amount of money, more than any sane human being would be able to do. His offer? All fees would be on me. That means: 100 € Paypal + Fees Another limited version of Dangerous Days that sells for $60 Shipping Fees for your LP to my home Shipping Fees for my LP to your home That is quite an offer for a record I paid something like $30-40 for. I am so fucking tempted by this, especially since I've been considering getting rid of the majority of my collection anyway. But at the same time I'm having a hard time parting ways with the release. It's such a fucking sexy release.
  17. This album sounds real neat. Less agressive than the debut, but it sounds really cool. Very epic and Destroyer 666-esque black/thrash metal.
  18. Bear

    I have three goals in life at the moment: 1. Travel to Japan and stay there for way too long 2. Get a complete Sigh collection 3. Get my hand on one of those Friday the 13th blood-filled liquid vinyls Here is a list of what I would trade to get my hands on one of those vinyls: I would trade all at once. The prices it's been sold for is crazy as fuck, though: Lowest: €359.30 Median: €630.35 Highest: €720.40 Jesus fucking christ.
  19. Bear

    Is it? I'm not too familiar with grime, but isn't Functions on the Low a really classic grime tune/instrumental? Anyway, checked out Stormzy's debut album and it's alright, but it's 10-15 minutes too long and there's no red thread going through the album. At it's best it's phenomenal, but there's some songs that sticks out and just doesn't fit in with the rest of the album. Not tried Skepta's last album, but I am familiar with him, and I do like what's I've heard. But I need to dig deeper into the grime scene. I really like this genre.
  20. Bear

    Not seen the new Fargo yet. Started and finished Master of None season 2 yesterday. Season 1 was amazing (8/10) but season 2 is a big step up in terms of quality, consistency and about being unique. Top notch!
  21. Mgla is worth the price and trouble alone, and Zuriaake should be worth it as well. Looks like an amazing live band, and it's probably not too often you'll get the chance this brilliant band live.
  22. Bear

    Pieces is just a brilliant film in so many ways. Raw, sleazy exploitation slasher. Pure magic! On top of that it's got the best tagline ever: You Don't Have To Go To Texas For A Chainsaw Massacre!
  23. Bear

    I support your call on Better Call Saul season 3. It's just fabolous, and so many great characters appearing. I'm the only one in the whole fucking world who thinks this, but as much as I adore and love Breaking Bad I think Better Call Saul is better. In a different way of course as the series are very different, but Saul and Mike were my favourite characters in Breaking Bad so getting to see this much of them really pleases me, as well as several of the others who reprises their roles. So much fun!
  24. Bear

    This song is so fucking good. Anyone with a proper knowledge of grime who can throw out some recommendations?
  25. The "poor" quality of the recordings are often what makes the recording great. Black metal is, in 98% of the cases, all about creating a certain kind of atmosphere and if you take away the production you're often left with nothing as the genre isn't based much around the riffs themself or anything like that, as opposide to thrash which is all about riffs. And I don't see how norwegians take the imagery way too far. They're not worse than other countries at all.
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