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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    Road Games - This was not at all what I was expecting, but it was a nice surprise to say the least. It starts really slow and atmospheric and while you can sense something is going on, the pace is slow and it just takes ages before things starts happening. The first half of the film plays out like a very dramatic thriller, filled with a Hitchcockian turn of suspense and an incredible amount of tension. But as it goes on, it turns more into a horror film, but it never gives anything away. It's well-written, directed and acted, but there's especially two elements that takes this above your entertaining horror/thriller: it is visually striking. The fields, the forests and the roads set for an amazing setting, and the atmosphere it creates is amazing. It looks and feels very rural, and that is something that I have come to love over the years. The second thing is the soundtrack by Daniel Elms which is really atmospheric and nice. The end credits are among the best I've seen. There's not much going on, but as the credits roll we see pictures of the rural countryside, with Carpenter fuckin' Brut's Hang 'em High playing. That is as simple as it gets, but it's absolutely magnificent. Holy shit, talk about a clever move! So simple, yet so effective.
  2. Bear

    Headshot - The indonesian directors Timo Tjahjanto and Kimo Stamboel, better known as the Mo Brothers, once again teams up for a film, and once again they deliver the shit out of it. Headshot delivers a simple plot with simple, familiar characters,and in that sense two hours is way too long. The could easily have made this into a 80-90 minutes film. However, they don't give a fuck and dragges it out to a 120 minutes long bloodbath. This is ultra-fucking-violence from begining to end. There is no end to the brutality. It's a martial arts actioner starring Iko Uwais, and when a film stars Iko Uwais you know what to expect. While not as good as some of his previous films, this is probably the most violent I've ever seen him. In fact, it's one of the more violent films I've ever seen. Also, don't miss out on Very Tri Yulisman and Julie Estelle, also knows as Baseball Bat Man and Hammer Girl from The Raid 2. While obviously inspired by The Raid I & II, and probably also a film like Merantau, there's a strong 80's and 90's Hong Kong feeling laying over the film. Which is something I really enjoy. Anyway, if you'e into films like those, just watch it. You'll be entertained, unless you are a weak ass pussy.
  3. Bear

    I thought Cuba was phenomenal as O.J. Simpson. Really fucking good. Loved the entire show, to my big surprise.
  4. Bear

    Lights Out - I liked the short and there was quite a bit of fuzz surrounding this film at the time of its release as it was supossed to be super scary and whatnot. But what we have here is another modern popcorn-horror flick that relies on jumpscares throughout the entire film and doesn't spend any time whatsoever to build its characters, its plot or the supernatural element. It's a film made to scare regular movie theater goers that's not very much into horror. Popcorn horror is what this is, in the true sense of the words. It simply doesn't look like David F. Sandberg have put much thought into this film at all. Kept taking the easy ways out of things. Shame. However, it's not a bad film. It's just not a great one either. Decent enough if you want something easy on a late sunday evening, but if you want something that'll stick to you this isn't it, unless you've watched less than 25-30 horror films during your life. Then it might just please you a lot.
  5. Bear

    Been playing this with my friend lately. Simple, side-scrolling run 'n gun actioner with ultra-violence and lots of humor. It's as silly as it's fun, and the character rooster is amazing. I think these are the characters we've unlocked so far: Rambro Brommando B. A. Broracus Brodell Walker Bro Hard MacBrover Brade Bro Dredd Bro In Black Snake Broskin Brominator Brobocop Indiana Brones Ash Brolliams Mr. Anderbro The Boondock Bros Brochete Bronan the Brobarian Ellen Ripbro Time Bro Broniversal Soldier The Brocketeer Dirty Brorry If you are, like me, kinda into 80's, 90's and early 00's action heroes you'll know who all, or the majority, of these are. We're having lots of fun with this game, and it was cheap as fuck. Almost free. Totally worth it!
  6. Bear

    Once upon a time, Todd Phillips was a fairly respected director. He wasn't a deep director, he wasn't an artsy director and he wasn't a classy director. But he delivered some good rides, time after time after time. Hated: GG Allin and the Murder Junkies and Frat House are both good documentaries, and Road Trip, Old School and Starsky & Hutch are really good comedies, especially the two last ones. I'd even go as far as to call them modern semi-classics. Then came School for Scoundrels, and everything went to hell, with him following it up with shitfests like The Hangover trilogy and Due Date. So you could say that my expectations were rather low as I began streaming his newest film, the biographical drama/comedy War Dogs. The film is heavily heavily fictionalized and dramatized, and while it does feature some of the comedy he's gotten known for, it's a much darker and serious film than what he's made in the past. It's a bit too long, but it was cool enough, was well-directed and nicely acted. Especially Jonah Hill as a fucked up sleazebag comes off really good in the film. He's the driving force in the film. It's not his Phillips' best film, but it is surely worth a look. And I watched a film called Premium Rush yesterday. Action-thriller about a bicycle messenger who's being followed around New York. It's over the top, stupid as fuck and a general shitfest of a film, but the high-octane action and chase scenes work really well and makes it somewhat very enjoyable. A nice film if you want something light a late saturday night. Still hate the shit out of Joseph Gordon-Levitt tho. One of the most punchable faces in cinema.
  7. https://f4.bcbits.com/img/0010329347_10.jpg The cover art for Devil Electric's debut album, Devil Electric, sure got me interested. The cover is just stunning. Reminds me quite abit about some of the older Uncle Acid pictures. Not heard the band yet, but I read that they're somewhat a mix of Coven, Electric Wizard, Black Sabbath, Lucifer, Pentagram and such. Will give it a spin later on if it's out yet.
  8. I'm not a big of these christian fucks, but their earlier stuff (two first albums) are very good and this song is one of the best heavy metal songs ever. The lyrics are absolute dogshit though, and I am glad I can see past them. If not, I would not be able to enjoy this masterpiece.
  9. Bear

    Xzibit, is that you?
  10. Hell fucking yes! This album is so good. It's got its fair shair of Summoning influence, but it has more of a medieval sound to it, making it stand out from other epic black metal bands in this vein. Totally recommended if you're into Summoning, Kinstrife & Blood, Caladan Brood and so on. Will have to give it more time, but this sounds truly excellent so far.
  11. Went to see Goblin and Tusmørke at Blitz, an anarchist, communist and socialist youth community in Oslo. I'm not a Blitzer myself and I was very surprised to see them arrange a gig like this. But while I don't give a shit about their politics, it works really good as a concert house. You can also bring your own drinks to the club, which makes it cheap and nice as fuck. Anyway, Tusmørke was kinda disappointed. It was good, but I've seen them better 2-3 times before. Goblin on the other hand was beyond amazing. I've seen Goblin before, but that was Claudio Simonetti's Goblin which is Claudio and the four other members of Daemonia. At that time we saw and interview with Claudio before the showing of Suspiria at Cinemateket in Oslo, with a concert in the evening. It was amazing and one of my favourite concerts ever. This time around however it was Goblin with 4/5 of the original(?) line up with Massimo Morante, Maurizio Guarini, Fabio Pignatelli and Agostino Marangolo. What a fucking fantastic gig! The atmosphere, the tightness of the band. Jesus, it was incredible! And they ended the gig playing Magic Thriller, Mad Puppet, Dr. Frankenstein, Roller, E Suono Rock, Aquaman, Death Farm, Goblin, Dawn of the Dead, Tenebre, Suspiria, Profondo Rosso and Zaratozom in that order if I am not mistaken. Oh wait, that's actually the entire setlist. What a setlist! Says it all really! Doesn't matter which Goblin plays. Best prog band ever!
  12. Bear

    Best thing I've ever seen. I'd kill to be there to experience that magic.
  13. Daïtro - Y Aussitôt Mort - 6 Songs Aussitôt Mort - Montuenga Mihai Edrisch - Mihai Edrisch Sed Non Satiata - Sed Non Satiata Daïtro / Sed Non Satiata split Check 'em out!
  14. The french screamo scene is underrated as fuck. Just wanted to let you guys know that.
  15. Bear

    I did this yesterday., just like I've done a couple of times over the last year. I just do it to save money, tho. And it's easy.
  16. Bear

    Started on Hap and Leonard earlier today. Been interested in this series for a long time and thought it was about time I started. Two episodes in and so far it's damn fucking good. Omar fuckin' Little again, and Michael K. Williams is amazing as always. And Christina Hendricks. As good as she's hot. And it looks very interesting, and the elements of dark comedy pleases me. Will probably finish it tomorrow. Looking forward to it.
  17. Bear

    Lately I've watched and finished: Firefly - fantastic space western that's built around fantastic, colorful characters. Space ships and lazer guns, horse and shotguns. My first rewatch, and I probably liked it even better now. Generation Kill - as with Firefly this is my first rewatch, and I'll have to admit that I consider this as good as Band of Brothers, which I will compare it too as both are war mini-series of the highest quality. Superb in every way, and few TV-series has as many memorable quotes as this gem. The Night Of - holy cow! This took me off guard. Superbly written, well-acted and beautifully directed. This crime drama blends plenty elements of previous HBO classics like Oz and The Wire, and it does it well. I also like how it comments on the justice system and prison. John Turturro just too good throughout the entire series. Also, we get Omar Little, Bodie Broadus and Errol Childress in one and the same series here. Oh daaaaayum! Not seen the series it is based on btw.
  18. 0:00 Guitarist stumbles 0:55 Hellish chanting 3:10 What is the next song? 4:10 How to drink beer 5:51 How to drink beer part 2 8:04 Guitarist goes "crowd surfing" 9:34 "Vittu me vihataan punkkia!" 10:18 "Mennäänkö kattoo jotai oikeeta bändiä?" This fucking band, man. Hilarious! They don't give a flying fuck and they do whatever the fuck they want. They might be the winners of the black metal paraolympics. Gotta admit that I like the The Night of Satanachia ep, tho. It's pretty good.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=66&v=MO-QQNpfTrk I'm not really sold on the production, but the riffing and general songwriting sounds a lot like old Vintersorg. Diggin' it.
  20. I know there's a few fans of Fen her, so this should please a couple of you guys: It's very Fen-esque and reminds me a lot of Fen's debut, though with a bit more traditional atmospheric black metal and less post-rock. I really like this song. Sounds really nice!
  21. Bear

    I finally finished Black Sails. It's impressive how it went from being a bland adventure series with uninteresting, and mostly annoying characters and dull dialogue in season 1 to become one of the best series around in season 2, with an amazing character gallery, fantastic dialogue and more a character driven drama than anything else. That being said, season 1 is far from the worst thing I've seen. It's decent entertainment, but if it wasn't for the fact that I love pirates I would not have given season 2 a chance at all. Had it been about vikings I would not have seen season 2. And it's really refreshing with a series that knows when to call its quit, rather than to go on and on because they can. Because they could've made 4 more seasons of this series, but ending with season 4 is simply genius. At its best, this series is just up there with the best seasons of Game of Thrones, if not better. Season 1 - 6/10 Season 2 - 10/10 Season 3 - 10/10 Season 4 - 10/10 And I also started on Fargo season 3 today. I'm only one episode in, but so far this feels like Fargo all the way, just like season 1 and 2 did. This series, man. So god damned good!
  22. Bear

    How exactly and in what way is european rock/metal better than american? This should be interesting.
  23. Bear

    Yes, western rock music is so more generic than japanese rock music. lålz
  24. Bear

    We seem to be on net as far as grime goes. Btw, I just love how productive Czarface is. 4 excellent albums since 2013 is just fantastic, and Every Hero Needs a Villain might be one of my all time favourite hip hop albums. Raw and dirty boom bap at its very best. Best song ever!
  25. Bear

    Moi dix Mois. Good track off their best album.
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