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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    I'm also a batsuer although me and my friends whom I shared my accounts with were mostly banned. Anyways, hello.
  2. Bear

    This isn't GDQ, but European Speedrunner Assembly is on and it is unsurprisingly a lot of fun. You have two speedrunners speedrunning at the same time and two channels, which I really like. Currently watching Blurb speedrunning Castlevania II: Simon's Quest. Nice stuff https://www.twitch.tv/geekygoonsquad https://www.twitch.tv/esamarathon
  3. https://wolvesinthethroneroom.bandcamp.com/ A track off the upcoming Wolves in the Throne Room album. Sounds as majestic as ever. This is gonna be good! https://drudkh.bandcamp.com/album/somewhere-sadness-wanders A track off the upcoming Drudkh and Paysage d'Hiver split. Sounds very good, just like the last couple of albums as well. But I bet my ass Paysage d'Hiver's side of this split will outclass Drudkh in every way possible. And the good news doesn't stop here. Pagan Altar will release a new album soon, their first since 2006's Mythical & Magical. The band's upcoming album is titled The Room of Shadows, but was written 13 years ago under the title Never Quite Dead. One of the very best heavy metal and/or doom metal bands ever, depends on what genre you choose to put them in. They never released anything bad, and I doubt this will be anything less than amazing. Here's a demo version recorded many a year ago with one of the tracks from the upcoming album.
  4. Bear

    If you think it's their best album, why would you want them to re-record it? If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Simple as that if you ask me. Goes for all good music, films and TV-series, graphic novels, games and whatnot. If it's good, just leave it alone to be good and go do something else. Disorder is my favourite as well, a right ahead of the glorious EPs released before it. Ain't interested in any of those being re-recorded as they won't be able to re-create the passion and magic from those recording sessions. And they're all beyond fantastic as they are.
  5. Full streams of both albums: Evil: https://nuclearwarnowproductions.bandcamp.com/album/rites-of-evil Droid: https://droidcanada.bandcamp.com/album/terrestrial-mutations Droid sounds very good and Evil sounds like an instant classic. So fucking great, and the solos are crazy good. Superb!
  6. Bear

    I'm not sure what he/she means by "legacy titles", but the mentioned Chrono Trigger is a must for anyone into RPG, and since we're already on the subject of RPGs and Chrono Trigger I just can't post this without throwing in games like Secret of Mana, Lufia & the Fortress of Doom, Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals, Secret of Evermore, Terranigma, Breath of Fire I & II, The Final Fantasy games for SNES and more. A list is of super RPGs for the SNES is almost fucking endless, and this is just a small portion of it. A few games. It also help sthat all of these games have brilliant soundtracks. And if you ask me the SNES is the best consolle ever, by a fucking mile. Destroying every other consolle made both before and after. Miles and miles ahead. And using save states and cheats have always been a big no-no, even as a kid. Whenever I save ingame I usually also make a save state just in case, but I never use a save state unless I can save ingame as well. This is so important for me when playing games.
  7. Bear

    This is hands down one of the best videos on the whole wide internet. Holy cow! You're under a citizens arrest put your hands on the car and get ready to die
  8. Bear

    A short gif from S07E02: That was hilarious. Holy fuck! The cut from Jorah to the pie was excellent. Also, Missandei. Daaaaaaamn!!!
  9. Bear

    I don't know, but Ruki was so good up until Disorder. I really liked his more raw and amateurish sounding vocals from 2002-04. Love it!
  10. Bear

    It was a great idea yesterday, but right now, at 6.30 am waiting to go to work, I kinda wish I had slowed down a bit and maybe had a few beers less. But it was a good idea yesterday, and that's what counts. I think I've lived up here for about 6 years, and only two of the summers have been nice and filled with great weather if I am ot mistaken. The rest have mostly been shit with a warm, sunny day here and there, but mostly rain, wind and shit like that.
  11. Bear

    Getting drunk on a thursday despite having to go to work on friday. That's what great weather does to one where I live. Haven't had this nice weather in a long time, and even now it's not all that. Also, I don't get 99% of Blackdoll's posts when he/she posts about music. It's all a big, far WTF, every single time.
  12. Bear

    It should be the Japanese Vamps, yeah. A bit surprised Danzig would go on tour with these, or just share stage. Haven't heard much from Vamps, but their debut album are one of the worst rock albums I've ever heard. Absolute garbage. But Danzig and Deafheaven should be cool. Especially Danzig. MOTHER!!!!
  13. Bear

    That's how me and @Disposabledress and dance when we're out hitting on girls. What did we use to call those type of pants back in our MSN days, brah?
  14. Bear

    What a way to kick off the new season. That didn't made my epectations towards the new season any lower, that is for sure.
  15. Bear

    Which is something that goes for what, 80-90% of all rock, punk and metal bands currently active, and is something that can be said for 80-90% of all rock, punk and metal bands over the past 20-25 years.
  16. Bear

    Another huge name of cinema, and one of the biggest and most important names as far as horror goes, is gone. George A. Romero, an absolute legend. Do yourself a favor and watch Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Martin, Knightriders and Creepshow if you haven't already.
  17. Oh, my bad. Good then. I'm very surprised about how well-received Nocturnal Depression was when they broke through, and they still have quite a strong name. I don't get it at all. I'm not surprised by that. I don't think I've ever talked to someone in real life nor on the internet who's aware of Brocken Moon. Which is a bit of a surprise to me. Now, the debut album Mondfinsternis isn't all that to be honest. Quite a standard affair. It's ok, but not much more than that. But the demo Schattenlicht des Mondes and the two albums Das Märchen vom Schnee and Hoffnungslos however are really good, and not quite as standard. Superb atmosphere! Tho, some might have problems hearing past the production of Schattenlicht des Mondes or the godawful, embarrassing cover art for Hoffnungslos. But if you are able to do that you'll find quite a lot to enjoy. This song sums up the quality of Das Märchen vom Schnee very well:
  18. Which did you not know? Not really a fan of Nocturnal Depression. They sound way too Happy Days- and I'm in a Coffin-esque to me. I just can't get into the atmosphere, and when you can't get into the atmosphere it's not worth anyone as the subgenre is all about atmosphere. Should like it, but just can't. But since we're on a Japanese music forum, let's include some Japanese bands too: Kanashimi A nice mix of funeral doom and depressive black metal. Always thought this project was a bit underrated. Samayoi Another project by O. Misanthropy (Kanashimi), but with him he's got the help of Vlood (Magane, Zombie Ritual) and Alabaster (Magdala Ju-nen). Aside from a split with Infernal Necromancy, these guys never got past the demo stage. A bit more on the melodic black metal side of things than other bands in the genre, but a depressive black metal band nonetheless. Good stuff Dysthymia Fairly traditional depressive black metal, but the demo is very good. Great atmosphere, and some of the changes during the riffs are really odd. Makes it a lot more interesting. Kronlarvo Doomy, depressive black metal. This is an album that stands out from the crowd IMO. I think the atmosphere is a bit similar to Krohm (a band I forgot about in my previous post. Both albums and demos rules!), but the sound is entirely different.
  19. Some news: Portrait - Burn the World Burn the World Portrait started off really strong in 2008 with their self-titled debut album which was a really good Mercyful Fate worship album, but since then they've gotten gradually worse. Crimen Laesae Majestatis Divinae were a more King Diamond-esque album adding more finnese and technique to the riffing, but still a fantastic album. Crossroads were also very good, but going in a much more progressive direction. This new song however, was boring. It was bad. Robin Holmberg (Vampire) has joined on guitars, and maybe that explains the more thrashy riffing. I don't know. Not impressed at all. Attic - Sanctimonious The Hound of Heaven Attic formed a bit later than other Mercyful Fate and King Diamond worshippers such as Portrait and Trial, but they are no less good. Sanctimonious will be their first album since 2012's great The Invocation, and judging by this song this will be no worse. The intro is 100% Kind Diamond. Could easily have been taken off a King Diamond album. The vocals are brilliant and probably the closest I've heard anyone come King Diamond. In other words, best Kind Diamond song in ages! And for those who missed it, Trial released their third album earlier this year. Less Mercyful Fate/King Diamond-esque than Portrait and Attic, but very good tho. Motherless Vulture Industries - Stranger Tides As the World Burns These guys started as an Arcturus-esque worship band, but with every single release they've moved further and further away from that sound and found other inspirations/influences. Devil Doll is a band that basically took over for Arcturus on their last album, even including a FANTASTIC interpretation of Devil Doll's Eliogabalus. The sound of this song was surprising. Very psychedelic rock-esque, and I wonder if they're familiar with Hail Spirit Noir. I get some strong Hail Spirit Noir vibes from this track, and that is cool.
  20. Favourite depressive black metal albums? I'll join in and I'll post a shitload of my favourite releases of the subgenre, but a lot of these are from before the boom, tho. Some might disagree with including an album like Hvis lyset tar oss, because is it really depressive black metal? Well, it sure is borderline. But a lot of the albums that were released post-94 that has the depressive black metal tag to them are heavily influenced and based on the sound of Hvis lyset tar oss, End of Life, Strid, Ravens over the Road of Kings, Forgotten Woods, Through the Woods, As the Wolves Gather, Sjel av natten and a few more. And while that doesn't make the original album a part of the subgenre itself, I do feel like Hvis lyset tar oss belongs on the list. Strid - End of Life Strid - Strid Burzum - Hvis lyset tar oss Forgotten Woods - As the Wolves Gather Forgotten Woods - The Curse of Mankind Forgotten Woods - Sjel av natten Forgotten Woods - Forgotten Woods / Through the Woods Nidhoggr - Ravens Over the Road of Kings Wigrid - Hoffnungstod Wigrid - Die Asche eines Lebens Nyktalgia - Nyktalgia Hypothermia - Rakbladsvalsen Hypothermia - Gråtoner Hypothermia - Veins Hypothermia - Köld Trist - Stíny Trist - Sebevražední andělé Trist - Zrcadlení melancholie Xashur - Nocturnal Poisoning Xasthur - The Funeral of Being Make a Change... Kill Yourself - II Austere - Withering Illusions and Desolation Austere - To Lay like Old Ashes Lifelover - Pulver Lifelover - Konkurs Drowning the Light - Drowned Woods of Desolation - Toward the Depths Woods of Desolation - Sorh Min Kniv - Av aske Nargaroth - Geliebte des Regens Brocken Moon - Das Märchen vom Schnee I Shalt Become - Wanderings Mortualia - Mortualia Then you have bands like Bethlehem, Celestia, Leviathan, Mortifera, Sombres forêts, Gris, Amesoeurs and so on which is borderline depressive black metal on certain albums. But enough to be included? I don't know. But all these bands rules. Anyway, 33 albums, but only 19 different artists. Tells you everything you need to know about this subgenre IMO. After the boom a billion and two bands formed, but the vast majority is hilariously bad, sad and ridiculous. When it hits, it hits hard. But for most part it doesn't hit at all. The albums are usually very very good, or simply bad. There's rare to find something inbetween. But it is a genre I play a lot during winter. Bands like Trist, I Shalt Become, Woods of Desolation, Hypothermia, Forgotten Woods and Strid are in heavy rotation during winter. Especially Trist is nothing short of perfect during this time of year. The worst example of this subgenre is probably this hilarious piece of music: Good on them having an elephant doing the vocals, tho.
  21. Bear

    I love this film, and I think it's very overlooked. I think it is a very wicked, weird and creepy film with an odd atmosphere and a nightmarish feeling to it. A film as much about hearing as seeing. Very interesting, very entertaining. Loved it!
  22. Bear

    This is very normal for an italian western/horror/exploitation film from the 60's through 80's. The reason being that they hired people of different nationality. Like Phenomena, the cast consists of actors of american, british, belgian, italian and probably other nationality. So no matter if you watch them in english or american, it'll be dubbed and the sound will not match the mouths a lot of the time. So take Suspiria. There were, as far as I know, not recorded any sound during the shots, or at least not properly, and the actors spoke in their own languages. Jessica Harper in English, Stefania Casini in Italian, Udo Kier spoke German and so on. Which makes the dubbing work extremely difficult. Or take The Good, the Bad and The ugly. Clint Eastwood,Lee Van Cleef and Eli Wallach spoke English during shots, while Aldo Giuffre, Mario Brega and Luigi Pistilli spoke italian. So this is another film where the sound won't match the mouths. However, in the english dub of the film we do get the voice of Eastwood, Van Cleef and Wallach, while the italian cast is subbed, and vice-versa in the italian version of the film. Now, that's the film history lesson for today. Hope you enjoyed and learnt something new. I'm not sure if I said this already, but the most similar film to Suspiria you'll find is Inferno. Visually it's perhaps a bit more colourful, and it doesn't have the same story. But the overall tone, especially visually, is similar and of course beautiful. But if we're only talking visual style and with a slightly dreamy feeling to it, films like Crimson Peak, The Strange Colour of Your Body's Tears, Amer and Kwaidan might also fit your interest here. All very different both from eachother and Suspiria, but they do have stunning visual style and very dream-like atmosphere. Crimson Peak is a visually stunning romantic gothic horror film which is as much a romantic film as anything else. Good, but disappointing. Visually stunning and with some of that dreamy-feeling to it, tho not as nightmarish as Suspiria or Inferno. The Strange Colour of Your Body's Tears and Amer are what we refer to as neo-giallos. Both films are directed by Hélène Cattet and Bruno Forzani which I personally consider two of the most unique and interesting directors of the 21st century. These films are almost exclusively aesthetic and about the visual style and atmosphere, but they're amazing IMO. They're very messy and fucked up tho, and not for everyone. Very much nightmarish too. Kwaidan is one of the best Japanese films of all time, a four part anthology film based around ghost stories. Four amazing stories that is as well-told as they are beautiful looking and superbly directed. Visually stunning and with some of that dreamy-feeling to it, tho not as nightmarish as Suspiria or Inferno. But let's be honest here: Suspiria is a one-of-a-kind type of film, both narratively and visuallly. There's simply nothing quite like it. Edit: the film below, Berberian Sound Studio, might also be one to check out for the feeling and atmosphere alone.
  23. Bear

    This is brilliant. Never thought I'd see I am Bread in SGDQ. Also, this game IS hard as fuck. Probably the second hardest game I've played, beaten just by Ghosts ‘n Goblins. This Super Oanga World run is also hilarious. It's so much fun, both from the player, his run and the couch. Hilarious! I love me some CarlSagan42.
  24. That sounds very good, though not quite Hammer of the Witches. The choir sounds really nice.
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