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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    Body Melt - Another "melt movie" (like The Blob, The Stuff, Street Trash) and like The Blod and The Stuff this is just fantastic. It's a cheap, satirical Ozploitation flick that's immensely fun and filled with gorgeous special effects. Really fucking awesome! Tomorrow I'm gonna re-watch Slime City and watch a new one, Mold!, from 2012. Looking forward to it. Shame there's not more melt movies out there. Such a badass concept.
  2. I wasn't totally sold on Spell of Torment after my first listen, but I'll have to agree with you on that cover. Gorgeous! Musically it's not really my cup of tea. Blackened death metal isn't exactly my favourite genre. No idea why though, because it should be my cup of tea. So weird.
  3. Bear

    The Blob - The remake, which also happens to be one of the best remakes ever. It's just top notch from start to finish. Lovely atmosphere, TOP NOTCH special effects that has truly stood the test of time. This is mindblowing! The Stuff - This film is a bit in the vein of The Blob, but it's more lighthearted and comedic than The Blod. It's fun and really damn good. Great film! Invasion of the Blood Farmers - So bad it's good from the early 70's. This shit's hilarious and really entertaining. Recommended if you like crap. Man with the Screaming Brain - Directed, co-written and starring none of than Bruce Campbell in his directorial debut. This isn't a masterpiece, but it's fun for what it is and if you're into silly 60's sci-fi flick with mad scientists and shit then this is for you. This was very entertaining, albeit far from his best movie in modern time. Can't be compared to movies like My Name Is Bruce and Bubba Ho-Tep , but then again they're complete masterpieces and can't really be compared to anything. Unique and amazing movies. It's funny how anyone can barely make remakes watchable nowadays, while back in the 70's and 80's we got remakes such as The Thing, The Fly, The Blod, Invasion of the Body Snatchers and more that's more or less equal to the original ones. Different, but with the same feeling and atmosphere. Incredible! And guess what, these practical special effects have stood the rest of time. People who say they're dated and shit need to open their eyes and shut the fuck up. Do you want to know a movie or two whos special effects has not dated as well as this? The Avengers: Endgame and The Wandering Earth, and they were released in 2019, but the special effects already feel more dated than these practical effects from the 80's. That's the problem with special effects that's CGI-driven, as opposite to practical and real.
  4. Bear

    Yeah, looking forward to Watchmen. Should be fun. Did anyone see the first episode of Chernobyl? Dear fucking god, the first episode was IMMENSE! That was just brilliant. It being shot in English is always a bit of a letdown considering it's set somewhere else in the world, but it works just fine. But still was the weakest link of the episode by a mile. But other than that it was truly brilliant. Could barely blink while watching it. Was that fucking good!
  5. Bear

    I'm too lazy to take my own pic of this, but I received this a week ago: I got the splattered vinyl version. This contains four albums and one EP, two of which has never been released on vinyl before (Scenario IV: Dread Dreams and Hangman's Hymn). Scenario IV: Dread Dreams and A Tribute To Venom also got new, better cover art than before. 13LPs, 6kg. Massive box. Expensive as fuck, but well-worth it because it's beautiful. Been ages since I posted in this thread so will try to update sometime tomorrow. Picked up something like 10-11 hip hop LPs today, cheap as fuck.
  6. This is Krzysztof Drabikowski's Batushka, aka the real Batushka considering he wrote all the music, came up with the concept, cover art and all that. Sounds good, and the little you can hear of the grim vocals sounds a lot better than what that scumbag and rip off Bart was able to. Can't see this being a final mix tho. Vocals needs adjusting and the drums can't sound like this. Listen to the bass drums on the ending. Dear god. But other than that it sounds good. Great and thick atmosphere.
  7. The first three Arch Enemy albums are something very different than what cane after. Darker, heavier, more brutal. It's simply way more actual death metal. Highly recommended. It first when they became one big, fat gimmick trying to sell a female lead they got boring. Also, Suhnhopfer album is indeed good. Solo project by the guy who pkayed drums in Peste Noire for his laet 3-4 albums or so. Pkayed on half the new album I think, but left before its release.
  8. The album sounds great indeed. Sounds like In Solitude meets Grave Pleasures. Catchy as fuck.
  9. Bear

    This track, the video its from and the whole album is just FIRE! The uh-huh's in verse 2 and 3 are so fucking cool, and Young Thug's lines in verse 3 are awesome. That voice is so cool.
  10. This is pretty awesome. For those not aware, Black Earth is basically the old Arch Enemy line-up touring and performing tracks off their first three albums (aka performing music from before they started so suck!), and this is a new track. Not sure if it's written in recent time or if it's an unrecorded oldie, but it sounds cool as fuck. So this is the band that recorded Burning Bridges. Four of these five were also included on their two first albums. If only Arch Enemy could produce something that's 1/1000's as good as this.
  11. Bear

    First season of Ash vs Evin Dead wad excellent, but it just gets better and better. They improved massiveley with each season. One of the worst cancellation ever!
  12. Bear

    Wanted some more horror after Channel Zero and was recommended Room 104, an anthology created by Mark and Jay Duplass. Mark's best known as the creep in Creep I & II and Jay probably for the highly underrated Manson Family Vacation. Room 104 is episode based and got a new theme for each episode, but what somewhat connects them is that they're all set to the same hotel room, Room 104. I'm 10 episodes in and very disappointed. It's not bad, it's actually pretty fun. But where's the horror at? So far it's more or less been drama, thrillers and comedy. Favourite episode so far is Voyeurs. Thought this was really good, and proper stunning like. Got a bit of the same, uplifting feeling I got from Black Mirror's San Junipero and Hang the DJ. Especially the former.
  13. https://toiletovhell.com/premiere-nucleus-take-death-to-the-far-reaches-on-outpost/ New Nucleus track called Outpost. That sounds incredible. Still got that early sci-fi death metal vibe. Gonna love this album. https://brugmanziah.bandcamp.com/album/om-domedag-och-de-femton-j-rtekn Highly recommend this album btw, the new Wagner Ödegård album. The project started off as a really cool and unique ambient project, but has moved into black metal territory now and it's one of the best albums so far. It's another project by Kumulonimbus/ Wulkanaz best known from cult black metal acts Wulkanaz and Tomhet. I do consider Wagner Ödergård to be his best band/project tho.
  14. https://listen.20buckspin.com/album/planetary-clairvoyance New track sounds solid. Very old-school sounding, but it's taking more from those weird/different death metal bands like Demilich, Timeghoul, Nocturnus and Catacomb, than your more straight-forward stuff like Autopsy, Death, Entombed and so on. Beautiful cover art, and the Bloodbourne and Dark Souls lyrics just adds a bit of weirdness tbh. Should be a very good album.
  15. Some old school stuff for fans of 80's death/thrash and black/thrash. https://dugusixsixsix.bandcamp.com/album/demo-2 I just discovered this band. Death/thrash from China. I cannot believe I haven't heard this before. M-A lists lyrical themes as Shaw Brothers, and only that. How fucking cool is that? Doesn't get any cooler if you ask. Proud Shaw Brothers fanboy! If you like stuff like Incubus (Opprobrium), Morbid Saint, old Sepultura, Sadus, Magnus and so on this is for you. Sounds really fucking 80's. Another Chinese band that's really cool. For fans of Sabbat (jpn), Venom and so on. Very cool band.
  16. Bear

    Iron Sky: The Coming Race - The first Iron Sky movie came way back in 2012 and the production for this movie has taken half an eternity, which again has helped building my expectations. But sadly this isn't anywhere close to the original in neither tone or quality. This has more in common with the recent, over the top tributes to the 80's like Kung Fury, Commando Ninja and so on. And I did love those those, but I think this just lacked that feeling. Or I was just disappointed that it wasn't as "straight-forward" as the original. Over the top, all over the place and so on. But I liked it anyway.
  17. Bear

    Cam - Nice psychological horror movie that's driven by a really damn good performance by Madeline Brewer. Not a masterpiece or anything, for me personally, but objectively it's actually really good. Techno-thriller that should please others a lot more than me.
  18. Bear

    Same for me. Got it for almost free 10 years ago when I was without internet for a month and just bought a shitload of cheapies. Cool flick!
  19. Bear

    Ah, OK. It's probably just HBO Nordic then. Another episode and I am very pleased as usual. Not gonna write much, but there was a couple of interesting scenes:
  20. Bear

    Just finished Channel Zero: The Dream Door and it was amazing. The season that was the most similar to season one, but still something very, very different. This entire show, all four seasons, are absolute masterpieces. Amazing!
  21. Bear

    Started on Channel Zero: The Dream Door today and have two episodes left. And while checking something I saw that it's been cancelled. Alongside Stranger Things and Ash vs Evil Dead this is by far one my favourite series of the 2000's, and not surprisingly Ash vs Evil Dead was cancelled last year. Same with Blood Drive, which was a superb exploitation TV-series. All these niche series that won't generate a lot of views gets cancelled, while absolute garbage like The Walking Dead, American Horror Story and all that keeps getting renewed despite delivering one awful season after another. I fucking hate this shit.
  22. https://www.adultswim.com/music/metal-swim-2/ Adult Swim metal comp with loads of different stuff on it. If you're slightly into black metal I would recommend giving this new Volhan track a spin or 10. Starts off as a typical Volhan track, but around 7 minutes in it turns into something that sounds like something Ennio Morricone would've made for a zapata Western in the 70's. That sure was unexpected, but damn fucking good.
  23. Bear

    The Keep - Another nazi-horror movie, but this time it's not as nazi as the others. But it has nazis in it, but not the occultism. Anyway, this is an early 80's movie by none other than Michael Mann, which is also the reason I think it was so poorly received. Why does that have anything to say? Well, because two years earlier Michael Mann directed the masterpiece that is Thief, which is probably just as known for its immense soundtrack as everything else. A stylish crime movie that's absolutely brilliant. The Keep has a lot of production problems, he had to cut a lot of the movie and didn't get enough money to make his vision come true. But still, this is a fantastic film that's driven more by its style, than its plot. I think it looks and feels fantastic, and as with Thief it's got a brilliant soundtrack by Tangerine Dream. Amazing!
  24. Pros: easy to find new bands, can listen before you buy and so on. And the sheer amount of bands gives you countless options. Cons: the sheer amount of albums being released makes it so hard to keep up, and to find a proper diamond you basically have to check out a lot of albums because everything drowns among the amount of albums. And I don't feel like I have as much time to give albums the time they need to truly shine. Back in the days, way before I had internet, the way we bought albums was simple: we bought magazines with reviews and after a while we got to know the tastes of the reviewers. So we knew who was matching our tastes in music and not. So if an album got a proper good review we'd go out to the music stores close to us and give a few tracks a listen there, and then buy it if it sounded good. And then for the next weeks that's the album(s) we'd be spinning on repeat. It was fun, but at the same time we did buy a lot of albums that gave off a good first impression, but we ended up getting rid off. Felt like such a waste of money. Nowadays that just doesn't happen to me, unless I just buy something blind which I do every now and then. Because that's a lot of fun, but sadly too expensive. This is the same as with movies, video games and so on too. Same shit. When we bought, or even rented, movies and games back in the days we ALWAYS saw/played it through. No matter how bad our first impression was we watched or played the entire thing through. Sometimes it payed off, other times we felt betrayed. ' And another pros is that feeling when I discovered new albums/bands back in the days before I had internet. That is a feeling I do not get anymore at all. Like. Not ever. But back then it was something quite special, because it was also so rare to find that one band that changed everything for you personally.
  25. This is not my thread or anything, I am just helping Euronymous to get it going: Good first post by Euronymous and a very interesting subject of matter. Because there is no doubt things have changed hella lot over the past 10-20 years.
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