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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    Finished Stranger Things season 3 as soon as I got home from vacation and thought it was exceptional, like its previous 2 seasons. My favourite thing about the series is how it manages to keep the nostalgia and feeling from season 1 alive, while going in a whole new and different direction. Did this with season 2 as well. Absolutely amazing. Best series ever? Probably. Top 3 for sure! Btw, the new female characters where all amazing. Both Robin and Erica works really well. Especially Erica. Witty, smart and snappy(?). Gotta love that. Fantastic portrayal too, which is the key for a character like this. Managed to never become annoying, even though in most cases she would be annoying as fuck. Impressive! Highlight of the season? Steve and Dustin, man. That chemistry is FIRE!!! 10/10! Series as a whole? 10/10! Give me 5414675413541354165415614 more seasons plz!
  2. Bear

    I don't feel like kpop fans are any worse than jpop/jrock/visual kei fans as far as this goes. They're more or less equal in my experience.
  3. Bear

    I like more or less all types of beer, but I agree. I've grown especially fan of sweet (imperial) stouts that works as one big, fat dessert on its own. Took some time to get used to these type of dessert stouts, but now I can't get enough of it and it's easily the type of beer I drink the most (outside of cheap pilsner obviously).
  4. Bear

    The worst type of close minded fans in my experience are the ones who only listen to music from a certain country or continent. More often than not these are people who only listens to asian music.
  5. Bear

    Ghost in the Shell - Yes, the 2017 live action movie. I ain't gonna lie, this wasn't all that bad. That means, this is a decent action sci-fi flick. It's not very clever, it doesn't require anything from the viewer at all. You can turn your brain off and enjoy something like this. But that also brings us to the main problem with the film. It takes a really fucking deep anime with complex characters and a lot of depth and turns it into the opposite of what it should be. Ghost in the Shell isn't a stupid popcorn anime, it's something rich, deep, complex and so on. The film should also have been something like that. Rich, deep and complex, but it isn't. And it's a shame. But I get why they take away all that and the HUGE questions asked in the anime, because this isn't made for the fans. The fans isn't the ones that's gonna bring them the money. It's the regular movie goes and "regular people" who doesn't want to think, but just want to be entertained. It's a shame that it is like that, but it's what big money does to cinema and art. Producers wants their money back and the only way to do that is to make something for "everyone". I do enjoy the world they've created, tho. It looked cool and gritty. But this is NOT an actual Ghost in the Shell remake/adaption. It's not even close to being a Ghost in the Shell film. It's a movie that only takes its name as well as character names, and some elements. The rest is not Ghost in the Shell. Just like Dark City and The Matrix isn't a Megazone 23 adaption despite being influenced. Don't care if The Matrix guys denied it, they were so obviously influenced by this movie. A way, way, way more entertaining and awesome movie than Alita Battle Angel, but also a way worse adaption as well.
  6. Bear

    1986 one? If so, it's amazing. I highly recommend Manborg if you liked Eliminators. It's very much inspired by it and the Astron-6 team didn't try to hide that at all.
  7. Bear

    Fubar (Killer Weekend) - Horror comedy that has been described as The Inbetweeners meets Tucker and Dale vs Evil, and it's kinda fitting. It's low-budget and all, but I thought it was hilarious as hell throughout. Not at all what I expected and I kept getting surprised throughout which is a very good thing. Very awesome! The Night Sitter - Horror comedy that feels a bit like a darker, supernatural The Babysitter. Not quite as good, but still very awesome. Recommended as well. Halloween at Aunt Ethel's - Aside from some nice tits this was a complete and utter waste of time. It's a horror comedy without horror and without comedy. Skip!
  8. Bear

    Almost everything with Boris Karloff is worth seeing because of him, even the movies that suck. He's that good. But all of his classic or cult movies are must see-movies for sure. Don't miss any! Alita Battle Angel - How this has 7,5 on IMDB is just beyond me. Is it awful? No, it really isn't. But is it good? No, not really. Not as an adaption nor as a sci-fi movie. It feels incredibly rushed and is way, way, way too short. Should've been two movies at least, probably three. But there's a lot of shit that doesn't make sense. I've seen the anime and I get why Alita looks so weird. And I truly don't mind. I actually like it. But the CGI skin looks so bad. She looks like she was cut from a whole other movie and just paste in. She doesn't look like a part of the movie. She looks like she was created in 2006 and just added to this, a 2019 movie where everything else looks way, way, way, way, way more realistic. And yes, I do include the robots. Because every other robot and shit looks like they belong in the movie. Alita does not. So weird. Another thing is the CGI fights, the Motorball parts. The physics are so off and so bad. The fuck is this? Can't belive this is a blockbuster. Would've been so much better if they had used actual people on rollerblades just skating around and doing tricks. But nah, has to make ot complicated and "super futuristic" despite the fact that it looks bad. Also, it's not aged well at all. The CGI is dated as fuck. Whatever. Blind Fury - The legend that is Rutger Hauer died at the age of 75(?) the other day and I had to watch something of his to remember him. Such a good actor, such a unique actor. It's an action-comedy remake of the classic Japanese movie Zatoichi Challenged, the 17th movie in the series of Zatoichi (all are fantastic, including several of the remakes!). Rutger Hauer puts his own twist on the character, but he does keep some of the classic trait of Shintarô Katsu alive and he does it so well. Especially the wit and humor. It's not as good as the original Zatoichi movies, but still a must see- Really cool film. Pokémon Detective Pikachu - Well, this was quite a surprise. Very fun and cool adventure movie based on Pokemon, and to my big surprise they get it right. Because this is actually very fun throughout. It's basic, but it's a pokemon movie so that's just fine. One thing that bothered me however were the look of the non-furred pokemons. Pokemons like Pikachu, Psyduck and others with fur looked absolutely gorgeous, but the ones without fur looks really out of place. They looked like they belonged somewhere between a CGI-animated movie and a live action movie. Not really fitting with either. Something was really off. But they don't have too big of a role so it didn't bother me too much. Btw, look at the details on Pikachu and Psyduck's fur. Especially Pikachu. That is mindblowing. Some of the most detailed CGI I've ever seen. Incredible! Ace Ventura: Pet Detective - Top 3 comedies ever and Jim Carrey's best. Simple as that. Everything about it is great, and I fucking love his portrayal of Ace Venture. Hilarious as fuck. Just the way he walks makes me burst out in laughter. Brilliant! Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls - A small step down from the first, but still amazing and Jim Carrey's third best movie. Dumb and Dumber and first Ace Ventura's better. But amazing nonetheless. Point Blank - I'll watch anything with Frank Grillo, and this movie was no different. Frank Grillo's amazing, but the movie itself isn't as good as it could and should have been. It's a more action-oriented remake of the great, french thriller À bout portant. The reason my expectations were pretty high was because of Frank Grillo and the fact that it was directed by Joe Lynch. Joe Lynch debuted with Wrong Turn 2 (best in the series!!!), and has since directed a segment in the horror anthology Chillerama (best segment in the movie by a long shot!!!) and Mayhem, a film no one's heard about but everyone should check out. Really cool film. Point Blank was cool, but nothing more. Uri: The Surgical Strike - Indian war movie based on real events where terrorists attacked an army base and killed something like 20 people. This show's the retaliation by the army. A so-called surgical strike. It was way too long for me at 135 minutes. And when the surgical strike begun I had lost interest already and struggled to keep focus. Sad, because the strike itself were really cool. Shame. The Unauthorized Bash Brothers Experience - Fantastic, original and creative visual rap album by The Lonely Island were they spoof a couple of big baseball stars from the 80's or something. This was just hilarious, but at the same time it contained some banger tracks. Highly, highly, highly recommended if you're into The Lonely Island or similar comedy groups. Top notch!
  9. Bear

    This makes literally no sense whatsoever. How is something like Uroboros, Dum Spiro Spero, Arche and The Insulated World any more copied from American/European metal bands than The Marrow of a Bone? With Uroboros (and the later stuff) they actually started doing something quite fresh and new, and it's actually pretty far from copying any american or european metal I've heard, and I've heard quite a lot. The same can honestly not be said about The Marrow of a Bone which is by far their most american metal-sounding album to date. Btw, I can't stand The Marrow of a Bone, Dum Spiro Spero, Arche and The Insulated World. Arche and The Insulated World have a handful of good tracks combined between them, but as a whole both albums suck. But not nearly as much as The Marrow of a Bone. Top 3 worst albums I've ever heard for sure.
  10. 0 debt. Only debt I had was a student debt back in the day, but I actually paid it down while studying with the money I had loaned for studying. Don't know how I did it because it's kinda weird, but I am happy I did. Fuck debts.
  11. Bear

    This movie holds up extremely well. As good today as when I watched it for the first time in the 90's. Absolutely brilliant, and Boris Karloff is the muthafuckin' GOAT! Alongside some other horror movie icons. Long Shot - A new romantic comedy starring Seth Rogen and Charlize Theron. It's actually pretty fun and good, albeit a bit too long clocking in at 2 hours. But it's actually clever and really hits the right spot both as a romantic comedy and satire. It's just a lot deeper than your regular rom coms, which is obviously a good thing. Recommended for sure. Flight - Drama-thriller with a brilliant Denzel Washington as a pilot who has to land a plane in a troubled situation. It twists and turns and is actually really good. Denzel Washington's fantastic! Super Mario Bros. - A hated movies for so many reasons, but me and my mate rewatched this a while ago and fucking loved it. I mean, it's not fucking Super Mario Bros at all, but it's hilarious anyway. I would pay big money to find out how much acid and shrooms where taken during the writing and development of this movie because it's fucking insane. Makes no sense whatsoever and is just fucking messy all around, but so much fun. Watch it with some beers and pizza.
  12. Bear

    I kinda agree actually. And on the note of musicals, have you seen Little Shop of Horrors? The original 60's Roger Corman flick is a masterpiece, but the 86 musical is awesome as well. Hilarious movie and incredibly underrated. It really captures the feeling and essence of watching a live theatre play instead of a movie. Good shit!
  13. Bear

    It might be as hard as Iowa, but it doesn't sound nearly as aggressive or dark as Iowa. But Iowa is quite a special case as far as this type of modern music goes, so it's not to be expected. It does however look like it's gonna be their best album since Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses) tho. Which is awesome.
  14. Bear

    The only problem with CGI is how directors and SFX artists use it. Jurassic Park proved that CGI could look amazing already all the way back in 1993. The CGI of today is, obviously, way, way better then back then, but the brains that decide how to use CGI nowadays only have something like 1/10th of the IQ and understanding of how to get the best out of it. Sad but true. It's embarrassing to watch newer superhero movies where the fights areand all CGI, despite the fact that the physique's are stil so far off it looks like a third rate PS2 game no one likes because it felt like shit. And it gets even more emembarrassing when you realize how poorly choreographed the fights are and how easy it is to just use actors for the scenes. Awful stuff. CGI should only be used when it's too hard/impossible to use practical effects. Because CGI as a tool is just brilliant. It's just the brains behind the CGI that isn't.
  15. Bear

    Vinyl, tapes, Spotify and youtube. Covers everything I listen to. PS: All hail Spotify and western music!
  16. Bear

    I just think it looks really ugly. They're small and boring, and I don't keep my CDs in plastic as I see no need for it, so they would just fall off. They're just not for me, but I don't buy CDs (with a few exceptions, and they're CDs without obi anyway) so it's not a problem anymore. Vinyls however I do keep in plastic and the big, beautiful obi's just sit there beautifully and does their job perfectly. Which is to be fat and sexy-looking.
  17. Bear

    Every single Ghibli movie is worth seeing, including the short movies, pre-Ghibli movies all the way back to the 60's, the series, the documentaries about Ghibli (or some of the directors), the video games, and hell, even commercials. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Castle in the Sky and Howl's Moving Castle are by far my favourites. Followed by Princess Mononoke.
  18. Bear

    I love obi's on vinyl releases, but I can't stand them on CD's.
  19. Was amazing. Loads and loads of energy, the band including him sounded good and he gave us a proper fucking concert. Amazing stuff!
  20. Bear

    Shaft - Shaft is a sequel to...Shaft. Yeah. That is right. It is a sequel to a remake from 2000. I'm a huge fan of the original Shaft and consider it to be the best blaxploitation movie ever and one of the greatest western action movies of the 70's. I also really like the two sequels and the series from the 70's. I didn't like the remake and sequel from 2000 (which was 15 years ago or so, so that might have changed), so I did not expect much from this. But I was pleasantly surprised. Not a masterpiece, but a fun, dumb, semi-offensive and charming action comedy. Recommended for sure. Looking forward to a sequel. Btw: This is the type of movie that'll do bad with the critics, but good with the audience. So don't mind the critics. Shazam! - All of a sudden DC moves out of the pseudo-dark and boring superhero universe they've created and gives us an uplifting, heartwarming, fun and charming superhero movie that's just different. Doesn't feel like a modern superhero movie at all, which is POSITIVE as hell! It was a bit too long and I wish they had put more effort into the feelings and struggles of Billy Batson (Shazam), because they've could've created a really, really deep superhero movie if they did. But they took the easy route which is understandable as they want their money. But yeah, recommended. On par with the second-tier Marvel movies for sure. So not as good as Captain America: The Winter Soldier or Thor: Ragnarok, but around as good as Captain Marvel, , Doctor Strange, Captain America: Civil War, Ant-Man. Fun thing about all these tho is that when they were released, they all took a different spin on the classic superhero tale. They just don't feel like proper superhero movies, which makes them really stand out among modern superhero movies. Glad more and more movies start to look at the genre in different ways, and how to make something new of it.
  21. Bear

    Yeah, like I said I watched both seasons. Season 2 makes the first season even better because it shine so much light on the story, the characters and so on. A perfect example on how to continue a series. Season 3 should be wicked as hell.
  22. Bear

    Watched both season of Dark recently. I've sene it compared to Stranger Things, but it's nothing like Stranger Things. Sci-fi noir with time travelling and a really, really, really complex story. If this was English-speaking it would've been on everyone's best of the decade lists, but because it's German-speaking it's not. And it's a shame, because it is a complete and utter masterpiece. So well-crafted and superbly put together. Mindblowing and heavy shit. So Stranger Things is mainly about nostalgia, Dark is about blowing minds and making you confused and make you go "OH HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELL NAAAAAAAAAAAW!!!!!". Stranger Things are one of my all time favourite series btw, so it's not meant as a diss or anything. Just that the comparison is utterly stupid. Started Stranger Things season 3 today. First episode was GUUUUUD!
  23. I can give some thoughts on that. 15 minutes till ge's on. Missed Turbonegro and Hellacopters. They went on stage at 2 and 4 PM. WTF? That's awfully early. Did see Backyard Babies tho. Complete and utter trash. "Rock 'n' roll"' if someone Lemmy saw this he'd arm a fucking nuclear bomb and blow this entire fucking world away. Godfuckingawful!
  24. Like last years Trondheim Rocks where I went to see Iron Maiden just to see them and say that I've seen them, I just did the same at this years Trondheim Rocks. Bought a ticket just to see Kiss tonight (which means I will also get to see Iggy Pop, Turboneger, Hellacopters and more tomorrow), and while I am far from the biggest fan, that was one hell of a brilliant gig. The sound was good, the performance was incredibly energic and awesome and the crowd was very good and mature. The energy was at a 100. You'd think they were in their mid 20's or so. Amazing! Well worth the price alone.
  25. ALCEST's 6th album is called “Spiritual Instinct“ and will be released on the 25th of October on Nuclear Blast. The recording of “Spiritual Instinct“ has been a long and challenging process, but we feel really proud of it and can't wait to share our new music with all of you. The artwork has been made by the Parisian duo Førtifem and represents a sphinx, as a reference to the symbolism art movement. The sphinx is the ultimate figure of the enigma, which embodies both the spiritual and feral sides inside us. Alcest are one of my favourite bands with four of their five full lenghts being complete and utter masterpieces, which also counts for both versions of Le Secret. Shelter, which I consider to be their worst by a long shot, is still a very good album (7,5-8/10). Really can't wait to hear what this will sound like.
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