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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    Avengers: Endgame - Easily among the best MCU movies till now, and it made Infinity War a better movie. It actually kept thing serious, but with adding both a lot more emotion and humour than a lot of the earlier MCU movies. Really liked it. An end of an era for sure. Good to see Iron Man actually being quite likeable for a change.
  2. Bear

    Started and finished Netflix' new martial arts fantasy series Wu Assassins with Iko Uwais (among others) this weekend. Could've been better, but I liked it quite a lot anyway. Really happy that they got several actors who could fight so they didn't have to cut every single fight to death. But I would've really enjoyed less CGI and way, way, way more fantasy elements. But hoping for a second season for sure. 7/10 Iko Uwais are bloody magnificent in everything he does. Shame western directors rarely do him and his insane skills justice.
  3. Bear

    The Dark Tower - I've never read the book series, so I got nothing to compare it with. But I felt like this was a disappointing film with wasted potential. Loads of wasted potential. Because the blending of western, action, fantasy and sci-fi were just gorgeous, and the universe itself were magnificent. But for some reason they've just made a generic action movie out of it. So frustrating. This could, and should tbh, have been one of the best movies of the 2010's. What a shame. Idris Elba is awesome, but Matthew McConaughey is laughably bad. I saw Stephen King was disappointed in this too, and wanted it to be made into a film or TV-series that's r-rated, dark and follow the book more closely. I would love that. Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie - This 1994 anime is loosely based on the Street Fighter II game, and it's a really fucking good one. The animation, character design and voice acting are all spot on, and it's actually got a pretty good story. Just awesome all around. Street Fighter Alpha: The Animation - Not nearly as good as Street Fighter II, but still a great and entertaining movie. One of the problems is that the story isn't nearly as good. But great film tho.
  4. Bear

    I think the problem here is that you just can't handle your alcohol.
  5. Bear

    L O L
  6. Bear

    Knuckleball - For some reason this seems to have been going under the radar of basically anyone. And it's a shame, because this was really cool. Balances nicely between horror and thriller, builds plenty suspense and is really tense. Great acting all around as well. Recommended! Brightburn - Reception for this hasn't been very good, but I really fucking liked it and hope it spawns a sequel or two. It takes a story most of us know very, very, very well and just twist, turn and smash it into something we've always dreamt of seeing. Excellent stuff! Superhero horror.
  7. Bear

    Dissing Superman, man. Such a silly thing to do. I personally like Batman better, just to name one of very, very many. But Superman is such a beautifully written character, especially in modern time. Such a fascinating, complex and incredibly well-written character. Of course, if you're 14 years old and your first and only meeting with Superman was Zack Snyder's Man of Steel I can understand why you'd think so. But there's not fucking way anyone who actually invested time in the character feel like any of you do.
  8. Bear

    Hahaha! You're kidding, right? It might follow the source material closer, but as far as acting, dialogue, direction, cinematography and so on it's not even close. Worse in every single way. With that said, I like the miniseries. But it's obviously not even close to the movie as far as quslity, atmosphere and basically everything else goes.
  9. Bear

    Which Twilight Zone? The original, first, second or third revival?
  10. Hard to pick any, and I can't really remember everything that's released so far. But these 6 albums are surely contenders to end up on a top 10 of the year at least. Would be surprised if they didn't end up on a top 10. Nocturnus AD - Paradox Tomb Mold - Planetary Clairvoyance Devil Master - Satan Spits on Children of Light Nucleus - Entity Gaahls Wyrd - GastiR - Ghosts Invited Helheim - Rignir Absolute favourite of these would probably be Helheim's Rignir. A truly majestic and excellent album!
  11. Bear

    Assassination Nation - Black comedy/action(?), but I turned it off before the action started. God damn, this was some proper shit. The acting was subpar, the direction was subpar, the characters were godfuckingawful. It might have gotten good towards the end, but I couldn't bother to stay and find out. Cold Pursuit - Norwegian director Hans Petter Moland takes a huge step from Norwegian cinema and into Hollywood by remaking his own movie. I've not seen the original due to the title of it being Kraftidioten, so I thought it was something completely different. But this is apparently very true to the original movie. A black crime comedy starring Liam Neeson. He's on revenge, but not like his usual revenge. It's way different from Taken and so on. This was cool. Will watch the original some day. 2 Guns - Buddy cop action comedy by Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg. Neither of them have the comedic timing of Eddie MurphyMel Gibson, so it enver reaches the height of movies like 48 Hrs. and Lethal Weapon. But it's good fun anyway. Superfly - A remake by the classic 1972 blaxploitation movie Super Fly. I only decided to watch this due to Future producing the soundtrack, but the movie was subpar. Boring as hell, and the guy playing Youngblood Priest just wasn't very Superfly at all. Poor movie. The Predator - Wow, this sure was a missed opportunity. This just isn't badadd enough nor funny enough. It's just somewhere inbetween, and that doesn't cut it for a movie like this. The setting was boring as fuck too. Den of Thieves - Decent enough crime movie with Gerard Butler, Pablo Schreiber and O'Shea Jackson Jr. It's not bad at all, but I wish it would've put a lot more focus towards the thieves, but it was mostly about the cop. Sad but true. And how 50 Cent is getting roles in Hollywood is beyond me. Guy can't act for shit. 0/10 is what he is.
  12. Weird. Saw Marduk with Mirtuus a few years back and it was truly great. 50 minutes ogf brutal and uncompromising black metal. Rotting Christ is a tougher nut. I've seen them twice, once on a big stage (500 people) and once on a small stage 100-150) and the big stage gig was awful, but the gig on the snall stage was something completely different. Was like seeing a whole other band.
  13. Legion's getting much shit? Never seen or heard anything about that around him as a vocalist. But I personally do consider Af Gravf and Mortuus as superior vocalists. Maybe Andreas Axelsson too. Legion is just very uncreative and one-dimensional, as heard on Ophthalamia's Via Dolorosa as well. Ophthalamia's music were always super creative, but Legion really could not match the music with his vocals at all. All, who was the vocalist on later albums, were far superior tbh. But as far as Legion goes the shit I have seen came from him acting like a little bitch on stage later in his career with his fucking "FRAAAAAAAAAANCE!!! WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!" after performing a 70 min set about war, death, blood, anti-christianity and satan. That of course won't get well accepted by a black metal audience, and for good reason. And the only Marduk album to really be shat on because of its speed is Panzer Division Marduk, which is fully understandable imo. Obviously a love/hate album. But other albums generally don't get much negative attention for being this full speed black metal assault. Main problem with the Legion era is that the songwriting got worse. Seemed to be all out of fresh ideas after Nightwing.
  14. More of the same, but it sounds awesome as always and Darkside is a motherfucking beast behind that kit. Jesus, what a drummer!
  15. Bear

    The Isle - Beautiful and slow-burning folk-horror that's like more like a fairytale than a standard, suspenseful horror movie. I thought it was really good. I would've cut out one scene that took some away from the story, but other than that I really liked it. Conleth Hill (Lord Varys of Game of Thrones) delivers his usual excellent. The Endless - Sort of a sequel, but not really a sequel, to the excellent indie horror Resolution from 2012. It's directed by and starring Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead who also directed and had roles in Resolution, albeit smaller roles. And a lot of the same characters appears. Really cool film. I do recommend watching Resolution first. Both films are excellent. These guys also directed the gorgeous Spring which I also heavily recommend. Justin Benson also writes these movies.
  16. This should be good. Really looking forward to this. Such a dark and crushing band.
  17. Bear

    I like this thread. So much shit being posted that it's impossible not to grab a huge bucket of popcorn and enjoy.
  18. Bear

    Funny you'd throw this out there as two of the best rap albums of the year are by females.
  19. Bear

    The new Sabrina's one of the bette shows the last ten years. Dark but campy as hell. Perfect for someone into 60 and 70's horror camp. Pretty much the counter part to Buffy's teenage comedy cringe.
  20. That's a weird combo, but I recommend everything they've done before. Judging from videos they also seem to be an absolute monster of a liveband. Offers something very unique for sure. Easily one of the metal bands I'm most keen to experience live. I might go as far as to say that both their albums deserves a spot on top 10 black metal albums of the decade for 2000's and 2010's. First album sounds like a Chinese Drudkh meets Burzum and Summoning, while the second album sounds like Summoning meets Drudkh and Burzum.
  21. New EP. Hm, sounds pretty good, but not as good as their previous stuff. The first track is especially very disappointing. More chuggy and less epic than what we're used to from these guys. Second track is better, but not nearly as good or epic as previous stuff. Oh well.
  22. Bear

    I'm sorry, but lol.
  23. Bear

    What's so bad about the first season of 13 Reasons Why?
  24. Not sure if this has been posted. Mortem was the band that created Arcturus in many ways. Line-up is original Mortem members Steinar Sverd Johnsen (Arcturus, Covenant, Ulver), Hellhammer (Arcturus, Mayhem and so on) and Marius Vold (ex-Arcturus, ex-Stigma Diabolicum, ex-Thorns), as well as Seidemann of 1349 and Pantheon I. I think this track sounds excellent. Kinda sounds like a mix of Mortem and Arcturus around 1994. I really can't wait for this album. Lord Gore - Scalpels for Blind Surgeons Sounds like it's gonna be a cool album. A bit cleaner produced than earlier stuff. Not as thick, raw and meaty, but sounds good and brutal. Druadan Forest - Dismal Spells… Part I This sounds very good. Epic black metal/ambient/dungeon synth. It's a double album consisting of 4 tracks. Really looking forward to this. The Great Old Ones - Cosmicism Lovecraftian post-black metal that's gotten better and better with each album. This is their fourth and this should be good.
  25. Bear

    Memories - Yes 1995 anime anthology with three very different movies. I loved this as a kid, but I didn't like it quite as much today. Magnetic Rose - The first movie is an epic sci-fi that surely will make you think of both 2001: A Space Odyssey and Solaris, but it's got its own vibe for sure. It's dreamy, it's intense, it's epic. It's very unique and a must see for sci-fi fans. 9/10 Stink Bomb - Good, but a huge step down (or maybe even two) from Magnetic Rose. It's very well animated, but I just wish it wasn't as....farty. Anything else would've made this hella lot better. A bit too much on the comedic side for me. Cannon Fodder - This is, in many ways, or even most ways, the best film of the anthology. But I just can't stand the visual style. It's a one take animatd movie where the camera never cuts, which in itself is really fucking impressive, but the style is very unusual for anime. It's lacking imo. But the story is good and the direction is superb, but the visual style keeps me from really getting into it. Sadly.
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