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Posts posted by Bear

  1. Hobbs & Shaw - Hobbs and muthafuckin Shaw. Stupid, silly, childish as fuck, over the top, dumb, over the top and even more over the top. And that's just how I like my Fast and the Furious movies. Silly, stupid motherfucking action movies. And this is that! Probably top 3 F&F movies so far. It's a shame it's done badly on the box office, because I would love a sequel. But hey, at least we're getting F&F8. But this was awesome as hell! Laughed our asses off.

  2. The Dead Don't Die - New horror comedy by Jim Jarmusch, and the film feels very Jim Jarmusch-ish. It was cool, but it lacked humour and/or horror. It just feels a bit too laidback and easy-going. The most impressive things about the movie is the amazing poster, the cool country theme song and the cast which is no less than insane. Bill Murray, Adam Driver, Chloë Sevigny, Tilda Swinton, Steve Buscemi, Tom Waits, Danny Glover, RZA, Selena Gomez, Larry Fessenden and more.

  3. The Longest Yard - Rewatched this 1974 classic starring Burt Reynolds, Eddie Albert, Ed Lauter and many more. Fantastic film in so many ways. Hilarious and exciting sports comedy. There's a shitload of similar movies but this reign supreme for most part. Awesome, and Burt Reynolds is ridiculously cool.


    I need to get this shit out. I always thought this was some of the best CGI ever, because it's so fucking over the top but realistic looking. It's so over the top it just can't be real. But fuck if it isn't actually real. It's not CGI. The shit is fucking real. They used two real vaults, two fake vaults that were just a pick up car with a vault and something else. Insane!


    No fucking wonder it looks amazing and like the best CGI ever. Creativity!

  5. The Haunting of Hill House - Rich, deep and complex horror series that's as much about horror as drama, and digs deep into loads and loads of different subjects, and does it really well. The storytelling is top notch, the character development is excellent, the cinematography and overall visual style and so on. Man, beautiful! I love how it's all put together. It jumps back and forth and back and even further back and a bit forth and so on throughout and it's beautifully done. So well-crafted and awesome. Amazing series!


    Really happy to see that there will be a season 2, albeit not a sequel. But as an anthology. Can't wait!

  6. Quote

    Cradle Of Filth‘s 1998 album “Cruelty And The Beast” will be given a new re-release on November 01st via Music For Nations. Titled “Cruelty And The Beast – Re-Mistressed“, the album sports a new mix and mastering job by Scott Atkins and will also feature a bonus cover of Iron Maiden‘s “Hallowed By Thy Name“. New artwork done by Stuart Williamson and revised liner notes from frontman Dani Filth and Dayal Patterson are also included.



    Fuck yeah, finally! Really looking forward to this.

  7. Jigsaw - Saw 3D was supposed to be the last movie in the series, but of course they could not keep their hands away as they knew this would be easy money. Jigsaw is not the worst in the series, and not even close. It's better than Saw III, Saw IV, Saw V and Saw VI, but it just doesn't add anything good or positive to the series. It's more of the same, tries to be smart but fails most of the time and just isn't as cruel, crazy or intense as it should be. A meh.






    So I got to see Carpenter Brut live again yesterday, and not in my wildest dreams did I expect them to deliver better than last year. But they really outdid themselves by a good margin. If the gig in 2018 was a 10/10 (concert of the year for sure), then this was a fucking 50/10. Crazy as hell. I usually hate moshing and shit, but I could not bring myself out of the pit during the gig, nor could any of my mates. Insane. Truly fucking insane. Man, I hope they come back soon enough.


  9. Inside The Secret World of Incels is up on youtube and pretty interesting. It basically follows three very, very different human beings who view and treat females very, very different. One is an obvious scumbag, but the other two seem like decent and reasonable human beings with a very good understanding of how the world works. Awkward guys, but awkward guys gets to fuck, eat pussy and live happily with a girl as well. So good on them. And they'll probably do good for themselves. Maybe with some help, but still.


    The Catfish guy however was a piece of shit. Absolutely disgusting and pointless human being.


    I wish the documentary was longer and way, way, way more in depth tho. The subject matter is very interesting.



    I haven't really liked a Toxic Holocaust release since 2011's Conjure and Command, but I don't really listen to anything beside Evil Never Dies and Hell on Earth, as well as the EPs, singles and splits released around the time of these two albums. Not because anything else is later, but as time went on they kinda lost their edge for me personally. Whereas the early stuff is clearly inspired by Sodom, Bathory, Kreator, Destruction, Venom, old Slayer, Sabbat, Bulldozer, Abigail, Aura Noir and so on, the stuff from An Overdose of Death... and onward had way less black and speed metal and more regular thrash ala Gama Bomb, Bonded by Blood, Havok, Violator and so on. While it probably isn't, I always felt that this type of thrash was harder to do right and felt more generic than the new wave of crossover thrash and black/thrash/speed.



    And I do think this track is fairly bland, but the title, artwork and song titles are really cool. Especially the cover art mixed with that album title. It just reeks of early to mid Italian post-apocalyptic cinema. Exterminators of the Year 3000, 2019: After the Fall of New York, 2020 Texas Gladiators, Warriors of the Year 2072, 1990: The Bronx Warriors and similar movies/titles. I just love it.




    I liked the debut a lot. Feels like a band that's taken the classic sound of Swedish death metal ala Entombed, Dismember, Grave, Carnage and just given it a bit of a hardcore twist. Debut album isn't classic or anything, but a fun piece of catchy and groovy death metal. This sounds alright too, but not as interesting as the debut. Great vocals tho.

  11. Avengers: Endgame - Easily among the best MCU movies till now, and it made Infinity War a better movie. It actually kept thing serious, but with adding both a lot more emotion and humour than a lot of the earlier MCU movies. Really liked it. An end of an era for sure. Good to see Iron Man actually being quite likeable for a change.

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