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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    I don't know. Never had a single problem with VLC. Snowpiercer was great btw.
  2. Bear

    It took a few listens, but I am enjoying the new Vintersorg tack surprisingly much. The chorus is fantastic and such a nice contrast to the rest of the song.
  3. Bear

    Year of the Living Dead - This is a documentary about Night of the Living Dead. It's an interesting documentary, and it's both good and entertaining. Every single time Romero is on the screen you cannot help but to smile and feel good. He's such a cute personality, and the way he talks about the people who was around him and helping him produce one of the best films ever, is heartwarming. However, while I do think it's fine to mention the race war and vietnam war that was both going on at the time of this flick, I think they used way too much time on that, and the way they try to make it sound like NofLD, despite Romero clearly saying it wasn't, is a bit annoying. But desite this, it's a good documentary and worth seeing. Diva - Diva was the first feature-lenght of Jean-Jacques Beineix, and one of the most important films of the 80's cinéma du look-movent, which was a movement in France in the 80's, and is more or less films that are style over substance. And yeah, this film is style over substance. While the casting is almost perfect here, and every actor is amazing, the story is good and all that, the star of the film is Jean-Jacques Beineix' visual vision. It's a visually stunning film. Turn off the lights, turn up the sound, grab a cold beeer and just enjoy this piece of amazing cinema. Great film! Master of the Flying Guillotine - Master of the Flying Guillotine is the sequel tothe fantastic One Armed Boxer, and starts off right where One Armed Boxer ended. Let me just say this right now, Master of the Flying Guillotine is one of the coolest film titles ever. It's 100% badass, and 100% representative of the film. Everything here is better than in the One Armed Boxer. Yu Wang is still the lead actor and director, and it's easy to see that he's gained a lot of experience since One Armed Boxer. It looks better and more interesting, the acting overall is better, the fights are better and the pace is way steadier. All of this makes this a superior film the the fantastic One Armed Boxer. The coreography is immense, and every single fight is breathtaking. One of the things that makes this film so unique, is the soundtrack which was very unusual at its time. Yu Wang chose to use the music of krautrockers Kraftwerk and Neu!, as well as Tangerine Dream, and that really makes this film stand out from every other kung fu-film I've ever seen. He didn't hae the permission to use those songs, though, but I am glad he did. Oneof the characters in this film inspired the creators of Steeet Fighter, and Quentin Tarantino have stated several times that this flick is among his all-time favourites, and it's easy to understand why. Such a great and badass film. He also used Neu!'s Super 16 in Kill Bill. Super 16 was also used in this film. Borderland - Very cool, but a tad disappointing, thriller that is very loosely based on Adolfo Constanzo, his cult and their human sacrifices. It's obviously very far from the true happening, but it's good anyway. But they should've used more time on the cult and their sacrifices, and more terror would've been great. But it was enjoyable anyway, and the special effects are pitch fucking perfet. They look aaaaamazing!
  4. Bear

    I guess you've seen them if you'e into splatter films, but a few recommendations anyway: Blood Feast Two Thousand Maniacs! Color Me Blood Red The Wizard of Gore The Gore Gore Girls All made by Herschell Gordon Lewis, known for making Blood Feast, the first ever real splatter film. All these are early examples of splatter films, but amazing classics nonetheless. These are mandatory if you're into splatters.
  5. Bear

    Exactly, and that's why I took it for a joke. And he's still listed as a member of the band on their facebook. It's hard to say. And I haven't read anything about any problems in the band. There haven't been anything official about this. I don't have a facebook or twitter either, so I can't ask what's up with this. I'm also very positive to You Oshima in Sigh, just not at the expense of the mighty Shinichi. Someone with a facebook or twitter should ask them about this.
  6. Bear

    Not a bad choice at all. The Mountain of the Cannibal God is probably the one with the highest production standards, though. The budget must've been a lot higher than on the others. Hella lot higher too.
  7. Bear

    TMF: What plans does Sigh have for this year? SIGH: The top priority is to finish up the new album Graveward. It’s been taking almost forever, but we will finish it up soon. Now we have got rid of the lazy sloppy guitarist and recruited You Oshima from Kadenzza as a replacement, who can play the guitar by far better than Shinichi, so the new album will be a big step forward from the previous albums. http://themetalfoundry.net/2014/05/23/interview-with-sigh/ While first reading this I thought he was just joking as we already knew that You Oshima would be a part of this album (guestign on a few songs), but people seem to believe Shinichi is out of the band and as the band hasn't made any more comments, it seems to be like this. Shame if so, because Shinichi is by far one of the the most unique guitarists within the realm of black metal, obviously dawing influence from bands such as Flower Travellin' Band which made him so unique. I love Kadenzza and consider The Second Renaissance a masterpiece, and while You Oshima is by far a more technical talented guitarist than Shinichi, he's far from as unique and interesting as Shinichi. So yeah, I can't say I am very positive about this.
  8. Bear

    Nah, there hasn't been many new films in the vein of the 70's and early 80's cannibal films. It's a forgotten subgenre of exploitation. Shame to be honest. The only one I can think of is Nella terra dei cannibali, but I haven't seen it. And the guy behind this film also remade Cannibal Holocaust, but it's supossed to be shit. Anyway, for cannibal films check out these: 1. Cannibal Ferox (9/10) 2. Eaten Alive (9/10) 3. The Mountain of the Cannibal God (8,5/10) 4. Ultimo mondo cannibale (8/10) 5. The Man from the Deep River (7/10) You also have films such as Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals, Cannibal Apocalypse, Papaya, Love Goddess of the Cannibals and more, but these are more for the hardcore fans of the genre I think. But keep in mind that I am almost uncritical to everything exploitation before the 90's, so I might be a bit biased.
  9. Bear

    Stand by Me - Very nice Stephen King adaption with great kids in the lead roles. All four are really impressive, and the whole film is very good. John Dies at the End - Woah, this was disappointing. Not because it was bad, no, but because it wasn't nearly as good as expected. Don Coscarelli's made cult films such as Phantasm, The Beastmaster and Bubba Ho-Tep, but they all became cult films because they were damn good, wicked and over the top. It all felt so pure and real. Wth John Dies at the End he seems to aim towards a cult status, and it all just feels try-hard and lame. The special effects are everything from amazing (practical) to awful (CGI), and that's the biggest disappointment here. I kinda understand why it has the status it has, but I don't buy it. At least not yet. Maybe in a few years when I rewatch it? Disciples of the 36th Chamber - The third and last installment in the 36th Chambers trilogy. Chia-Hui Liu (who also directed the film) is playing San Te, the character he played in the first film and he is fantastic as always. Another fantastic actor here is Hou Hsiao who does very well. As with Return to the 36th Chambers, we're once again treated with a martial arts comedy, and it's anther good one. More or less as good as Return... Great action and hilarious humour. The coreograhpy is great, especially in the first four minutes. That's the best part of this film as well. So damn awesome! This intro is golden: The last ten is the second best part of the film. Amazing stuff! The Mountain of the Cannibal God - Another cannibal film, and this is almost as good as Cannibal Ferox. The atmosphere is great, the setting is great and the cannibals are awesome. It all feels so brutal and primitive, and you just gotta love that. And we ge're treated with Ursula Andress ((Honey Ryder from Dr. No!, and that's always positive. Edge of Darkness - Not too long ago sicne I saw this the first time. Was sent on TV today so I watched it while I ate, and I was once again impressed. Good film, even though the last scene is awful. I gotta check out the TV-series it's bassed of soon. Better be good.
  10. Bear

    It depends on what you like and what you want to see. The original series (59-64) is often considered one of the best TV-series of all time, and one of the most influential ones. But it's an old one, and you need to be one that can enjoy things old. I haven't seen all of it myself, but from what I've seen I consider it a must-see. It's an anthology television series, so trying it out won't hurt you. The episode sin the first 3 seasons are 25 minutes long, so it won't take too much of your time if you wouldn't end up enjoying it. The first revival (85-89) is also worth watching from what I've seen, but not nearly as good as the original one. But for people who don't want to dive into things from the 60's it's sure worth a try. Longer episodes in the first seasons, though. However, The Twilight Zone isn't a pure horror series, though. It's mostly a mix of sci-fi, horror, fantasy, psychologial thriller and suspense. But I love what I've seen. Planning on watching everything of ourse.
  11. Bear

    Dark City is a bloody fucking masterpiece. There's nothing about the film that isn't top notch. It's a brilliant piece of dark sci-fi.
  12. Bear

    Me too. One of the very few visual kei/jrock bands I'd have any interest seeing. Most of the others are disbanded or "dead". Great band, and I love more or less everything they've done. I love the direction they took with Under-world, but I wish they would make something in the vein of the cover songs from Gekisei-single. They pulled off both Isezakichou Blues and Gakuseigai no kissaten in such a great way, and the retro sound really did fit their overall sound. But I guess I will have to dream about that, because it doesn't seem like it'll happen anytime soon. Nero is also one of my all time favourite drummers, and by far my favourite visual kei/jrock drummer. Groovy, but laidbak as fuck, and he never goes overboard with anything he does and doesn't seem to be interested in being in the spotlight with his drumming. Gekisei is by far their best song. Such an impressive song.
  13. Bear

    First of all, keep in mind that I have not seen all of these films, but I do believe these are films in the vein of Saw and Cube. Unknown W Delta Z (The Killing Gene) La habitación de Fermat Haze Das Experiment Identity Exam The Killing Room Se7en The Disappearance of Alice Creed There is also an episode of The Twilight Zone (from 1961) called Five Characters In Search of an Exit, which I am 100% was the main inspiration for Cube. It's only 25 minutes long, but it is an an absolutely killer episode. Well worth your time, even if you're not that into this old stuff. So yeah, Se7en, Identity and Das Experiment isn't exactly the same, but they have much of the same in it and the first time I saw Saw and Cube I was remembered of these films among others. They're playful, demented and damn good films. The psychologial aspect of these films have a lot in common with Saw and Cube.
  14. Damn, that was awesome! Respectable sound and picture. Great stuff!
  15. Then don't try live off your music. It's fully possible to make music, release music, tour a lot around the world and keep regular jobs. Thousands and thousands of bands from all over the world does that every single year. You cannot start a band in the 2000's and expect to live off your music.
  16. Bear

    From Dusk Till Dawn, season 1 - Way better than expected, but still totally unnecessary. Most of the acting is awful, it's dragging endlessly all the time and the special effects are just weird. One second they are amazing, practical special effetcs, and in the next they're awful CGI effects. And so it goes. It's fucking ridiculous to be honest. I won't come back for season 2. I'm sure of that. Crippled Avengers - This film was released the same year as the fantastic The 5 Deadly Venoms, and contains many of the same actos (a gang og many actors who played in lots of the same films, they were known as the Venom Mob), and in USA this film was released as Return of the 5 Deadly Venoms, to try to cash in on The 5 Deadly Venoms' success in the USA. But do not get fooled, this doesn't have anything to do with that film. Crippled Avengers is a Cheh Chang film, something which is equal to quality to be honest. The lot is simple enough, but good enough to keep your attention. But the coreography is where this films really shine. The fights are bloody excellent, and the coreography is amazing. Over the top, crazy and just damn entertaining. All in all this is another amazing Cheh Chang- and Shaw Brothers Studio-film. Recommended for fans of martial arts films.
  17. Bear

    This man is 92 years old today: Not only that, this man is so awesome he's got birthday on the same as Vincent fucking Price (and my mom!). Jesus, that is awesome! Releasing a new album around these days as well: I have around 5 Gods, and this man is one of them. Amazing human being! Congrats, and all hail Sir Christopher Lee!
  18. Bear

    Haywire - A surprisingly good film that's gotten lots of underserved negative response for some reason. If Jason Bourne changed his gender and was remade into a popcorn film, this would've been it. It stars MMA lady Gina Carano who does all of her own stunts and is badass. Ok, so her acting skills ain't all that, but what she lacks in the acting deparment she mostly makes up for with badassery. The fight scenes are unbelievably cool and well-made and this is where Gina Carano shines. The lack of acting skill is obviously a small problem, but if you can handle the lack of acting skills you'll surely enjoy this film. I know I did. Pain & Gain - Michael Bay makes a return to the "low budget" film-making with this tongue in cheek crime comedy full og juiced up men, stupidity and action, and what a return it is. His last good film was Bad Boys 2, and that's 11 years ago now. He's since made the atempts at live-action Transformers films that, despite being full of autobots, never feels like Transformers at all, which in itself is very impressive. Awful films. Armageddon and Pearl Harbor were also awful atempts at making something good. Two of the worst films ever. But with Pain & Gain he's back in his comfortzone, making something over the top, silly and tongue in cheek and he does it so well. This is his second lowest budget film, and his second best film. What a fucking coincidence, guys. Only Bad Boys is better. This film, ladies and gents, is damn fine. Silly, over the to and hilarious. Well done, Bay.
  19. Bear

    I just finished Braid after a pause on half a year. Last time I played I got so confused and irritated I just had to stop before I threw something and broke the TV-screen, and I haven't picked up the game again before today. I didn't know about the stars befoe accidently finding one just now, but I won't bother with them right now unless I find out that they're important, other than just for getting 100% which I don't care for. Anyway, brilliant game. Unique, creative and just hard enough for you to struggle, but not so hard that you don't ever want to play it again. And after every single puzzle I got, the more proud did I become. Shouted "oh yeah!" enough times throughout this game at least. It's just lots of fun! Score: 9/10
  20. Bear

    The Island - Seen it before, and I don't know why I choose it today. This just isn't a very good film. The first half is very good, it's visually stunning and Sean Penn is good, Steve Buscemi is better and Michael Clarke Duncan is best. As soon as it abandon the sci-fi and becomes an action film the whole thing just falls flat. Shame, because this could've been so much more than what it is.
  21. Awesome! I'm always looking forward to a new Merry album. And I am still waiting for them to release an album in the vein of the two cover songs on Gekisei. It's about time, though this won't be it.
  22. Bear

    Yes, of course. But if a band has found their "style" (= something they'e great at), and keep releasing the same, high quality stuff over and over, is there any need for improvement or changes, even small ones? I can only speak for myself, but if a band does something perfectly and manages to write good songs, I don't need any changes at all. It's obviously hard to keep writing interesting songs if you just do the same over and over and don't take any step to the right and add something new, but a lot of bands have done that just fine and that's great. Apokalyptic Raids are one of these bands that just keeps making the same music following the same formula, but they execute it perfectly so there's no need for any changes at all. Fastkill, Coffins and Kagrra (later in the career) are other bands who did the same. You just know exactly what you're getting long before you hear anything from the album, but despite the predictable aspect of it, you're always damn pleased with the new albums because the quality is always top notch. And in cases like that, there's no need for changes at all in my ears. And just because you have learnt something, doesn't mean you automatically can use what learnt and improve on anything. Using what you have learnt can easily be just as destroying as helping.
  23. Bear

    I'm not visual kei genius, but isn't X Japan more or less the essence of visual kei? I've always considered them THE visual kei band. They were what visual kei was all about. By the way, this is awesome: X Japan (around 84-85? Anyone?) One of the best X Japan photos. Fanfuckintasticly badass! The picture reminds me of Motley Crue around 82-83.
  24. Bear

    Yeah, no idea why they went with a name like this. Doesn't fit at all. And what's up with that snare? Hilarious.
  25. Bear

    Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 & 2 - Great cartoon based off Frank Miller's fantastic The Dark Knight Returns. I prefer the comic book, but this was a great adaption nonetheless. The oen thing bothering me is the whole PG-13 thing. But other than that this is a faithful and well-made cartoon that deserves your attention. Great stuff! The Man from the Deep River - This is the move that started off the whole cannibal genre, even though the boom wouldn't come before 6-7 years after this was released. I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed by this now. Remembered it as way better than this. But it's still very enjoyable, and worth watching if you're into this kind of films, but if you're only gonna watch one, two or three cannibal films, or one or two Umberto Lenzi films, this is not the one I would pick. but yeah, well worth watching. Good stuff. Catch Me If You Can - This is hands down one of Leonardo DiCaprio's best performances ever. Damn fine film, this is. Funny thing with Leo is that I was never impressed with him before 2002, then in 2002 he's in two films and suddenly he's this damn amazing actor. He's amazing in both Gangs of New York and Catch Me If You Can. Weird. Anyway, great film!
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