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Posts posted by Bear

  1. Drive Angy - Christ allmighty, what an abomination of a film this was. Everything sucks, and the CGI are just aweful. So.Fucking.Bad. Not even the beautiful and usually very good Amber Heard (whom I became a huge fan of after seeing the semi-masterpiece All the Boys Love Mandy Lane) manage to do anything productive here besides being mad sexy. Craaaaaaaap!

  2. Haunt - I watched about 30 minutes ofthis horror film before I started thinking about suicide. What an awful film! I ended it (my girl still watched it, but I couldn't.) and turned on some music. It's a pice of shit film!

    Charley Varrick - This is a fantastic heist film with Walter Matthau, who does so fucking good here. Great film and a must-watch for anyone into heist film.


    Dogtown and Z-Boys - Fantastic documentary about how team Zephyr, a bunh of surfers, revolutionized skateboarding in the 70's. You get newer interviews with Zephyr members, people like Henry Rollins, Tony Hawk and Glen E. Friedman and both videos and pictures from the 70's. This is topped off by a fantastic soundtrack!


    Cottage Country - Poor, poor film. A horrorcomedy that just tries way too hard to be funny, and Lucy Punch is so fucking annoying throughout the whole film. Kudos for amazing special effects, though. Shame there isn't more blood and gore here.


    Zatoichi the Outlaw - The 16th fil about Zatoichi, and in general just more of the same. It's predictable. You know where it'll go, what'll happen and so on, but it's so well-done and so exciting. Shintaro Katsu is amazing as always. It's an uneven film, and not among the best in the series, but still worthy of your time. Some of the humor feels a bit out of place, and it lacks a great badguy, but what it doesn't lack is violence, blood and a Grindhouse-feel. It actually feels like an early grindhouse film at points because of the violence and blood, and that is positive. I loved that! Great film despite its faults.


    Murk - Decent danish psychological thriller/horror. Not a masterpiece, but decent entertainment. Nikolaj Lie Kaas and Nicolas Bro are both very good here.


    Kandidaten - Another danish thriller with Nikolaj Lie Kaas. Again not a masterpiece, but entertaining.


    Wallander: Innan frosten - The first film/episode in the Wallander series from 2005. A bit predictable, but very good.


    Don't Be Afraid of the Dark - Awful remake of a cultfilm from the 70's, which I don't know if I have seen. But this was awful. No atmosphere, boring acting and Bailee Madison is so fucking annoying.


    Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2 - There's nothing left to be said about this film. It's a masteriece! A huge homage to Hong Kong martial arts-cinema and Japanese chambara, as well as other genres and films. Vol. 1 feels like a homage to Japanese cinema (and it obviously is), while Vol. 2 feels like a homage to Hong Kong martial arts-cinema. You just gotta love that!


    THe cast is great. Uma Thurman is perfect as the Bride, and the rest are well too. But I notice Sonny Chiba (The Street Fighter) as Hattori Hanzo, Chia-Hui Liu/Gordon Liu (The 36th Chamber of Shaolin) as Johnny Mo and Pai Mei, David Carradine (Kung Fu) as Bill and Chiaki Kuriyama (Battle Royale) as Gogo Yubari really well. They all stand out here. Fantastic!


    The silhuett-scenes ae beautiful, the massive amount of blood is even more beautiful and the soundtrack is great. 4 hours of badassnes!


    Death Proof - I can, to some degree, understand why people don't like this too much, but I feel as if it is a bit underrated and I just fucking love the film. It feels like I am watching a mid 70's, slow-burning exploitation flick. Kurt Russell is amazing and does his best role sine Big Trouble in Little China where he was perfect, and that's impressive. All the girls aren't top notch, but as this feels like an exploitation flick I don't mind that.


    Also, Jack Burton's tank top is hanging on the wall in the bart. Jack Burton is the main character is Big Trouble in Little China and was played by Kurt Russell, and that is fucking awesome.


    And don't miss all the awesome film posters in the taco bar. Awesome!


    Kelly's Heroes - Great, and perhaps a bit overlooked, WWII war comedy heist film. Clint Eastwood, Telly Savalas, Don Rickles, Carroll O'Connor and Donald Sutherland. Great film!


    Monster House - Decent animated horror film that comes off as weaker than what it could've been because of the boring animation and lack of charm in the visual style. But the story and characters are great. Shame about the animation and visuals.


    Danny the Dog - Still a great film! Jet Li haven't done as well in america as in China, and he comes off as a poor actor with great martial arts skills for most part. But in this film he actually gets to use his acting skills as well, and he does nicely. His best american film besides The Expendables films and Leathal Weapon 4. Crazy choreography, badass soundtrack by Massive Attack and lots of violence. Great film!


    Hang 'em High - Clint Eastwood, western, 1968. That's all you need to know. Great film!


    My Wife is a Gangster - This is a cool, charming and sweet romantic action comedy, but it's too long. Cut 20-25 minutes and you're left with a great film, but because of the lenght it's only decent. Eun-Kyung Shin is great!


    Not seen the sequels, but I guess I should do something with that soon.


    Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian - Decent, but somewhat disappointing sequel. I like that they've gone further out and added to the madness of the first, but it just lacks the humour of the first. Hank Azaria is hilarious and Amy Adams is so charming and cute.


    Sunshine - Great sci-fi-horror with a lacking third. I don't mind it, but it could've been done better. But it's a great film, and the special effects are superb. Some of the best CGI ever, despite being 7 years old. Great film!


    Fear Is the Key - Cool 70's thriller. The fist half of the film is amazing, but it looses some of its punch in the second half. But it's still enjoyable and worth watching because of the first half alone. Badass!


    Flash Gordon (1936) - Great serial in 13 episodes and 245 minutes long. Crazy serial with great special effects, over the top dialogue, rubber dragons, shark men, hawk men, sea monsters and a mad professor. Oh, and Charles Middleton doesn't just act as Ming the Merciless, he IS Ming the Merciless. What a performance!

    Big Trouble in Little China - When I moved in with my girl I went from watching this at least 4 times a month to not watching it. Less time to watch films means I have to choose a bit more carefully. So this was a rewatch I appreciated. Still the best film ever made! Just to make you realize how good this film is:


    If you choose to call it:

    1) an action film it is still the best film ever, even better than Die Hard.

    2) an adventure film it is still the best film ever, even better than Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

    3) a comedy film it is still the best film ever, even better than Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and Dumb & Dumber.

    4) a kung fu film it is still the best film ever, even better than The 36th Chamber of Shaolin.


    That's how good this film is. Fucking hell, man!


    John Carpenter is one of the best directors ever, and Kurt Russell in his prime one of the best actors ever, and together they were DY-NA-MITE! Escape from New York, The Thing, Elvis and the best film ever, Big Trouble in Little China. God fucking damn! Golden!

  3. It's a very good idea. My girlfriend likes the idea too, so it should be great fun. Expect a lot of shit from her though, to be honest. But it should be fun nonetheless. I can't wait!



    That was a cool list. Not everything would've ended up on my list, but a lot would've. I was surprised by how many of those I could've included on my own list.

  4. The Uninvited is such a good film. For some reason I always thought of it as very unique. The atmosphere is very... don't know. Like nothing else.



    By the way, I made a proposal to my girl who also loves horror that we should see one horror film a day in october. We pick 15 each and watch mine, hers, mine, hers and so on until we end it with Halloween on the 31st. Should be fun. She's very much into film and horror, but not films before 1980, so I thought I'd pick some older ones to try to broaden her taste. This should be a fun month! I expect a lot of shit from her though as she is not that citical to films as I am, but we decided we HAVE to watch eachothers films. I can't wait!


    Thought picking both new and old, classics and non-classics, and slashers and splatters and giallos and psychological horror and everything else. A bit of everything to help her broaden her taste. Should be a fun month!

  5. Some good Japanese stoner: Church of Misery, Eternal Elysium, Boris, Redwood Blues, Sonic Flower, Chūgakusei Kanoke, Greenmachine, King Goblin


    Some good Japanese sludge: Corrupted, dot(.), Boris, Garadama, Wheel of Doom, Zenocide, Birushanah, Congenital Hell, Godgrind, Nerveless, Sithter, Solar Anus,


    Church of Misery, Boris, Sonic Flower, Corrupter, Solar Anus and Congential Hell all have must-haves in their discograhy.




    Also, sludge can be as fast as it can be slow. A lot of bands owes more to the old hardcore of Black Flag, while many others owes more to the bluesy doom og Black Sabbath, but in general sludge is a mixture of hardcore punk and traditional doom metal. But you can also mix hardcore and traditional doom without being sludge, so there is more to it than that. But in general, it's a fine way to recognize sludge. A filthy mix of hardcore and doom metal. Yummy!


    Saint Vitus (one of the original doom metal bands) mixed Black Flag with their brand of traditional doom on Hallow's Victim without making a sludge album. But you get the point.

  6. People enjoy music in different ways, and in an ideal world it shouldn't be a problem. But every single time I've been to a show where it happens it gets a problem because the moshers, karate dancers and the rest of the mongers does it right where people want to stand and enjoy the show. They don't go to the sides or back where there's empty, no, every single time they do it right in front of the stage so that the people who are there to see the band has to go to the sides or back. They don't give a single fuck about the rest of the audience.

    E X E C U T E !

  7. I'm not overly fond of preaching metal bands myself, but I can't really say that I care as long as the music is good. However, I just got the impresson that you considered religious metal bands (Trouble, Mortification, Horde, Crimson Moonlight, Antestor, to mention a few "white metal" bands with something great in their discography) as lesser metal bands, and that they're not "real" metal because of their lyrical themes, which is something I strongly disagree with.


    Unless I misunderstood what you meant, then I apologize.

  8. I second all said here by DogManX. BABYMETAL is not really "metal", cause it kills the real idea of metal. (same for white metal bands, that's not actual metal)


    Would you care to elaborate this statement, and what exactly you mean by it?

  9. The Colony - 90 minutes of over-used ideas, cliches and boring characters. There's absolutely nothing of interest here.


    I Love You Phillip Morris - Still an allright film. Not a masterpiece, but both funny and interesting enough to make me entertained, without ever being hilarious. Probably Jim Carrey's best performance and films post-Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events. And while on it, I feel that the very, very good Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events is quite underrated and overlooked. Deserves so much more attention than what it has got.

  10. 01. What are you listening to right now?

    Enslaved - Frost (album)
    02. What song(s) make(s) you sad?

    Everything that's bad..
    03. What is the most annoying song in the world?

    Too many too mention.
    04. 3 all time favorite Japanese bands?

    Sigh, Kagrra and Sabbat
    05. 3 all time favorite non-Japanese bands?

    Bathory, Devil Doll and Alcest
    06. Your favorite recently discovered band is?

    Custer Buster
    07. Favorite female voice(s)?

    Audrey Sylvain (ex-Amesoeurs), Anna-Varney Cantodea (Sopor Æternus & the Ensemble of Shadows)
    08. Favorite male voice(s)?

    Quorthon (Bathory), Mr. Doctor (Devil Doll), A.A. Nemtheanga (Primordial)
    09. Music type you find yourself listening to most?

    Metal, punk and rock.
    10. What do you listen to, to hype you up?

    I usually don't do that, but hardcore and thrash metal I guess.
    11. What do you listen to when you want to calm down?

    Ambient, black metal and post-rock
    12. Last gig/concert you went to?

    Inferno festival, I think. Don't remember
    13. Band you find yourself listening to the most right now?

    14. Most hated band?

    Volbeat and Kvelertak
    15. Song that makes you think?

    Plenty, I guess
    16. Band that you think the world should love as much as you do?

    17. Favorite music video?

    I don't have any favourites
    18. Can you play a musical instrument?

    19. Are you in a band?

    20. Do you wish you could play an instrument? If so, which one?

    Guitar would be cool
    21. Best all-girl band you know of?

    22. Last song that you heard on the radio/CD…etc…?

    CD: Moonsorrow - Tuleen ajettu maa, Radio: no idea. Something bad
    23. What do you think of Classical music?

    Some are good, some are mediocre and some are shit
    24. What do you think of Country music?

    Some are good, some are mediocre and some are shit
    25. What do you think of Death metal?

    Some are good, some are mediocre and some are shit
    26. What do you think of Visual Kei?

    Some are good, some are mediocre and some are shit
    27. What do you think of Hip-hOP?

    Some are good, some are mediocre and some are shit
    28. If you were a musical instrument what would you be?

    29. What do your parents listen to?

    Dad: rock and danseband, mom: danseband
    30. Favorite movie/anime/video game sound track?

    Right now: Tangerine Dream - Thief
    31. Do you know the names of all the band members that you listen to?

    32. Have you met any famous musicians?

    33. Do you follow the music charts, like the top 40?

    34. Do you watch music TV?

    35. Do you listen to the radio?

    Yes, when I shower and sometimes in the car
    36. What are 3 of your favorite albums ever?

    Sigh - Hail Horror Hail, Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark, Kagrra - San
    37. Name one album that you regret listening to

    Dir en grey - The Marrow of a Bone
    38. Do you buy music digitally?

    39. Favorite Visual Kei band?

    40. What is one band that you used to love, but now hate?

    41. Does Engrrrrrish bother you?

    42. What genre could you never listen to?

    43. What language do you listen to the most in music?

    44. Do you like long songs?

    45. How often do you download music?

    Every day as long as I have my cmputer in front of me
    46. Are there any specific bitrates that you prefer?

    Nah, 192kbps and higher
    47. What do you think of autotune?

    There's nothing wrong with autotune as long as one doesn't go full retard with it
    48. What do you think of Noise (music)?

    Can be allright
    49. Do you prefer listening to music on speakers or with headphones?

    Depends on the music. Different music sounds best with different equipment
    50. What musician(s) are you most physically atracted to?

    51. If you could bring back any disbanded band, which one would it be?

    I'd either revive Bathory and get Bathory going again, revive Isshi and get Kagrra going again or just make Mr. Doctor release one of the many album he's composed over the past 20 years or. The last one would be the easiest one, so I'd proably go with that
    52. If you HAD to stereotype your music tastes, what would you be considered? (in example -a metal-head, hip-hop, goth, hipster, etc..)

    Would never do anything like that
    53. How much on average do you listen to music?

    3-4 hours a day
    54. How big is your digital music collection?

    55. How many physical CDs do you own?

    200 or something
    56. What song will you play at your Wedding?

    No idea
    57. What song will you play at your Funeral?

    Enslaved - Glemt
    58. What dead musician would you bring back?

    Quorthon or Isshi
    59. Best intro to a song?

    No idea
    60. Favorite album cover?

    Sigh - Scorn Defeat
    61. Two artists or bands that you'd like to see collaborate?

    Devil Doll and Arcturus
    62. Do you wear band etc T-shirts?

    63. Song that describes your life?

    Abysse - Golden Life (never heard the song, but the tite fits)
    64. Are any of your friends/family etc. musicians?

    65. Quote one of your favorite lyrics?

    Black haired witches / Bitches with their goats / Black robes and candles / Rituals can begin!


    Beherit - Sadomatic Rites


    I turn the cross upside down / and read Satanic Bible with fucking grown / my life begins at midnight twelve / masturbate to kill myself


    Sodom - Blasphemer


    The only two phrases of any song I'll remember at any time
    66. What was the last single you downloaded?

    Lycanthropy's Spell - Sagatal
    67. What was the last album you downloaded?

    Blood Red Fog - On Death's Wings
    68. What was the first album you ever bought?

    I think it might have been Run DMC - Together Forever: Greatest Hits 1983–1991
    69. What was the last album you bought?

    I got Dracula - Open Graves at Midnight, Tokyo Blade - Tokyo Blade and Hin Håle - Beyond in the mail earlier this week
    70. What would life be like for you without music?

    Different, but good
    71. What do you think about mainstream music today?

    Some are good, some are mediocre and some are shit
    72. What do you think about KPOP?

    Some are good, some are mediocre and some are shit
    73. Do you think the people around you have weird/bad taste?

    74. Do people (in general) think you have a weird/bad taste in music?

    No idea
    75. Is music very important to you?

    76. Do you wish you could sing? If so, what style?

    Don't care. I wouldn't need to be a very good singer to be a vocalist in any of the genres I'd play
    77. What was your favorite genre a long time ago? Has it changed since?

    No idea, but I guess it's changed a lot
    78. Is there a song you find very special to you?

    Don't think so
    79. What artists/musicians inspire you?

    Anyone that's good
    80. What do you usually listen to music on (computer, phone, ipod, etc)?

    Computer and mp3 player
    81. Do you listen to entire albums or specific songs?

    Mostly full albums, but it depends. Everything to its own time
    82. One song that makes you happy?

    Pharrell Williams - Happy
    83. What song do you never get tired of?

    Pretty much ever single good song ever made
    84. A song you like that was made before you were born?

    Bathory - Massacre
    85. What song makes you want to fall in love?

    86. What song would you make love to?

    No idea
    87. What song makes you want to dance?

    Pharrell Williams - Happy
    88. What song reminds you of summertime?

    Pharrell Williams - Happy
    89. What song reminds you of someone you would rather forget about?

    90. Do you sing in the shower?

    91. Do you ever make music mixes/mixtapes for other people?

    Not often
    92. How do you find new music?

    By reading about different artists and albums on different websites, as well as friends
    93. What artist/band do you enjoy that most people think sucks?

    94. Best active VK band?

    95. What do you think of Yoshiki?

    He's probably a massive cunt
    96. Do you Cosplay?

    97. Do you prefer visual or non-Visual Bands?

    Don't give a flying fuck. I prefer good usic over bad
    98. Do you read music-related fanfiction?

    99. Who in J-rock do you think is actually a vampire?

    100. Last J-rock song you fell in love with?

    I think Grieva was the last band I heard and liked, so it must've been something by them
    101. Favorite Japanese guitarist?

    Shinichi Ishikawa (Sigh)
    102. Favorite Japanese bassist?

    Tatsu Mikami (Church of Misery)
    103. Favorite Japanese drummer?

    Nero (Merry)
    104. Best Dressed Japanese band?

    Probably some punk band with spiked and patched up leather/denim jackets and without patches on their pants. Who? No idea.
    105. What are you listening to now?

    Enslaved - Eld

  11. I see. I don't go much to the library myself, other then to pick up the things I've ordered. The local library is really small and haven't got anything I want to read, but the main library over here (which is 40 minutes away) is pretty fucking big. So I just order whatever I want to read via the internet and in a day or two I go and pick them up at the small, local library. It's easy and well worth it.



    Had to sign up here too, but that's done in a few minutes. :P

  12. walking.jpg

    The Walking Dead

    Most of you know The Walking Dead now, but by the TV-series, and not the comic. There's no doubt in my mind whatsoever, that the TV-series are highly inferior to the comics. In fact, the TV-series are absolute shit, while the comic was very good. While the TV-series is based off the comics, there's a lot of changes and often they feel like two different series. The comics have better characters, better drama and is more of a pleasure to the eye than the TV-series.  It's just on a whole different level.


    I have to admit though, that while great for as long as I read it, it ran for way too long. I fell off a long time ago, I read 93 issues, and after that I haven't read a single thing. It's currently at 129 issues, and from what I've heard it's gotten a bit weak. It's lost its punch, as comics and TV-series often do when they go on for too long. Shame, but it's worth reading just for the 93 first issues anyway. It's superior to the awful TV-series.

  13. Cool! Yeah, it's expensive as fuck here too, so I usually lend from the library from free. They've got plenty. Though, I do plan to get myself a nice bunch of comics with time. I'll buy compilations with all issues of this and that, instead of buying one and one. It's usually a lot cheaper. Aso, internet > buying in Norway. It's way too expensive here.


    Have to agree about Sin City too. Great graphic novel.


    Also, I am revisiting From Hell nowadays. It's so fucking good. Dark, gritty and so well-written.

  14. So, there's already a manga thread here, but I haven't seen any thread about graphic novels and comic books yet. Talk about all things comics and graphic novels here. Comics and graphic novels are more or less the same thing, to many, but I tend to use them a bit different. A graphic novel, to me, is something a bit heavier, deeper and more complex than a comic, maybe a bit more for a grown up crowd. Though, not all think of it as I, so it doesn't really matter.



    Here's a few recommendations to get you started, unless you're already familiar with graphic novels and comics. I'll take the obvious ones to begin with:





    I'll just jump straight to it, because Scalped is a graphic novel in 10 issues that just can't get enough praise. This is by far the most impressive thing I have ever read, or seen. Because as far as character development and storytelling goes, this is just as good as The Sopranos, The Wire and True Detective. It's that good. Scalped is a series where we follow Dash Bad Horse, a reluctantly undercover FBI agent who's to infiltrate an orginasation run by Lincoln Red Crow, the leader of an Indian reservation. It's a bad soup of lies, money, drugs, violence and murder, melted together with a fantastic gallery of characters, and superb stories. Jason Aaron, the creator, has never lived in an Indian reservation, but when you read this you'd think he's lived in one for 60+ years. It's impressive. It'll need and issue to two to get going, but it is worth it. Also, the colourisation is a bit weird at first, but it gets better. Dark, gritty and fantastic crime noir.




    From Hell

    Another ten issue graphic novel by legends Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell. From Hell is a dark, gritty, gripping and hallucinatory piece of crime noir fiction about Jack the Ripper. It's a masterpiece, like much of what Alan Moore made in his early days.

    There's an film called From Hell which is loosely based off this, but it's no match for this, and it is quite different. So if you didn't like the film you should still check this out.



    The Dark Knight Returs

    This four issue graphic novel by Frank Miller is probably the most important Batman-piece since the first issues of Batman ever. This is often considered the best Batman story of all time, together with Miller's Batman: Year One. The Dark Knight Returns took Batman to new heights as Frank Miller created a dark, gritty version of a character that had become synonymous with camp. It stars a 55 year old Bruce Wayne, and that itself is amazing. It keeps all the important elements of Batman imtact, but just takes it to a whole new level of brilliance.



    Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files

    For thirty years, one man has dominated the British comic scene. He is judge, jury and executioner, a merciless far-future lawman delivering justice with an iron fist on the mean streets of Mega-City One.

    He is Judge Dredd. He is the law. He is the biggest British comics character of all time!

    Discover (or re-discover) the roots of this legendary character in this vast, thrill-packed graphic novel collecting together all of Dredd's early adventures in chronological order - complete and uncut!




    This Alan Moore classic is known to most people, so this is kinda useless. Anyway, if you haven't read it, you should. Watchmen is one of the best and most important graphic novels of all time. Complex, dark and gritty, with Watchmen Moore re-defined what superheroes could be. It's so well-written, and everything's so well-executed. Ultra-detailed drawings that just draws you in.



    That's some of the MUST-READS for all of ya. Should've mentioned V for Vendetta, Batman: Year One, Batman: Arkham Asylum, 300, Hellboy, Swamp Thing, Preacher, Hellblazer, The Punisher, X-Men and a lot more. Though, I'm not too familiar with all of these, though. Still working on it.




    But c'mon, talk graphic novels and comic books, folks!

  15. As someone who has only listened to two albums (Shion and the one with the Ageha and Sora to Ito PVs) and their song "Ryuusei" back in '08-ish, what is an example of "when Mucc were good?"


    Asking since any discussion related to this band seems to be just complaining that doesn't mean a whole lot to anyone who hasn't really followed them.



    Tsūzetsu, Zekū, the two EPs and Hōmura Uta in that order. You'll find some decent stuff on Kuchiki no Tō, Hōyoku and Gokusai as well, but I find them all to be very uneven, so as full albums they're not recommended IMO.

  16. Schizo - Fantastic, slow-burning slasher from Pete Walker, the man behind cult flicks such as Frightmare, House of Whipcord and House of the Long Shadows (with Vincent Price, Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing, among others). This fantastic slasher flick, from 1976 (yeah, one of the early slashers), has more in common with the giallo genre than slasher genre. Wile obviously an early slasher,  it still has more giallo feeling to it. A bit to slow-burning for some, but if you're patient you'll be treated very, very well with this one. A bit predictable, but the film is great. Atmospheric, a bit creepy.


    Do you like giallos? Watch this!

    Do you like slashers? Watch this!


    Simple as that.

  17. The Caller - The Caller is a horror film filled with great ideas, made by a writer and a director who doesn't know how to do anything with them at all. So many good ideas, such a poor film. It was pretty awfu actually.


    The Evictors - Great, late 70's horror film by Charles B. Pierce, the man behind the masterpiece The Town That Dreaded Sundown. This never gets as good as The Town That Dreaded Sundown, but it's well worth a watch anyway, because it's really awesome. Atmospheric and a bit silly. Predictable? Yes, but it doesn't spoil the fun.


    National Lampoon's Vacation - This film stars Chevy Chase in the best form of his life, having the coolest vacation ever in one of the best comedies ever made. Do I have to say more? No. Classic!

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