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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Battlelore - ...Where the Shadows Lie With fantastic coverart by known J. R. R. Tolkien'-ullustrator Ted Nasmith it's easy to understan what kind of themes this band deals with. ...Where the Shadows Lie is Battlelore's debut album, and a fantastic album in my eyes. It's hard to say exactly what genre Battleloe belongs in, but they play a mix of power metal and goth metal with hints of melodic death metal and folk metal, topping it with "beauty and the beast" vocals. Neither of the two vocalists are very talented, but they supply eachother very well and there's plenty of memorable vocal lines (such as the female vocals in Fangorn!) without ever going over top with anything, though the growls are a bit special and certainly not for everyone. They also managed to get their own soun and there's not really any bands out there sounding like this, and that's positive. I'm enjoying their lyrics as well (more or less always baese on something Tolkien) and it really fits the atmosphere of the music.
  2. Bear

    Nao (ex-Kagrra)
  3. Infant Death was cool, and the vocalist was happy as fuck as well as wearing the coolest mustache I've seen for a long time. Diskord was fantastic. There's nothing for the eyes there, but they're god damn tight and it's impressive how three guys can make so much noise. Brutally great gig from these guys.
  4. Bear

    True! That's what you get for going with practical special effects and actual miniatures. It just doesn't get old the same way as CGI does. Same goes for Metropolis too IMO. Because they used miniatures it stil manage to look fresh even to this date. Or Godzilla fo that matter. When buildings are destroyed there, they get destroyed and therefore it still looks real as fuck. After all, it is real, and something real doesn't get old or dated. Awesome! From Blade Runner From the set of Metropolis. One of my all time favourite pictures.
  5. Still a classic:

    Jesus christ, Justin Timerlake deserves to much mroe that he's experienced. Genius, god and so on.
    1. Bear


      T-Pain is a god! Fuck you all!

    2. Gaz


      the lonely island <3

      this one's also awesome
    3. Gaz
    4. Show next comments  459 more
  6. Bear

    If it's a buy it's a buy, so a digital purchase also belongs in the thread. As for me, I don't get why people would pay for digital flacs, but it's still a purchase, so please comment in this thread.
  7. Seeing Diskord and Infant Death tonight. Shouldbe fun. Diskord play ugly progressive death metal and Infant Death plaus ugly blacking thrash metal. Looking forward to see both. If Diskord's half as good as the last time I saw them it's gonna be good.
  8. Blurred Lines is fantastic. It's catchy as fuck, which is all that matters to be honest. Also, drugs? Who gives a fuck what he's doing. Could be snorting mountains of cocaine for all that I care, just like with every other artist out there.
  9. Bear

    There's nohing bad with being stuck in a loop as long as what you're doing are of high quaity. As long as the quality of the music (or your art in general, be it music, film, comics, books or whatever) doesn't drop there's not a single need of change to be honest. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind bands changing their sound, but I don't mind bands staying the same either.
  10. Bear

    Judging from the previews this might end up pretty good, but The Red sounds like it'll be thei worst song ever. Jesus, the preview of that song was awful.
  11. Bear

    Here's some famous and some lesser known film- and neo-noirs, some classic film-noirs, some classic neo-noirs and some tech(sci-fi)-noir, od and new. Sunsent Blvd., The Naked City, Night and the City (1950), Blade Runner, Stray Dog, Brute Force, Detour, Dark City, Minority Report, The Stranger, The Third Man, Following (Christopher Nolan), Dressed to Kill, Body Double and Thief to mention a few. All these are highly recommended by me. I think all of them are very, very good or just plain fantastic. Lots of different types of films to choose from there as well. As for me, I've got a very weak spot for tech-noirs like Blade Runner, Dark City, Minority Report and some more, but there's not enough films in this sub-genre. There's something very special about films like that.
  12. Bear

    Masterpiece! I cannot describe how much I love that film and how bloody amazing it is. Also, you've probably seen this film, but Chinatown is recommended and if you've not seen it you should watch it asap. It's another fantastic noir-flick.
  13. Bear

    I cannot be the only one who's looking forward to this film? As usual I don't know shit about what it's about, but I know that the poster is fucking awesome and reeks of 80's neo-noir, so I've got huge expectations for this film.
  14. I'm surprised by the amount of death metal found in that song. I'm not impressed, but judging from that song they seem to have gone in a bit different direction this time around instead of doing the same they did on the last album. Good for them and their fans.
  15. That was pretty bad and the video was awful, but god damn she's a fine girl.
  16. Bear

    Long time no see. I've been awfully alone here lately so I am happy to see a couple of other posters.
  17. I'm surprised to see people wanting Christopher Nolan for a project like this. If there's one director in the whole wide world I would not see involved in a project like this it's him, Chistopher Nolan. He'd bring his pseudo-dark and and "deep", shitty style to the film and make yet another film with no identity or feeling, just like everything else he's done for the past 6-8 years. He's just another promising director who turned shit as soon as he got the chance to work with big budgets and even bigger stars. Just another director happy to compromise the hell out of a project just so that he can make something big and throw lots of $$$ right and left. Anyway, I doubt anyone could make a good GitS film. I think GitS as a project would demand way too much from the director and the others behind the film. SUre, someone might make a good action/sci-fi film from it, but not a good GitS film.
  18. Heeeellz yeah! Man, that looks amazing. I mean, those two concerts would probably have been worth every single penny you'd have to pay to witness it. Chist! Also, Inferno is starting to look good. The line up so far: BEHEMOTH ENSLAVED BLOODBATH MY DYING BRIDE SEPTICFLESH 1349 MORTUARY DRAPE ANTICHRIST SAGMAUR I am especially happy to finally getting the chance to see Mortuary Drape. Faaaantastic band, and one of the most unique black metal bands of all time. Gonna see My Dying Bride and Slagmaur for sure too.
  19. Fuck, next years Roadburn looks interesting. Well, there you've got the understatement of the year. Fields of the Nephilim, Salem's Pot, Monolord and Svartidaudi to mention a few, but the most interesting? This: Oh! My! Fucking! God!
  20. Great concert last night. The 15 minutes I saw of Haraball was good, Haust delivered some awfully ugly blackened hardcore with conviction and Okkultokrati was heavy as fuck. Great gigs from al of them, especially Haust and Okkultokrati.
  21. Good for them. No hatin'. As long as they're both old enough to know what they're doing and no one innocent gets hurt I don't really give a fuck.
  22. Bear

    New Run the Jewels song: https://soundcloud.com/adultswimsingles/oh-my-darling-dont-cry It's a lot darker and heavier than their debut album. That's heavy as fuck. Also, huge bonus for including Michael Winslow (Police Academy). Yaaa, that's his robot voice. Brilliant!
  23. Bear

    No, it is not. Speed/power metal done right. Raw, badass and full of energy.
  24. I haven't seen the band since 2010, but I expect them to be way better now as they've gained a shitload of experience since then. Still haven't given their new album too many spins yet either, but that should change today.
  25. Bear

    Yeah, I know, and I actually thought about mentioning them as the only decent band I could think of. But the vocals are pretty annoying so I decided not too. But musically they're often spot on with their thrashy power/speed metal.
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