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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    Captain America: The First Avenger - From the 7 films I've seen from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this is the best out of them, a horses head ahead of The Avengers. But that doesn't mean this is amazing. But what I liked a lot in this film, which I've missed in the other MCU-films, is the balls to go slow and try to give the hero a bit flesh. Give him a proper personality. Make us like him as a character and a hero. And I did that. I really enjoyed Captain America and Steve Rodgers in this film. I also felt that the plot was a lot better here than in the other films I've seen. It's not brilliant, but it's more than good enough to keep me interested. I also feel they've managed to create a retrofeeling here, despite obviously being a very modern film. I get plenty 60's and 70's James Bond-feeling from this, and for me that is nothing but positive. And the jokes are way more successful here than in the other films.I laughed out loud several times, which is quite unusual for me when it comes to these Marvel films. What it does wrong, though, just like the other MCU-films, is that it doesn't give the villain close to enough screen time and purpose. Once again the villain feel underdeveloped, and a shame it is. There's also way too much CGI for my liking, because the CGI isn't very good. That's disappointing. And it's got lots of Peggy Carter, and I am currently in love with her. So, heh... So yeah, I proper enjoyed this. 7/10, just like The Avengers. Not a masterpiece, but enjoyable, and a film I'll watch again later sometime. Looking forward to checkig out The Winter Soldier. Stray Cat Rock: Wild Jumbo - The first one was an instant classic to me, so I was really looking forward to this one. Sadly for me, this wasn't much but a huge disappointment. It's decent, but the whole girl gang with badass attitude-thing is dropped, and instead you have a retarded gang acting like retards in the leads. And to my big disappointment the film has nothing to do with the first, desite Meiko Kaji, Bunjaku Han and Tatsuya Fuji returning. They all play different roles this time around. And from what I've read now, none of the films are conected other than in names. Shame. The film uses 45 minutes before it starts go somewhere, and by then I had already started getting bored. However, it really picks up after that and gets really good for the last 40 minutes, but it's all too late. By then the damage was already done. I might have had too big expectations considering how much I loved the first, Meiko Kaji and the director Toshiya Fujita who directed Lady Snowblood, one of my all-time favourite films, but even if I hadn't known that I wouldn't have been very pleased. 5/10
  2. Bear

    Thor: The Dark World - Better than the first, but not by much. It's as visually underwhelming as the first, and Asgard still looks godawful. So artificial and boring. The costumes once again look very cheap. It just doesn't look like something from a 170m film. Not even close. It looks like something for a regular theatre or something. But the biggest flaw, for me at least, is that there's no real substance here, and nothing to make up for the lack of a proper, good plot. Malekith was so wasted. Talk about not bothering develoing a character at all. The action wasn't nearly good enough to make up for it. And yeah, so and so and so on. Also, have running in front of a green screen ever looked good? God damn, it looks so fucking bad. Ew. I was entertained, but it's disappointing to see how little effort is actually put into these types of films. There's so much potential in these types of films, but they don't bother using 1/5th of that potential.
  3. Godawful video, but the song is actually pretty good. I'd do fine without those poppy female vocals, but aside from that it's good. Dani sounds better than he's done in years. I get a very 1998-2000 Cradle of Filth vibe from it. Hm.
  4. Bear

    Tammy - I told my girlfriend to choose a film to watch while we ate some food, and she choose this. This is hands down one of the wors films I've evern seen. Gave up after 45 minutes or so. Would've given up sooner if it wasn't for the fact that I was eating. I thought Melissa McCarthy did OK in Bridesmaids, which was a cool enough flick, but aside from that she's one of the most unfunny people I've seen on screen. I want to punch her fucking face. Jesus. Crap, crap, crap.
  5. Bear

    Lost in Translation - Slow, funny, charming and sad drama that certainly won't please everyone. I've watched it once before and enjoyed it then, but I enjoyed it even more now. Bill Murray's fantastic, but then again, isn't he always fantastic? Good film.
  6. Well, if darkwave is included then Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble of Shadows deserves a mention. Absolute stunning band and probably the darkwave band I am most familiar with. I think al the albums from 1995's Todeswunsch to 2007's Les Fleurs du Mal - Die Blumen des Bösen are fantastic. Some better than others of course, but all are really good. Listen Listen And Enoch, a side project by Mirai of Sigh and Killjoy of Necrophagia. Released one album and I think it's a great album. It's a very horror film influenced album. A soundtrack to a non-existing horror movie. I really like the album. Great atmosphere and moods.
  7. Bear

    I rarely skip any tracks. I'm an albums person so I always listen to albums fron A to Z, which means that everything I listen to on a monthly basis is great from A to Z without a single poor song. And at the moment I have 225gb of music on my comuter, and 100% of that music is albums and EPs without a single poor or mediocre song. However, an album doesn't need to be close to perfect just because I don't skip a single song, though. Far from it. Very far from it. In Flames' The Jester Race, which is an album I've played a lot lately, doesn't have a single song I need to skip, but it's not a perfect album anyway. It's a good album, but far from perfect. Which goes for most of the albums I play on a weekly basis. Very few are perfect. Let's just assume I have 2225 albums and EPs on my comuter at the moment, all which is albums where I like every single song, only 150-200 of those I would consider perfect. There's always an exception to the rule, though. Every now and then I'll play an album/EP despite knowing it contains a weak song. But it's so rarely that I don't even bother keeping MP3s of the album, no matter how good the rest of the songs is. Because at the end of the day I just won't bother playing albums where I have to skip tracks. It's 06:41am right now and I started my day with a couple of cups of black coffee and an album I consider to be a perfect album: Misfits - Earth A.D. / Wolfs Blood Not only are all the songs on the album great or fantastic, they are all perfect. This is one of those 150-200 I consider perfect. A 100/100 kind of album. There's not a single weakness or flaw throughout the entire album. Everything from the songwriting to the production to every single drum beat and vocal line are perfected. 100/100 I'll see if I can make a small list of some of the albums I consider perfect later today or something. Heh.
  8. Bear

    I have also started on Tales From the Crypt, season 3. Episode 1, Loved to Death - Season three started off with a blast with this nice, littlee romantic comedy film. Well, romantic for a while at least. It's fairly ordinary, but it's executed so well you just have to be entertained by it. 8/10 Episode 2, Carrion Death - A superb episode with a stunning performance by Kyle MacLachlan. This gem is directed by Steven E. de Souza who would later direct Street Fighter, and he does a great job. Over the top and fun, but exciting at the same time. Masterpiece! 9/10
  9. Can people just list the subgenres that would be relevant in this thread? I'm not too well-versed in this genres, so I don't really know this. Name 'em, guys.
  10. Bear

    Asylum - The main narrative here is, compared to most others, really good. A bit over the top, but it's far from predictable and it's lots of fun. Such a surprise to me. Frozen Fear - This starts off with a blast, and while not my favourite of the stories, it's top notch. Silly and over the top, but executed in such a way that you can't help but love it. So much fun! 9/10 The Weird Tailor - This one stars Peter Cushing, so no matter how much it sucks it's worth seeing because Cushing is Cushing, and Cushing is great. But this doesn't suck. This is the best one of the lot. It's slow, but the atmosphere is brilliant and ending superb. 10/10 Lucy Comes to Stay - The most predictable and worst of the lot. It's not bad, but it lacks both atmosphere and suspense. Good, but not amazing. 7/10 Mannikins of Horror - This is the last one and is wrapped into the main narrative turning into one. And as I already said, the ending, which is this, is amazing. Superb! 8/10 Amicus deliver the goods as usual. All hail!
  11. Bear

    Tales From the Crypt - The original film from 72, with two stories adapted from Tales From the Crypt, two stories from The Haunt of Fear and one from The Vault of Horror. I'll doo my usual and say some words about every story included. The main narrative is cool, though very predictable. And The Cypt Keeper is totally different from the one in the series. But that's cool. He's more sinister here. … And All Through the House - This story I was already familiar with as it was also adapted for the TV-series. Two very different versions, though. This one is more focused on the suspense rather than the maniacal, black crazyness of the one in the TV-series. Joan Collins is great here. And this is probably my favourite on here. 9/10 Reflection of Death - This is probably my least favourite here, but it's still a great one. The ending is really good. 7/10 Poetic Justice - This one stars Peter Cushing and is my second favourite of the stories. Peter Cushing is amazing, and the ending is among the best I've seen lately. It's just really amazing. 9/10 Wish You Were Here - The silliest of the stories, but a good one. It's hilarious and so over the top. Can't help but love this one. 8/10 Blind Alleys - The meanest of them all, and another loveable one. It's pretty over the top, but who doesn't love that? I know I do. 8/10 Amicus really knew how to deal with horror anthologies. Brilliant stuff!
  12. Bear

    The House That Dripped Blood - Four shorts and one main narrative that links them somewhat together. The cast is quite imressive with three of them being Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing and Ingrid Pitt. Framework - Some actor has disappeared and a detective is trying to find out what happened. As he goes around he's told the different stories of what has happened in the house in the past. Decent enough. Good ending. 6/10 Method For Murder - The first proper segment in the story, and a good one as well. It's a fairly standard suspense story about a horror storywriter, but it manage to build plenty suspense despite being very predictable. 8/10 Waxworks - This one's with Peter Cushing, and is better than the last. It's another predictable story, but very, very, very much fun. Great atmosphere! Notice a waxwork of Christopher Lee's Dracula in the background. How cool is that? Very cool. 8/10 Sweets to the Sweet - The darkest and most sinister of the segments, with Christopher Lee in the lead. Great atmosphere and by far the best in the film. 9/10 The Cloak - The silliest of the stories, but very much entertaining. Ingrid Pitt is fantastic and it's much fun. 8/10 PS: the best moment of the entire film came in The Cloak. Such a great and funny quote because Christopher Lee is part of the film: "That's what's wrong with the present day horrorfilms. There's no realism. Not like the old ones, the great ones. Frankenstein. Phantom of the Opera. Dracula - the one with Bela Lugosi of course, not this new fellow." Almost shat myself at that one. Brilliant! Christopher Lee must've laughed himself close to death at this. All in all another great Amicus horror anthology.
  13. Samhain Fans of Misfits and Danzing will be very familiar with these guys as this was one of Glenn Danzig's bands. There's some Misfits punk left in the sound, and Danzig's characteristic vocals are present, but musically Samhain was darker, more sombre, macabre and eerie than Misfits. Listen Listen Christian Death Christian Death' debut album, Only Theatre of Pain, is often considered THE deathrock album, and with good reason. I prefer Samhain to Christian Death myself, but this album, as well as the EP Deathwish, are must-haves for any fans of deathrock/gothic rock. Simple as that. Listen 45 Grave Cult band that should be familiar to anyone into the genre, or horror films actually. Best known for Partytime which was included on the cult classic The Return of the Living Dead. Listen The Damned I can't say I am too familiar with this band, but Phantasmagoria is a total classic. Dark and eerie goth rock. Those vocals, man. Listen Beastmilk A newer post-punk band who changed their name from Beastmilk to Grave Pleasures following the departure of their guitarist. Features Kvhost previously of Dødheimsgard, Code, Hexvessel and more. Superb band! Listen
  14. Bear

    They are an acquired taste for sure. The quality of the films in the new wave of japanese splatters "genre" is a bit up and down, but at it's best and second best it's great. Tokyo Gore Police, The Machine Girl and Meatball Machine are the icing on the cake. No doubt about it. Modern splatter classics if you ask me. Masterpieces. But for more experienced watchers I'd recommend films like Robo-Geisha, Vampire GIrl VS Frankenstein Girl, Helldriver, Samurai Princess, Gothic & Lolita Psycho, Alien VS Ninja, Mutant Girls Squad, Deadball and more as well. Not quite as good as the best films in the genre, but more than worth a look for those who's interested.
  15. Bear

    I recommended it, but it ain't something most people will appreciate. For most people these newer japanese splatter films is too silly too enjoy alone. It's the kind of films most people enjoy watching together with friends for a laugh. Unless you are someone like me of course. I love most of these films.
  16. Bear

    Also, Gaki No Tsukai is so much fun. All hail!
  17. Bear

    It's from the short film Shyness Machine Girl which was a featurette in the DVD release of The Machine Girl. It's somewhat a sequel to the film. Great little short it is, and The Machine GIrl is a full blown masterpiece. Highly recommended! The director, Noboru Iguchi, is one of those batshit crazy directors. A mad scientist of films sort of. He know how to entertain, and he loves a weapon out of the ass. This song, video and everything is beyond god damn brilliant. The ultimate summer and beer song. The whole album is really good. It gives a great feeling. Word up!
  18. To be quite honest I believe plenty of the bands might have been pushed by their record companies, but it was also something new towards the mid 90's and something that proved to be popular among the people, so I guess someone also went down that lane to get more fans. And of course, plenty of them liked the genre in general. But I hate the genre and wish they had gone down another lane. By the way, I must add that Sodom's Better Off Dead, Tapping the Vein and Get What You Deserve are proper underrated albums. Also by me until recently when I rediscovered the albums. With Better Off Dead the band went in a slightly darker and heavier direction. Still pure thrash metal, but somewhat a new sound for the band.Catchy as fuck. With Tapping the Vein they went in a more death metal-influenced direction. This album is just sheer brutality. Headcrushing thrash/death metal! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tetiWfH2tGA With Get What You Deserve the album went in a punkier direction adding plenty of hardcore into the album. Still brutal, but in another way than Tapping the Vein.
  19. It's getting closer and closer to summer, and the weather is, at times at least, really nice. This, for me, means thrash metal and crossover. However, why the fuck did "all" the great thrash metal bands turn towards groove metal sooner or later? Some went down the groove lane early on, while some later, but a shitload of these thrash metal bands turned towards groove metal at one point. It's so fucking disgusting. Worst genre in history of music. Sepultura with Chaos A.D. They've already lost me at Arise, but at least Arise is alright if nothing else. Chaos A.D. however is absolute trash. It's so bad. Anthrax with Sound of White Noise and many of the albums that would come. Everything up until Persistence of Time is good, but then they got groovier and shittier. Annihilator with King of the Hill. The quality dropped massively with their third album, Set the World on Fire, but it wasn't until The King of the Hill that the band turned really sour. From there on and until now the band has sucked so bad. Ew. Sodom with Masquerade in Blood. While not proper groove metal, there's more than enough groove metal elements here to make me vomit. Awful album. Everything up till MiB was actually pretty good. But this album. Fucking hell. Overkill with I Hear Black. The first four albums are amazing, the fifth is cool, then came I Hear Black and the band turned to shit. Shitty groove metal made for pussies, like groove metal in general. Crap. Testament with Low. I only need Testament's debut album, but everything up until Low are pretty good. Low however, is low. Such a shitty album with plenty of groove metal thrown in. It's so god damn bad. Slayer with Diabolus in Musica. I lost interest with the release of South of Heaven, and I think South of Heaven, Seasons in the Abyss and all the following albums are boring. But it was the groove metalinfluenced nu metal shit that is DiM that really turned these guys into a poor joke. Such an awful album. Destruction with The Least Successful Human Cannonball and All Hell Breaks Loose. I lost interest in this band after Eternal Devastation, but both Release from Agony and Cracked Brain and fairly enjoyable albums. Then they turned groovy, and aside from The Antichrist which i enjoy, everything's been groove metal-influenced shit. Godawful. Exodus with Force of Habit, but especially with Shovel Headed Kill Machine and the other albums with Rob Dukes. Force of Habit is groove metal influenced as fuck, and bad as well. But with Shovel Headed Kill Machine they took it all to a new level. After a close to perfect comeback (with one awful song, which hapens to be a groove/nu metal song) they turned sour with the groovy shit. Shame really. Lääz Rockit with Left for Dead. A modern-sounding comeback album released in 2008. Groove metal from A to Å. Can't stand this piece of shit album. Sacred Reich with Independent. The American Way was bad, but Independent was their low. Godawful album. See a pattern here? While some bands had already become uninteresting, most of them didn't turn GODFUCKINGAWFUL until they went for a groove metal influenced sound, obviously very inspired by shit like 90's Pantera, Machine Head and the likes. It's seriously the worst genre ever. Ugh.
  20. Bear

    Finished Agent Carter today. Thought it was really good and lots of fun. Hayley Atwell is really impressive. Does a great job. Very much looking forward to season 2. 8/10
  21. Swedish occult rockers GHOST have set "Meliora" (Latin for "better") as the title of their third album, due on August 21. I am looking forward to this. Both albums are fantastic, but I was a bit let down by the production on their last album. But everything else was top notch. They might be the very best live band in the world at the moment as well. Stunning liveband.
  22. Bear

    I see. Shame they didn't start with it, though. Really. Some other company should've bought the rights to Constantine. HBO, Netflix, Starz or something. SOmeone who can do whatever they like and don't have any rules at all. Still watching Orphan Black, but my interest is slowly fading. It feels like they're just grasping at straws at the moment, with no idea where they're going. Will watch this season out, but they gotta change something soon or I won't watch the next season. Such a waste.
  23. Bear

    Stanley Kubrick was such a talented guy. He truly was soemthing else, and someone really, really special as far as talent goes. I haven't seen all his films, though. I've only seen 8 as far as I know. Dr. Strangelove, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Killing and Spartacus are by far my favourites from the films I've seen. In that order as well. I do love the four others as well, though, but I think these are much better than the rest. The Shining gets close, though. But it doesn't quite match the four mentioned IMO. But it's close to perfect anyway.
  24. I doubt any of them care enough to have formed an opinion on it.
  25. Bear

    Today I had to clean the boys toilet at school again, but this time it wasn't just a shitload of piss on the floor - this time it was also a fucking pool of piss on top of the toilet lid. So disgusting, man. Eeeeew.
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