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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Abyssal - Antikatastaseis Shit, that is some stunning artowork. Looks amazing! The album sounds pretty good as well. https://profoundlorerecords.bandcamp.com/album/antikatastaseis
  2. Bear

    i finally started on Tales From the Crypt, season 4: Episode 1, None But the Lonely Heart - A very nice episode directed by none other than Tom Hanks who's also got a small role in the episode. Fun and exciting episode with a brilliant ending. Those special effects, man. Stunning! 9/10
  3. Bear

    Finished The Americans season 1. Thought it was really good. It had a short drop in quality around episode 5-7, but got better after that. A very good season, even though the action scenes got worse throughout the season, to my big disappointment. But as a espionage and drama series it's really good. Orphan Black season 3 has got a lot better over the last two episode as well. Much better. About time!
  4. Bear

    Nice review, boy. Tried the song though and thought it was awful. Not my cup of tea at all. I do remember appreciating some of their older albums, though.
  5. Bear

    Shit, this album is so good. Everything, including the production and You Oshima's guitar playing, keeps growing on me. It sounds 100% Sigh, but again they're doing something new and fresh which is really cool. The opening shredding on Kaedit Nos Pestis kinda sets the whole tone for the album, and while there's often something a bit off about the shredding, it sounds pretty fucking cool I'll admit. I hear elements from Hail Horror Hail, Gallows Gallery and Imaginary Sonicscape, but nothing sounds recycled in any way which makes it fresh. The whole album is a nice mix of hard-listening and ridiculously catchy songs, and it's something that works well, just as it did on In Somniphobia and Imaginary Sonicscape as well. Love album once again from these crazy japanese guys and a girl.
  6. Thor Anders "Destructhor" Myhren is out of the band as well. Good riddance if you ask me. He's quite the riffer, but he's got no personality on stage and I'm not a fan of him at all. Also, here's David Vincent's reply now that he's finally found out that he's actually out of the band: That is such a classy statement from Vincent. One of the more mature replies I've seen to something like this as of late. Very nice!
  7. Bear

    I got the job. But I got a mail yesterday and they've put me up working with the new first graders. Why the fuck do they want me to work with the kindergarten kids who just started on school is beyond me. They're too small. Way too small. Give me someone older to work with. Christ.
  8. Bear

  9. Bear

    My expectations to Every Hero Needs a Villain were sky high, but after a few spins I'm very, very satisfied. They don't offer anything new, but it still sounds very fresh in 2015. The sound is classic, but not generic. Hard and heavy. Also, the begining transition of When Gods Go Mad into Ka-Bang! is amazing. As soon as the bass kicks in on Ka-Bang! I immediately want to go out and kick someone in the face. The entire bass line is great, though. An album that is at least as good as its "prequel", maybe even better. Gotta spend some more time together with it, but so far, so fucking good.
  10. I'm currently on a nice Tankard kick. One of the big german thrash bands, but unlike Destruction, Kreator and Sodom they were never as crushing. A lot more playful and fun to be quite honest. Never really got into anything but their two first albums, but they're both great. Especially Zombie Attack is a masterpiece. Lovely cover art as well. Will try the rest of their discography again soon. See if it works out better this time.
  11. Bear

    Oh yeah, that's cool. That's so fucking cool.
  12. Thought Cannibal Corpse did very well yesterday. Went on stage 10 but announced 11:10 that they suddenly had to play their last song, which was Hammer SMashed Face. I believe they had one more which they didn't get to play, though. I had t leave after the intro of HSF, which was a shame but as the intro is the best part of the song I wasn't all that devestated. Had to get to the bus and take the last bus home. Anyway, the sound was good, the band was tight and Corpsegrinder was in a fantastic mood. Made jokes, laughed and was cool as fuck. Very satisfied with the gig. Happy to finally have seen the band live.
  13. Bear

    He's a monster behind the kit. Far from my favourite of course, but a beast anyway. Tight, fast and technical but not without feeling and groove when needed. Was very impressed with him live too.
  14. Bear

    Payback - I still consider this one hell of an underrated film. Yeah, so it's not quite Point Blank or Full Contact which were both based on the same novel as Payback, but it's still a really badass revenge flick with a top notch performance by Mel Gibson who drives this film with a emotional and badass portrayal of a cool-as-fuck badguy. I mean, there's not a good guy to cheer for in this film. No matter which side you cheer for, you cheer for a badguy, which I personally like a lot. It's violent, and the violence is very stylized and cool imo. Underrated, but really enjoyable film.
  15. Couple - the feefaller with one leg thrown outto the side, just like the foetus. Always.
  16. Cannibal Corpse tonight. Been playing though their last known set list lately, which consists of 3 songs from A Skeletal Domain and Tomb of the Mutilated, 2 songs from Gallery of Suicide and Torture, and one song each from Bloodthirst, Eaten Back to Life, Evisceration Plague, Gore Obsessed, Kill, The Bleeding, The Wretched Spawn and Vile. This was the setlist played back in april, though, so it's hard to say. This was an hour long. It doesn't lok like there's a support band tonight so I think we might get something along this line here. I'm mad jelly about the rest of Norway though which had Execration as a support. They couldn't make it up here because of their work and shit which sucks, because Execration is way better than Cannibal Corpse. Execration is one of the best new death metallers around and a must for everyone into dark, morbid, unique and original death metal.
  17. Bear

    Boogie Nights - It's been more than 10 years since I saw this and back then I thought it was among the best drama film I've seen, and now, 10+ years later, I still think this is among the best drama films I've ever seen, and I also consider this Paul Thomas Anderson best film. The story is great, the direction even better and the cast superb. Julianne Moore, John C. Reilly and the rest does really well, but it is Mark Wahlberg and ESPECIALLY Burt Reynolds who are the best here. The latter completely steals the show. Everything about this film is godly. There's not really a single weakness to be found here. Brilliant! Wild Style - Wild Style is often considered the first ever hip hop film, and it's one hell of a powerful film. OK, let me just start by saying that I don't think this is great filmmaking in any way. The acting is awful for most part, the cinematography is shit and it's overall shit. But despite this, it's such as passionate and powerful film that you kinda forget about every single of its weaknesses. It's filmed in a shitty documentary-style as well, but I won't call it a documentary. It's a film that illustrate the early hip hop scene really well, and it includes rapping, DJing, beakdancing and grafitti which was a huge part of the scene, and it features some big names of the time such as Grandmaster Flash, The Cold Crush Brothers, Fab Five Freddy and Busy Bee Starski. It's a really cool film and a film I believe caught the pureness of the hip hop scene back in 82.
  18. Bear

    Half way into season 1 of The Americans. So far so good. A great period drama with espionage-based story-telling that's kept me interested so long. I also gotta give them props for the violence. While there haven't been much violence, the little that has been has been very, very good. It's well-choreographed and looks powerful, just the way it's supossed to. I get plenty of Jason Bourne-feeling from all the fighting. I'm really happy that series creatrs finally are taking fight scenes seriously. This, Daredevil, hopefully Banshee which has been praised for its action scenes, seem to put a lot of time and effort into the action scenes whih happens t be mostly hand-to-hand combat which I am a huge fan of, so this pleases me a lot.
  19. Tim Yeung is out of the band as well. I saw them live right before christmas and that was great, but we all know what an Illud Divinum Insanus, so I guess some "fresh" blood is needed. Tim Yeung isn't a big loss either. A very talented guy, but he lacks character IMO. He's just too good of a drummer for the kind of metal Morbid Angel plays IMO. Morbid Angel needs someone a bit rougher.
  20. Bear

    I see. I'll stay away from the spoilers then, as I am still on the first book. Half way through. Not much of a reader to be honest. Not at all.
  21. Bear

    It would be cool if epople bothered to tell us what the spoilers are all about. Are they book spoilers or what? Anyway, spoiler for this season: Another fantastic season. An axe to the back of the head of the haters.
  22. Bear

    6 Reasons Modern Movie CGI Looks Surprisingly Crappy A lovely little piece on why modern CGI is so god damn boring and for most part awful. Worth a read for sure. Shit's spot on. I still say fuck CGI as it is used today. Point #4 stands extremely close to my heart. There is nothing wrong with using CGI, but use it as a helpful tool when there is no way around. If there's a way around, just fucking take it for gods sake. It's worth it at the end anyway.
  23. Bear

    True Romance - A very nice Tony Scott-directed crime film with some fantastic performances by Christian Slater, Patricia Arquette, James Gandolfini, Dennis Hopper, Christopher Walken, Gary Oldman and more. The three latter completely steals the show despite their limited screen time. The film is directed by Tony Scott, but it's written by Tarantino and his name is written all over this film, from the plot to the character to the dialogue and reference to other films, especially The Steet Fighter and Sonny Chiba as we all know Tarantino love. I really adore the plot for this one, and the story works on so many levels. The romance are believeable, the crime of it all is very exciting and interesting and I totally buy how things works out. Oh, and the violence totally works. The violence is truly violent and simply beautiful! Fantastic film. I'll admit that I think this would've been way better with Tarantino directing it, though. I prefer him to Tony Scott and I think he would've done an even better job, making this one of the best films ever. But it's still fantastic, so I can't really complain about anything.
  24. Bear

    Kung Fury - I've been following the development for this film since it's early kickstarter days, so I had some pretty high expectations. It's not a good film in any way possible, but it's such a cool and over the top mongoloid film that it's impossible not to enjoy it, especially i you grew up watching 80's action, martial arts and buddy cop action-comedies, something which I happened to do. The film is absolute nonesense, but it's damn fine nonesense and it's a blast from start to finish. It's a collection of every single film, TV-series and video game clichés from the 80's. Simple as that. A god damn blast! And lovely one-liners. Oh, and a lovely bad guy. How can one NOT love Kung Fhürer? I will have to admit that they should've managed to get it even better with the kind of budget they had, though. I'm mainly thinking about the special effects. Don't get me wrong, though. This is a silly film where there's no need for good special effects. But I wish they'd tone down the CGI a bit and gone for more practical special effects like they did it in the 80's. But it's nothing serious. The man himself has got a lot of projects at the moment, but I'm sure we can expect a sequel in a few years. I read that they had been asked about a full-lenght sequel with a pretty high budget. Would've been cool. Sydney/Hard Eight - Paul Thomas Anderson's debut full-lenght film, and a very good one as well. Dark, gritty and character-driven noir with some amazing performances by Philip Baker Hall and Gwyneth Paltrow. John C. Reilly is good as well but the two first drives the film sort of speak. It's a calm film where you're introduced to some fantastic characters, and that's where the film shines, because thw characters are all great and believeable, and their actions seems realy and true. A really, really good film!
  25. Bear

    Inherent Vice - A nice, complex mixture of crime, drama and comedy with a lot on its heart. Maybe a bit too much for its own good, but it is a Paul Thomas Anderson, and if you're familiar with the works of Paul Thomas Anderson you should know that his name equals quality. I really liked this film, but that didn't have much to do with the plot. I really enjoyed this film for its visual style, amazing cast, great atmosphere and nice humour. Very noir- and stoner-comedyesque, and it really works. Joaquin Phoenix, Josh Brolin and especially Katherine Waterston delivers some amazing performances, and the latter completely steals the show. Hell, she makes this film worth your time all by herself. It's an odd, and at times surrealistic film, but I sure enjoyed it. The Guest - This was probably my most anticipated film of 2014, and I finally got around to see it. And despite my massive expectations I was not disappointed. I consider Adam Wingard to be one of the most interesting and coolest film makers of today, and I feel even stronger about that after seeing this film. Him and Simon Barrett and fucking dynamite together. The Guest is a slick, stylish and cool-as-fuck retro-thriller with some almost campy comedy thrown in here and there. It's got an engaging plot, great characters, brilliant soundtrack, superb cast and as always from Wingard, nice direction. It looks neat, it feels neat and it sounds neat. Imagine someone putting together a film where the main influences were The Terminator and Halloween, and maybe even with some The Wraith on top. Dan Stevens and Maika Monroe are both top notch here. Fantastic film! This was just amazing.
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