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Everything posted by Crube

  1. Crube

    I don't knooowwww. D:
  2. Crube

    Quite possibly.
  3. Crube

    This is probably going down in football history as the dumbest play ever. Seriously, they were literally on the one yard line!
  4. Crube

    That's the joke. Also, why am I awake. AAAAAAAAAAGGGG.
  5. The worse they could do is have the band play over a green screen with the lyric video imposed as the background.
  6. Crube

    Because I was doing the computer stuff at night time. I can't say much for the others though.
  7. I didn't know that much about lyric videos other than the fact it apparently became huge after that Cee-Lo Green single, "Fuck You," was released as a lyric video.
  8. Is there really a GOOD lyric video? Aren't lyric videos just the videos from a karaokie screens but with the full music instead anyway?
  9. Crube

    That's why I had this when internet was unavailable. That or Oregon Trail. Also MSPaint and create your own Spider-Man Comic game... thing...
  10. Crube

    I loved the first album, but this release sounds a lot more livelier than it.
  11. Crube

    http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/24/nyregion/after-a-deal-british-chocolates-wont-cross-the-pond.html?_r=1 Hershey's is an awful company. Not only does their subpar chocolate taste like spoiled milk, it is crap compared to almost any other of their "sister" brand chocolates. I tend to go to The World Market to get better chocolate, but this? I can vaguely understand if it was a country we are at war with, but England?
  12. Crube

    Alternatively, what's preventing you from closing your own door?
  13. Crube

    "Form the band and they will come."
  14. Crube

    Well damn. And to think, I already had this made.
  15. Crube

    Create a blackened crust death doom metal called Vaginal Discharge?
  16. Crube

    Which is why I said one time as opposed to every morning.
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