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Posts posted by bada9412

  1. It's not about trying new stuff its about how they put the stuff together, if your new to Gazette try listening to older releases maybe the ones before they joyned  SONY...

    Yeah maybe it has something to do with me being kinda new to the GazettE. I've only started listening to them since TOXIC. xD

    I have listened to almost all of their older albums though, and they've clearly changed. All I wanna say is, everyone should take into consideration that it's really hard for a band to keep making "good" music if half of the people complain that they've changed too much when they release something new, while the other half says they sound too similair to old releases when they release something more typical.

  2. Hey there! Welcome to MH!! :D Another Gazette-fan yay!! What other bands do you like??


    Anyway, have fun in here! :3

    Thanks :)

    I like nightmare, girugamesh, uverworld, deathgaze, D, and some old screw songs (what they're doing now is... not really my thing XD)


    I usually do not listen to american bands, but I really like this one band called "trapt". To me, their music has the same sort of feeling japanese rock has.

  3. Thank you all for welcoming me !


    Welcome here. nice to meet you

    (gazette... I like trust, so everybody have his bad band... I joke (but yes I'm not really their first fan ^^)


    So I hope you will have more fun with us ^^

    Haha, alright, I respect other peoples musical tastes ;)



    Hey there, welcome on the forum! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
    Great to see we have a new Dutch member!

    Since the GazettE is your favorite band, did you went to their concert(s) last month?

    Anyways, see you around and hope you have a nice stay here!
    *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

    Are there many dutch members here ?

    And no, unfortunately, I had to pay a lot of money to my school for an important school trip. So I was basicly too poor lol

    But I plan on going to one of their concerts in Japan someday.



    Yo! Welcome here ^^


    I'm waiting for your videos and, since I do vocal covers, we should do a collabo someday :3

    Alright, that would be awesome :)




    Anyways, I've uploaded 2 GazettE covers recently, and I plan on doing more and more :


    "RED" :



    "FADELESS" :


  4. I have too many favorite GazettE songs to make a list XD


    Though I do wanna mention that I have an unusual liking for the song "RED". It's the first GazettE song I've heard, and I don't know why, but I just fell in love with it, and I still am :)



    Oh yeah and also, when I heard "FADELESS" it kinda instantly became one of my favs, it's an awesome song xD

  5. Hi everyone,


    I'm bada, I'm 19 years old, I live in the Netherlands, and I'm addicted to japanese visual kei.

    I listen to a lot of bands, but I can easily tell ya my fav is the GazettE.


    And I also play the guitar (probably like many of you), and recently started making cover videos :)




    I look forward to make a lot of new friends here !



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