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Everything posted by smilesxchibi

  1. I like Ryou's vocals. They're not as tamed which I like a lot. The song is good, let's see what else they put out
  2. I am crying. Really happy Suzuya is back. Wasn't sure what happened to him after Lips.
  3. smilesxchibi

    I knew he would join the band!
  4. smilesxchibi

    This upsets me very much
  5. My thoughts exactly. If he continues as serial number I hope he gives it a lot of time. Would rather he take a break from this band and do something else.
  6. smilesxchibi

    Ugh, my wallet is gonna hate me so much. Also I would have loved to see that Temari session!
  7. Well that sucks for the vocalist, I havent followed this band for quite some time and im sad to see most of them go.
  8. Well that is very interesting. At first I almost read it as their losing confidence in his drumming but if his behavior is affecting them then its a good reason. Whatever his behavior may be.
  9. Ugh gonna have to get both types, looking forward to the new songs though
  10. smilesxchibi

    Definitely agree.
  11. smilesxchibi

  12. smilesxchibi

    Right! Ugh Jojo is starting to become my everything and that look is gorgeous.
  13. I unfortunately do not have it i have been dying to get my hands on it so im gonna order it once i get paid
  14. This makes me happy. I loved they re-recorded their early singles so I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully they have taken some time to refine themselves and put out something amazing.
  15. Well im hoping the announcement is a formal band with the three of them or at least a new project of some sort. I have only listened to samples of this band and would have liked to get my hands on any of their releases haha. Though I agree on their part in V-last., I did like it more as well. I dont know why but i would like to see some sort of session with Keke and Shyena doing vocals together, or a formal band with the two and the twins. (I am always hoping for some twin vocal style bands haha)
  16. Im liking the artwork a lot.
  17. smilesxchibi

    Aw man I was really liking them.
  18. smilesxchibi

    sweet jesus yes! i dont keep up with him as often anymore >.< lol
  19. smilesxchibi

    I'm glad he is recording something. Curious if this is for a new band or some other project. Kinda hoping some of the other members are teaming up....just hoping lol
  20. smilesxchibi

    With K's passing I assume they will slow their activities so that someone can fill in support for his roles. Or Mana having Kozi do it. Most likely the band will take some time off
  21. smilesxchibi

    Hoping this doesnt affect their upcoming single :/
  22. This is fucking awesome. really glad they are doing well
  23. smilesxchibi

    Really happy to see YUKi though it's weird not having Miki voice alongside his it's an interesting preview. Cant wait for the mini
  24. smilesxchibi

    D: I really want to be there
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