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  1. Like
    Mihenno reacted to Aferni in Listening to Lycaon, never let their spirit die out   
    I listened to shadow while i cried about my failing relationship.
  2. Like
    Mihenno reacted to Delkmiroph in Plastic Tree new maxi single "スロウ(slow)" release   
    Alll Types <3

  3. Like
    Mihenno reacted to ricchubunny in SuG new album "BLACK" release   
  4. Like
    Mihenno got a reaction from kyoselflove in 少年記 (Shounenki)   
    oh my god

  5. Like
    Mihenno got a reaction from CloudyTree in 少年記 (Shounenki)   
    oh my god

  6. Like
    Mihenno reacted to Jigsaw9 in DOPPEL new mini album "Röntgen" & live-limited single release   
    Yay, 6 songs is a nice length. Some interesting titles too.
  7. Like
    Mihenno got a reaction from Tetora in 少年記 (Shounenki)   
    oh my god

  8. Like
    Mihenno reacted to eiheartx in MEGAMASSO new maxi single "MISS WAVES / VIPER" release   
    WOW NEED !

  9. Like
  10. Like
    Mihenno reacted to hiroki in Black Klaxon band name change to "ASTARIA"   
  11. Like
    Mihenno reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in ViViD will disband   
    This was clearly predicted in the Da ViViD Code.
  12. Like
    Mihenno reacted to Seimeisen in Show Your Desktop   
    Believe it or not, this is from the GazettE's OHP!
  13. Like
    Mihenno got a reaction from kyoselflove in Show Your Desktop   
    Literally same. Although mine takes up the whole screen
  14. Like
    Mihenno reacted to Trombe in VANIRU new maxi single "LOVE AGAIN" release   
    VANIRU new maxi single "LOVE AGAIN" will be released at 2015/03/04 (1,944yen), which will include CD+DVD (including "LOVE AGAIN" PV)
    [CD track list]
    02.L'Abime-dizzy disco-
    03.深海マリア(shinkai maria)-fall asleep, fall awaken-
  15. Like
    Mihenno reacted to hiroki in ViViD will disband   
    not a big fan of their releases after 「夢」 ~ムゲンノカナタ~ but still really sad to see them go, if only because they were one of my biggest obsessions in 2009-2010. i still remember skipping school just to take a train down to suburban Osaka to get an autographed poster on release day XD
    now if they can come together and start "from the beginning" (as their latest double A-side suggests) i'll be happy to back them again
  16. Like
    Mihenno reacted to Trombe in FEST VAINQUEUR new album "シャンバラ(Sambara)" release   
    it is announced at FEST VAINQUEUR one-man live at OSAKA MUSE at 2015/01/24 that their new album (title not yet finalized) will be released at 2015/05/27, although details have not yet been announced
    SET-LIST at 2015/01/24:
    Part I:
    17.Evil Disco~somnambulism~
    Part II:
    08.Love Doll
    14.God knows
    19.Reminiscence Driver
  17. Like
    Mihenno reacted to Tetora in Tetora`s Favorites of 2014   

    BORN – THE STALIN -666-
    Rocked hard, plain and simple.

    REDMAN – Flame Of Life
    Well made and unexpected. A completely softer yet still strong kind of rock from what we are used to from Satoshi.

    LM.C – Perfect Rainbow
    Great release after one I did not enjoy as much (Perfect Fantasy). This features LM.C at a medium setting between their most straight-forward work, and their most `quirky`.

    FANG – evolutionary Process
    Not sure if this is a mini, or full album, but it is short so I will put it in this category. Didn`t know of this band until someone introduced me to their music. Really great youthful feeling and catchy tunes.

    Kra –サタヒナト
    Really different work featured in this concept album, with a huge emphasis on piano, while retaining lots of the band`s known amazing playing and vocals. Deep and dark atmosphere, which I loved, though the hidden track steals the show.

    girugamesh – gravitation
    Absolutely awesome album that rocks hard. Heavy and dark atmosphere, but is hard to find any negative vibe in it due to how much headbanging it induces and how much the catches get stuck in my head.
  18. Like
    Mihenno got a reaction from CAT5 in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
  19. Like
    Mihenno reacted to Biopanda in Truly crappy Western "visual kei" inspired music   
    Mexico stahp

  20. Like
    Mihenno got a reaction from Original Saku in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
  21. Like
    Mihenno reacted to nullmoon in The Workout and Win Stuff thread   
    If you have any weights, or anything heavy for that matter, try doing weighted crunches. They'll work much better than tons of regular crunches and will help to train your abs as a muscle (if you want definition that is). The key to abs is mostly a good diet (lots of vegetables, lots of water, no/way less sugar). I've been eating fairly well over the past month (pretty much just cut out chocolate, artificial junk, and ate more vegetables) and now I actually have definition and the fat has reduced. Cardio also helps (you can do some killer HIIT exercises at home and they take up less than half an hour of your time) but diet is the key. Hope this helps!
  22. Like
    Mihenno got a reaction from Tetora in The Workout and Win Stuff thread   
    My goal is to get rid of the fat around my stomach.  
    I'm currently 167lbs and 5ft 11in. I have little to no muscle though. While I would love to pack on muscle, I'm more concerned about having a flat stomach. 
    I actually started my diet today. I was told that losing the fat around your stomach mainly comes from eating better so I went grocery shopping to get shit. I WAS going to the gym but then winter happened and it's like 0 degrees outside and the snow keeps piling up. So I was thinking of just doing situps and crunches at home. I don't really know if it'll do anything, but it's better than doing nothing at all. 
    ALSO, I have this problem with my face. Like it gets swollen and I don't understand why. It's so slight, but I notice it and so do other people when I point it out. It's the weirdest thing. I can't find anything about it online and I've been to this specialist but was told that my salivary glands are bigger than normal and the saliva gets trapped(?) and I need to massage my mouth periodically for it to drain. For some reason though I don't think that's it. Like there's gotta be something else because that only works occasionally. I've read things saying it's lack of vitamins, lack of water, etc. So I give these things a try but nothing fixes it. Then I read something online about it having to do with eating and the amount you eat and it mentioned something about an eating disorder - but I can't remember exactly what it said. It made me think though because I was 210lbs 2 years ago and I had stopped eating as much as I was due to medication I was on, so I dropped 40lbs or so which is kinda where I'm at now and I wonder if maybe that has to do with it? If anyone knows anything about swollen faces, please help me. LOL
    Anyways, I'm gonna look into this Fitocracy app and see how my diet goes for a week with abdominal exercises. 
  23. Like
    Mihenno reacted to Valicious in The Workout and Win Stuff thread   
    We all see fashions and styles that we would love to have ourselves, but style can come with considerable work sometimes.  The goal of this thread is to promote exercise, getting in shape, constructive feedback, and provided the motivation needed to achieve the healthy look you’ve been wanting.
    Did I mention you can win free VK stuff?  Because you totally can. 
    How it works
    Make a post with your fitness goal and where you are now.  Pictures of what you are shooting for can help others visualize what you want.  (Pictures of yourself are completely optional)
    Post updates!  What have you been doing for your workouts?  Have you noticed any positive changes since you’ve started?  Everyone who posts at least one update each week will get one entry into a drawing at the end of the month.  More details on the drawing and prize below.
    Want a second entry each week into the monthly prize drawing?  Those who provide regular constructive feedback for others will receive another entry into the monthly contest.  Feedback should be polite, but it should also be critical.  Feedback that only consists of “Great job!” doesn’t really contribute much, suggestions for improvement and areas to work on are examples of great feedback.
    Lastly, we are using a bit of an honor system here.  If you didn’t do a workout, don’t post and say that you did.  We’re all trying to improve and support each other, let’s keep things positive.
    Now for the part we’ve been waiting for.  The FREE STUFF!
    A winner will be randomly chosen at the end of each month using a random number generator.  Once chosen, I’ll look at the last.fm profile of the winner to determine which prize they get.
    Seriously check Rarezhut out (www.rarezhut.net) for all the CDs, cassettes, DVDs, and VHS you have a hard time finding elsewhere.  They ship internationally, provide sample clips of the stuff they sell on their website, and have a great “fuzzy” search system so you can find what you are looking for.  Possibly the best part is that they provide a CD with digital rips (using professional-grade equipment no less) of all VHS and Cassettes that you buy since not everyone has a VCR or cassette deck.  Plus it’s run by our very own Biopanda XD
    I've tried several different workout trackers and logs in the past, but my favorite by far is Fitocracy.  It has hundreds of exercises in its database, so adding them is a breeze.  The biggest feature (and my favorite) is that is makes working out into a game.  You log your workouts, get points, level up, complete quests such as running or biking a certain distance, and it's all free.  There's the social aspect too.  You can join groups, friend other Fitocrats, and even challenge others to duels.  There's an optional paid membership called "Hero mode" and individual coaching, but the free features are still more than amazing
    Our very own MH group on Fitocracy
  24. Like
    Mihenno got a reaction from beni in Albums you are looking forward to in 2015   
    Shounenki's unannounced 1st album. 
    It's coming. I have visions of it in my sleep. 
  25. Like
    Mihenno got a reaction from kyoselflove in Albums you are looking forward to in 2015   
    Shounenki's unannounced 1st album. 
    It's coming. I have visions of it in my sleep. 
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