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Posts posted by gen-shoku

  1. Spoiler

    That was some finale. Finally Littlefinger is gone, although his death was a little disappointing. I know he was never exactly portrayed as a brave man, but seeing him sniveling and begging left a bad aftertaste in my mouth. But I was surprised when Sansa called for Littlefinger when she'd already summoned Arya to the center, and I'm sure Littlefinger was. And the Stark sisters reconciled after... basically fighting their whole lives. I think this bond would've been impossible but for the war. 


    So Jon and Dany ended up happening. I know this season was setting up for it but I was still hoping otherwise. The fact that Jon made a point of telling Dany that the woman who told her she'd never bear any children wasn't the most reliable source, along with them sleeping together and Cersei's pregnancy, I think  it likely that Dany will be pregnant next season. Bran and Sam plan on telling Jon about his true parents, coupled with Jon's determination to father no bastards (although he technically isn't one), means if Dany ends up pregnant those two might get married, although I don't see Jon being super cool with incest either. This almost seems like some Oedipus kinda plotline. I do wonder how Sansa and Arya would react to this development if it happened. Will they support Jon through anything, or is there a line that he shouldn't cross? Until next season, I suppose. 


  2. 4 hours ago, Zeus said:
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    Not sure if you've read all the books, so I will assume you won't so I have a reason to type this out. In the books, it was revealed that Sam's father had given him a choice of The Wall or a hunting accident. Sam knew that it was no secret that his father preferred his younger brother, but what the show left out is that it was his mother who pleaded with his father to make The Wall an option. Part of the reason why the burning of the Tarly's was such an emotional moment for me is because Sam's father always treated him like a dick, and I'm so glad to see him die. On that same note, the future of house Tarly as Sam's father saw it died with Randall and Dickon last episode. House Tarly as it was is dead, but House Tarly as it can be is still up in the air. I'm not sure if he was officially discharged from The Wall and I think he gave up on being a maester, so vows aside for a moment it's entirely possible for his mother to entrust the future of the house to him. I'm 99% certain that's how it's going to go down. That's how I want it to go down.

    I also have a very strong head canon that Dany should die at the wall fighting The Others. I can't explain why very well, but on some level it would feel like a cop out for Dany to take the whole thing when she's barely been in Westeros her whole life. On another level, I think it would be poetic for her and her dragons to die fighting a supernatural force no one else can take out. It also seems implausible that anyone else could pose a reasonable threat to Dany, so her exit still leaves intrigue to the Westerosi politics. I also think the time line is going to work out so that Jon doesn't find out about his true claim until after Dany is dead, leaving Jon with a sense of duty that he must take the crown because there's no one to delegate it to. Because honestly, I do agree that Dany won't just give up her conquest because Jon has a better claim, and there's no way in hell Jon is going to find anything to deal with those dragons.




    You're right, I haven't finished all the books so far. I'm working on it, but it had been so long between reading the third and fourth book that I ended up restarting. So thank you for your full response!

    I remember back when Sam brought Gilly to the Reach his mother stood up for him against Randall saying it was not Sam but Randall who was disgracing their house, so I could definitely see her supporting Sam returning home and reclaiming his birthright. I wonder if Sam would ever tell his mother the truth about Gilly and her son. 


    That would be a very fitting storyline for Dany honestly, but would it really not be possible for the dragons to obey Jon? He is uknowingly a Targaryen and Drogon did allow Jon to briefly pet him in the last episode (has he done that with anyone else? Dany seemed a little surprised at it) so I think the possibility might be there.  Or maybe not with all of Dany's dragons, perhaps he'll develop a strong relationship with only Rhaegal because dad


  3. 52 minutes ago, doombox said:


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    I don't think Sam would ask for it directly, but if Jon ends up on top in the end I think he'd entrust the Reach to Sam. But a lot of things would have to happen to have that scenario play out lol. Especially Jon not dying, and I'm not at all certain he won't die again lol. 


    I laughed so hard when Gendry walked right in and told Jon everything Davos told him not too. It was perfect.


    Dany wasn't raised to believe the throne belonged to her, she was raised believing her brother Viserys would be King and she'd be married to him. But after she realized Viserys would be a horrible ruler, she decided to take the title for herself. Especially once she lost Drogo, she had nothing else. But I do kind of agree with you that it's gonna be hard for her to return to thinking she'll be subservient to some man and let him rule after she's come so far. Again, this may not even come to be an issue depending who survives the WW battle, but it's interesting to think about!



    That's true. I can't believe Gilly discovered Jon's not a bastard (a huge discovery!! I mean Bran knows too but he doesn't seem very emotionally invested in many things these days) and then Sam talks over her bitching about how no one at the Citadel listens to him and I'm like wow... kinda like what you're doing now because you think what you have to say is more important... interesting...

    That was a beautiful scene, Davos hadn't even telling Gendry about all the things he must not do and then Gendry just. did them. That line really isn't made for stealth.

    I phrased that badly, I meant she'd grown up believing that her house basically owned the throne, so when she realized Viserys was straight scum she was like well... I'm also a Targaryen, it's in my blood too, blah blah blah. Besides, I think that even if she decided to yield her claim to Jon (which is doubtful to be sure, but if) I can't see all the people who support her agreeing/supporting that, the same way I can't see the Northern houses standing behind (southern at best, foreign at worst) Dany if Jon were to just say so. Neither side is familiar with the other and the feats they've achieved, so they'd basically be taking a new ruler on blind faith when they've seen "miracles" performed by their chosen monarch, and faith seems to be in short supply in Westeros these days. Which would open up potential for even more internal fighting! Lovely.


    And yeah, I know it's all speculation at this point but it is fun to imagine :) I'm ready for the next episode


  4. 16 hours ago, doombox said:

    There are spoilers under here regarding leaks, not just currently aired and book content. You've been warned.

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    Okay regular show-centric spoilery stuff under here. 

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    So if they're gonna have Jon be a legit Targ, then his claim to the throne is more legit than Dany's... the question is will she admit to this and let him follow the proper line of succession because she's truly here for her family name or will her pride make her want to keep the throne for herself??? Will Jon's people turn on him when they find out he's Rhaegar's legitimate heir?


    Also interesting we now have Sam as the likely Ward for the entire Reach if there were no other Tyrells and Tarlys and Gendry is the heir to Storm's End. 


    P.S. if they brought Gendry back just to kill him in the next episode I'm gonna flip a table. THEY HAVE DONE THIS ENOUGH. And I need my Gendry/Arya reunion first. THEN they are allowed to kill him. lol


    I heard that the final season is going to have 2 hour episodes? I need next season to kick so much ass. D&D better not disappoint.


    Sam did leave the Citadel, you think he's going to go back and reclaim his name? I know Jon kinda did that with Winterfell but he also technically died, I wonder if things will go as smoothly for Sam if he does. 

    That's a reunion I'm looking forward to! I love the conversation Jon and Gendry had about their dads (well, Jon about his "dad"). 

    Also I don't think Dany would respect his claim, they had that scene with Missandei about how she was following Dany because she was a queen she chose, not because she respected some claim of royalty from a foreigner, and I think Dany has also kinda taken this view. Like yeah she's a Targaryen and this was the claim she was raised believing was hers by birth, but I don't think that's the only thing motivating her at this point.


  5. 4 minutes ago, AimiGen7 said:

    I personally think Kuroyuri's given up on the idea of being on someone else's label. I mean there is the mismanagement of them on Shinjou Kasumi's label back when they were Memento Mori, and then there is the AINS deal. I think they're looking on to producing themselves and developing more on their own

    Good for them. They've had it rough with labels and drummers, it'd be nice if they could catch a break. Thanks for answering all my questions btw, I know I've asked a lot!

  6. 7 minutes ago, AimiGen7 said:

    I am not entirely sure. I do hope it will be. They've been playing a lot with Gibkiy Gibkiy Gibkiy, which is a super group made up of members from older big name Vkei bands, so they're benefiting from that. 

    That's good, at least. I don't know much about production costs and all the responsibilities of forming an independent label but I was wondering how it stacked up against finding another label. If their contract with Ains ended they technically could have, right? But maybe creative freedom was worth more to them idk I hope they'll be able to make full use of it

  7. Spoiler

    Honestly the irony of Sandor anti-religion terrified of fire Clegane having an accurate and HD vision about Eastwatch is killing me. Imagining this guy as a prophet that should command the same kind of respect as Melisandre or any other red visionary is ridiculous, so I hope it happens. I liked Dany in the beginning but I'm really getting tired of her. It'd be different if she was doing these things understanding the full meaning of it, but she really thinks she's killing all these people to be a savior. Jon has killed thousands of men too, but he doesn't seem like he's under any false illusions, at least. And Cersei's losing it, Westeros got rid of their Mad King, next up the Mad Queen lol


  8. 3 minutes ago, AimiGen7 said:

    Well he doesn't have very many artists signed at one time. Even at Ains' height, he only had 5 bands, including Mediena and Malisend. He's not like Kisaki where he has 30 bands all on one label, but this also means he doesn't make very much money so he ends up milking his bands dry

    True. Kisaki's a tough act to top lol. Yukika still somehow manages to pull them in... who's kuroyuri with now? 

  9. 30 minutes ago, AimiGen7 said:

    They were kicked from Ains (Because the label boss, Yukika, is an ass) in 2016, so last year, and only recently have they completely finished their contract with Ains, because Zouki no Nozoki Ana was the last single to have any Ains staff involved. 

    I see. I remember reading a long thread on him and Ains a little while ago, he's one shady dude. Starting new sub-labels and secret ones and who knows what else, and shifting bands, dropping bands, I really wonder how he keeps track of everything. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, AimiGen7 said:

    I think they want to experiment more, but are too busy trying to get back on their feet. I mean, Kuro plays an Okinawan instrument (the Sanshin. he posted pictures of him doing so on Twitter), K can do some really funky slap bass, and Mei is into Showa Era (1930's-1980's) music, which was actually demonstrated in the song "Child Mother", which is Ryukoka inspired. It's just that they're too busy working on things to release anything out there, since they're currently touring with other bands, and sorting out record label business.

    Yeah, they put out a pretty solid single though so I hope things are at least looking up. I think that was one of the biggies I was wondering when Memento Mori disbanded if they would cut all traditional instruments out of their music, it would be good if they do get more opportunities to experiment (and not just bc I miss MM) I didn't know that about Mei! And they left ains a little while ago right? 

  11. 1 hour ago, AimiGen7 said:

    Same, I really miss Memento Mori. And also, same, I tend to play songs until I get tired of them xD

    I was worried about this band for a while after they released their first album since they didn't do anything for what felt like a really long time... and man, it's such a bad habit. It takes so much longer for me to get un-sick of a song than the time it takes for me to get sick of one you'd think I'd just learn and include some variety with new songs but nope!!

  12. The title track was pretty good but I really enjoyed the third song. It's not their greatest, I do prefer their heavier stuff, but they're a versatile band. Whatever they do I think they'll manage to make it work for them. 

  13. I've been a vk fan for 6, 7 years and even in the beginning I had cycles where vk was all I would listen to and other times I couldn't get away from it fast enough (although these times were fewer). It's not like listening to other styles is being unfaithful to vk or anything, sometimes it's good to get a break. It also reminds you of what keeps bringing you back. Even the bands need breaks from the scene occasionally, it makes sense for fans to need one too. I don't think that means current vk is hopeless or anything, and bringing in more variety and other influences helps keep it from becoming stale. For me, sometimes after a band I loved disbanded, starting to look for new music/bands to listen to can be emotionally draining because I want the new shiny songs I find to mean the same as whatever I'm trying to replace, and that's unrealistic to expect. Maybe what brings me back to vk changes too. Change isn't a bad thing even if it doesn't suit my tastes; it's okay to grow and let my expectations shift along the way.

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