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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. hiroki

    NEXTRADE will resume activities on 2016/08/27 at their live at 吉祥寺club SEATA. Lineup for that live: L.I.N.E/あらいやかしこ/KABUKIMONO11/NEXTRADE/The Order Made/ALTOLITS.
  2. hiroki

    黒い雨(kuroi ame) will disband.
  3. hiroki

    Set list for their one-man live on 2016/07/29 at OSAKA MUSE: 1. Music Garden 2. Summer Time 3. アカシックレコード 4. ロミオ&ジュリエット 5. LAST DAY MC 6. Perfect Love 7. アッパーカット!! 8. ドラマチック 9. Alice In Wonderland 10. 人魚姫 MC 11. Don't Stop Music 12. Let it Go 13. ピノキオ 14. 楽器隊セッション 15. プラネタリウム MC 16. Paradice 17. Until 18. 告白大作戦 -Encore- 19. For you... 20. Dancing Venus!!
  4. hiroki

    New look: PV spot:
  5. RE:VEIN has changed their band name to Re:Vein. New look:
  6. Artemis Vo.文治(bunji) will depart after their live at 池袋EDGE on 2016/09/17, and the band will be on hiatus after that.
  7. 「VARUNA -Piano Edit-」 will be distributed to all fans present at their one-man live at 江坂MUSE on 2016/08/05
  8. lol i actually have a top 100 list that doubles as a foobar playlist with exactly the same condition (max 1 per artist), but it's a 'top 100 songs' list rather than 'top 100 releases'. i'll see if i can come up with the latter.
  9. hiroki

    PELSONA will be on indefinite hiatus after their presents live on 2016/09/10.
  10. Airish Vo. レン (ren) fell from the stage at their live on 7/25, resulting in fractures in two spots in his waist. He will be absent from the band's lives and instore events until further notice.
  11. "Weight of sins" is now available for online purchase through http://www.stargoodsshop.com/product/702
  12. hiroki

    Today is FoLLoW's 3rd one-man live! This will be distributed to all attendees ^^
  13. hiroki

    the other members just posted on their ameblo an apology for how riku came out on his own accord with the news. i dunno what's happening but this is a mess..
  14. hiroki

    Damn... this is amazing. Happy for everyone who's able to go
  15. hiroki

    ジン(zin) Vo. Riku will depart due to behavior that has resulted in his inability to participate in the band's lives. Source: http://ameblo.jp/riku-zin/entry-12184984389.html (^might be deleted soon since he mentioned the band had changed the passwords for both his twitter and ameblo and he can't access them anymore)
  16. hiroki

    tried searching and there's a preview from the mini album apparently (correct me if i'm wrong since i don't follow this band)
  17. hiroki

    You will have to use a shopping service for this, e.g. FromJapan.
  18. still not a fan of paroniria, but.... step bye step is so good i feel like crying T_T btw, jackets for step bye step:
  19. hiroki

    I found a copy of Cure V-Splash Vol.34 which has a frontpage feature of Purple Stone. When I have some free time next week I'll translate the interview
  20. hiroki

    Here's the thing about vk news though: there's no 'original source'. For major and relatively well known bands you can rely on visunavi, NAVER, various 'matome' and news purveyor accounts on Twitter. But otherwise it's down to stalking thousands of bandmen - something which I have literally attempted on my main Twitter account. The result was me getting spammed with 30 tweets every 10 seconds, and THEN I had to sift through the crapload of awkward selfies and useless tweets talking about weather and food. I don't recall, but maybe 0.01% of the feed was useful news? In any case I abandoned that account shortly after because it was unusable. There are also other avenues like LINE accounts, bandmen's ameblo, and 2chan as mentioned. Or you can try typing 始動 and 解散 into twitter search and refresh it every 10 seconds.... if you have that much time. In any case, what a lot of people don't seem to notice (and this is the point @filth_y was making) is that Trombe also posts news that don't "officially" exist on the Internet except maybe, in a bandman's private reply to a fangirl's tweet (I've witnessed this at least twice), or as a casual afterthought in a label staff's ameblo post. (In the latter case, I talked to a band's shikiri and even she wasn't aware that the band would be releasing a CD that day..). Yes, some MH members may have done this before - but to do it consistently for an insane number of bands is a whole different animal. All of this aren't even considering the facts that: (i) these news are in Japanese, so let's not trivialize it as as copy-and-pasting. Translating and formatting it into a news post is a bitch if you consider the volume of news Trombe puts out; (ii) Trombe posts news of bands he doesn't even care about on a regular basis, some of whom comprising members that no one here has even heard of, much less having an interest to follow and post news of. I'm on no one's side at this point. None of this is a defense for what Trombe did, nor is it a suggestion that he should be immune from punishment if he has contravened the rules. I just wanted to provide a corrective to previous comments suggesting that by picking 1 or 2 bands each we will communally be able to cover the ground that Trombe did, as if it was as easy as sitting together and doing some Ctrl C+V while having cereal in front of your computer. Let's just say I'm not that optimistic, because I can't imagine someone, or even a group of competent and extremely free people, going to the lengths Trombe did. Hopefully more people can appreciate the scope of the dirty legwork he has done for MH ("appreciate" as in "understand clearly", not "prostrate yourself"). And before any accusations come my way: I have contributed news of bands I like (including translating full-length interviews of them), and will happily continue to do so. Let's just see what happens.
  21. hiroki

    i'm sad to see that it has come to this. not gonna take sides since I hardly know the details of the drama, but no matter how you look at it this is a blow for people who actually care about the 'no 1 curr' bands, or random ad-hoc sessions, or what live-limited cd is being distributed in sendai next weekend. whether the news is of quality is for the audience to judge; however without an appreciable volume of news filtering in there's nothing left to know about, much less to judge. and regardless if you like trombe, or however questionable his motives may be, it can't be denied that he's been a great service to not just you and me but the international vk community since it should be patently obvious that every self-professed 'vk news source' out there is basically a c+p of what's posted in MH.
  22. hiroki

    ^ that was actually pretty nice lol. well i have my own not-so-guilty boyband addiction
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