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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. リベリオ(ribelio) new maxi single "AGGRESSION" will be released on 2016/11/15
  2. There was a short interview with LIEVRE CLAY in the 34th issue of Cure V-splash. Q1. Please introduce yourselves! shion: I'm shion on vocals. kiria: I'm kiria on guitar. hibari: I'm hibari on bass. waju: I'm waju on drums. Q2. Could you tell us the origin of your band's name? shion: Our name was taken from the French words libre ("freedom") and créer ("create"), which were then made a little easier to pronounce and we ended up with "LIEVRE CLAY." There's another meaning to our name which I can't say here! Q3. What is your band concept? shion: Our concept is based on our band's name, that is, "the art of freedom." Q4: What do you think is the appeal of your band? shion: If you try searching for a band like LIEVRE CLAY you probably can't find it. That's our appeal. kiria: I think it's the individuality of each of us and how striking we are, as well as the musical aspects growing out of that. hibari: How each one of us has a really unique personality. waju: It's how well we get along--something you'll notice this if you watch our lives or follow our SNS. Q5: Can you tell us more about your individual role in the band and what's important to you? shion: It's important that we're independent and bring something different to the band. kiria: I mentioned the musical aspects previously. Our music isn't of the devastating or brutal kind; instead I aim for fans to be able to experience a surreal and fresh setting created through our music. If you listen to it I think that's the sense you'll get. hibari: Instead of doing heavy music, it's important to me that our music is based on refined and fresh melodies that are easy on the ears. waju: In my case I try not to be overly conspicuous since my role is to support the other parts and push them to the foreground. Q6: Any artists you've been influenced by? shion: Acid Black Cherry's yasu, UVERworld's TAKUYA∞. kiria: X JAPAN, Mr.Children. hibari: SID, SCANDAL. waju: X JAPAN, DaizyStripper, heidi. Q7: Tell us more about what you look forward to as far as lives are concerned. shion: Regardless if it's a taiban, presents live, or one-man, I place a lot on emphasis on how we perform as one unit. Also, to not get my lyrics wrong *laughs* kiria: Every single time, I treat it as if it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I always do my best! hibari: Each live is a wonderful opportunity for us to figure out an area in which we require more work, as we want to improve and become a better band! waju: We always put everything we have into it until the end because we don't want to lose to anyone! Q8: What does music (or this band) mean to you? shion: We're really close just like members of the same family, and this is the place where I'm able to express myself in the best way possible. kiria: It's my life. hibari: This is what I live for! waju: This band is a place I can rely and always fall back on, and we're always looking for others who feel the same way. Q9: What's the aim of your band moving forward? shion: We want to always stay true to ourselves! kiria: To successfully hold a one-man live. hibari: A successful first one-man. waju: What's immediately before us is important, but I also hope we'll still be making music with the same members 10 years down the road. Q10: Finally, a message to the readers? shion: I really hope that more people can hear of LIEVRE CLAY and get to know us. kiria: I'll be really glad if you read this and have an interest in us, and please come have fun at our lives! hibari: Please come see us at our lives! I think you'll find something fresh in us! waju: We certainly have something that you won't find anywhere else. Let's meet at the livehouse! --- Translated by me. For people who don't know them but want to check them out:
  3. hiroki

    The new songs are "Perfect Love" "勘違い(kanchigai)" "ユートピア(utopia)" and "Music Garden" None of the older songs has been rerecorded or remastered as far as i know.
  4. nice to see DIV In the list!! i'm surprised there's actually one band i really like that made it into the top 20 lol edit: btw it might not be a bad idea to list up to e.g. the top 50 under spoilers tags since i think people will be interested in those as well ^^
  5. hiroki

    thanks for the news!! actually the announcement was mainly for Rey's birthday live on 2017/02/04, and if they sell more than 200 tickets for that live they will release a single on 2017/02/22 ^^ ASTARIA will also participate in the omnibus album "妖幻鏡 -NAGOYA- vol.1 名古屋V系音源集" to be released in 2017/01 , which will feature songs from ASTARIA/DEVIZE/メリーバッドエンド/麗麗
  6. hiroki

    @vanivani really nice to see you finally grabbing those glamhaze cds! i would love to hear your thoughts on them
  7. hiroki

    Anyone interested in Anfiel's feature interview in visulog where they discuss "Step bye step"? It's pretty long so I'd only translate it if there's interest.
  8. hiroki

    Lineup for that day is: FoLLoW / 麗麗 / メルヴェル / KILLANETH / VRZEL / スタア区。/ Azlina so i'd expect them to be around in the later half, or at the earliest 3rd-4th. hopefully you can catch them!!
  9. hiroki

    yup they are ;_;
  10. hiroki

    awwww that's unfortunate :((( but that happens. i'm trying to negotiate my way out of 2 conferences in the week they're having their last one-man so i can fly to see them one last time, but doubt it's gonna be possible... SIGH
  11. hiroki

    FoLLoW has these lives left on their schedule: 9/24 HOLIDAY Osaka 9/28 Osaka MUSE 10/05 HOLIDAY Nagoya NEXT 10/06 Amemura FAN-J Twice 10/08 Ikebukuro EDGE 10/20 Osaka MUSE (FoLLoW members sessions, Junsei & Nariyuki birthday live) 10/31 Osaka MUSE (Masashi, Junsei & Maki sessions) 11/14 HOLIDAY Nagoya NEXT (FoLLoW shusai) 11/15 Shibuya REX (FoLLoW shusai) 11/25 Osaka RUIDO 11/28 Kyoto MUSE (FoLLoW shusai) 11/30 Osaka MUSE (FoLLoW shusai, Masashi birthday live) 12/11 Osaka MUSE - Final one-man tagging @echo since she might be interested in the Edge and Rex lives ^^
  12. hiroki

    1年4組-Ichiyon- will disband after their one-man live at Ikebukuro EDGE on 2016/12/14.
  13. hiroki

    hmm that's a good point. there's still 3 months so maybe it's possible. i hope you're right! as for that blog entry, idk about others but it actually made me feel a little better (the past 24 hours were probably the worst i've felt in years). at the very least masashi was able to be honest about certain things and it's clear that they have given a lot of thought to this decision. i also like how he isn't feeling any more guilty than he should about this (which was the thing that worried me most about his disbandment comments yesterday)- which i think is right, because the last thing fans would want is for their remaining lives and events to turn into major apology sessions.
  14. hiroki

    Today Masashi said that he'll be writing one last song for the fans, but he didn't mention if it would be for sale (unlikely imo given their imminent disbandment), or distributed, or even recorded at all. I'll update if there's any news.
  15. hiroki

    In the 2nd episode of Anfiel's "off-recording radio" the members play "jukkai-game" where someone is made to repeat a word for 10 times and asked a trick question whose wrong answer sounds similar to the word they repeated everyone had a great laugh when it was yukito's turn (around 22:30): he had to repeat "kyanpasu" [campus] 10 times and was then asked "what do you measure angles with?", to which he almost answered "konpasu" [compass] before quickly correcting himself with "bundoki" [protractor] XD here's the video ^^
  16. hiroki

    actually that's what makes me really sad. like they must be all feeling horrible and miserable inside but they have to be professional and pretend that everything's fine just to put up an amazing show for the fans.
  17. hiroki

    sorry i don't have it in me to translate their comments atm but that's the gist of it. masashi also mentioned that his ongoing uncertainty and dissatisfaction over the band's difficulties started to become a cause for concern for both the members and fans, and when he who's standing on the stage became the person people needed to worry over he felt like he has failed as a bandman and as their leader. he also emphasized that FoLLoW's disbandment isn't because the members couldn't get along well; in fact he was able to come this far only because of them.
  18. hiroki

    FoLLoW will disband at the end of this year.
  19. hiroki

    The set list for yesterday's "fan meeting one-man" at Shinsabashi VARON: 嵐 (カラオケ) Let it go (セッション) アカシックレコード ジキル&ハイド Style Believe アッパーカット プラネタリウム Alice In Wonderland ロミオ&ジュリエット LAST DAY 人魚姫 春風 Break 告白大作戦
  20. hiroki

    There was a short interview of Rides In ReVellion in July's Cure V-splash magazine. Q: Rides In ReVellion will soon be celebrating its 1st anniversary. Looking back, could you tell us more about the things that have left a deep impression on you? Nagisa: Wow that felt really quick! But that suggests we’ve been really productive in that time. KuRo: Besides Nagisa the 3 of us have been together since our previous band. Nagisa joined us later and although we had just met him then, we went on tour together and got on really well. We agreed that there would now be one more person joining us in doing what the 3 of us had been doing up till then. So this has been “a year of promises.” TaJI: At first there were only 3 of us at our karishidou live [*a “demo” event where new bands perform prior to the live at which they formally begin activities]. To be frank at that point in time we were still unsure which direction this band would be going in. In spite of that we were determined to do our best, and do better than other bands. When Nagisa joined us everything became clear. For me this has been a year that has really taught me plenty of things. We filmed our first PV, pressed our first CD, made our first costumes—there were lots of first times. So this has also been a year where we were able to get through all of these as one. Ame: Before this I haven’t formally been in a band, so this was the first time I really put my heart and soul into a band. I’ve always wondered why I've become a musician, and it wasn’t until I began playing in this band that I finally realized what I wanted to aim for. It feels like I’ve finally found my own dream. Q: So there were only 3 of you when you began activities. What was the reason you started without a bassist? TaJI: Actually before formally starting activities we had played with some other bandmen, however we eventually decided that owing to musical differences etc. it wouldn’t be the best idea to form a band together. Then we tried searching for other potential members, but in the end we began with just the 3 of us. We thought, let’s just try doing this first and become a band that others would want to join! KuRo: And that happened. After 2 or 3 lives, Nagisa came. TaJI: When we met up in the studio afterwards, I was surprised. He was such a great fit for us! KuRo: Indeed it felt like he fits right in. Q: Alright! Would all of you take turns to describe the person next to you? Ame: TaJI is our leader. I’ve known him for a long time and he really does things at his own pace. Of course that can be both a good and a bad thing. To begin with, he’s always slow when eating. For a steak that the we can finish in 15 minutes, he takes an hour. TaJI: When I've realized it’s always already too late (lol). Ame: He will be like “I’m still only halfway through!” (lol). And by the way this was exactly what happened at our meal just now. But on the other hand when it comes to music he manages things really well. He’s a leader who knows when to move up a gear and when to slow down. TaJI: I believe Kuro is someone who works extremely hard. Ok at least that’s what I think (lol), although I don’t have any evidence for it. So I'll say he’s probably someone who works hard, and he’s really sincere. When people give him suggestions like “I think it’s better if you sing in this way” or “I think the stage will look better if you do it this way,” he will reply “oh that’s right” and take their feedback seriously. If he can absorb everything that's beneficial for him and discard what's unnecessary, he will surely grow and become an even better vocalist in the shortest time. KuRo: I will work hard on that. As for Nagisa, I’ve only known him for a year, but he’s extremely easy to get along with. When he first met us, we realized that we’re actually quite similar and we were even able to open our hearts to one another. He also always takes the initiative to become closer to us—he’s just really sweet. Nagisa: That makes me so happy. And for Ame-chan, his drumming is really precise, so much so that when I first heard it I thought it was listening to programmed drumming. As a bassist, I know that it’s easy to pick up drums if you set your mind to it. But even though he’s really accurate and detailed with his drumming, he’s a scatterbrain and he'll be like “hmm where did this thing of mine go?” at least once a day. You always find him wondering where he had left his handphone, or his wallet, etc. Ame: Yup I did drop my wallet. And that was right after I'd lost my watch... Q: Did you leave them behind somewhere? Ame: I always remove my watch when I’m drumming, so I probably left it at the livehouse. Nagisa: I think he expended all his "ability points" to focus on his drumming. Ame: I’m not sure if that’s supposed to be a compliment... Nagisa: As a drummer he’s amazing, but as a person he needs some work! *everyone laughs* Q: Turning to the topic of your 3rd single “Seirios” which will be released on 7/28—who wrote the song? TaJI: I composed the song and Kuro wrote the lyrics. Q: What kind of song is it? TaJI: When I left my hometown and came to Osaka I started living alone for the very first time. The first melody that came to mind then was the one I used for the chorus of “Seirios.” I’ve incorporated that melody into my songwriting a few times before, but I wanted to use it once more at a time that’s a turning point for Rides In ReVellion. KuRo: Lyrics-wise, “Seirios” refers to the star Sirius. It’s a unique and mysterious star—one that’s thought to possess the power to control the world. With that in mind I imagined that the star is looking down at me, but it’s also the object I want to grasp one day. So the star symbolizes a goal that I ultimately want to reach. Ame: I’ve been working with TaJI for a long time so I’m familiar with that melody. To use it at a point that’s the band’s first anniversary—I find that really meaningful. As for our music, the concept of our band is “harmonized time paradox,” so... KuRo: that means, to resolve the contradictions in time. In other words we want to become a band that write songs which fuse the good old melodies of the past with a modern sound. Ame: For this single I personally think we've put out really striking tracks, so I hope fans can listen to it without being held back by their prejudices against the digital sound, etc. Q: On the same day as the release date of “Seirios” you will also be holding your first one-man live at OSAKA MUSE? Ame: This will be our first one-man. We don’t know how many people will be coming to see us—but we’re only interested in giving a great performance to those who do. So please come! TaJI: I want to put on lives that can move people. I'm confident that we’ll be able to give an energetic performance of all the songs we have at our one-man, and hopefully everyone will be fully absorbed by our last song. KuRo: As a 1st anniversary one-man, this live will be the culmination of everything we've done for this entire year. And because it’s marks the juncture between the Rides In ReVellion from our 1st year and the Rides and ReVellion that will be moving into a new year, we want to demonstrate both what we’ve been doing hitherto and what we'll be doing henceforth. Nagisa: I think this will be the biggest live up till now for all of us because it’s important for so many reasons, and not to mention we’re all motivated to do well. Just now TaJI mentioned lives that move people—I actually cry really easily so I’m wondering if I’ll end up crying halfway through the live... KuRo: Please come to our one-man live if you want to see Nagisa’s tears! Nagisa: That will increase the number of people by 100 (lol) We definitely want to make it a success. Q: Any final message to our readers? Nagisa: I’m not too good with words, but please continue to support me as well as Rides In ReVellion. KuRo: Soon we’ll be holding our 1st anniversary one-man at Osaka MUSE. Following that, please look forward to the Rides In ReVellion that will be waiting for you in future. TaJI: If you’ve read all the way until this point it means that you’re at least interested enough in us to read our entire interview. So I hope you can listen to our music and come to our lives. Do continue to support us. Ame: There’s our 1st anniversary one-man but I think there will also be different avenues to get into us. You might have become interested because you saw us on Youtube, or because you happened to catch us on Twitter—it doesn’t really matter. Please just come have fun at our live if that's the case. ---
  21. hiroki

    Anfiel has started a weekly radio program if anyone's interested if you understand what they're saying it's hilarious LOL. You can also send in your requests to [email protected] ^^ I love mizuki he's awesome <3
  22. hiroki

    the first post of their lyrics thread lists everything the band has released so far, including their live limited stuff ^^
  23. hiroki

    Fuma shared some thoughts on his lyric-writing in today's instagram post:
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