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Everything posted by Juka08

  1. I am selling two Boowy albums that are 1st print and in very good condition. These are very difficult to find as I put a lot of time and money into tracking them down. I am having a clear out of my room and am willing to sell them for a reasonable offer. Just make any offers if your interested. Thanks Albums For Sale: 1982 BOOWY MORAL CD http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/252110490045?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 1985 BOOWY BOOWY CD http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/252110490343?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Hope to hear from all those BOOWY fans out there
  2. Hi there I may be interested in Sadie Gangsta Limited Edition, MEJIBRAY Emotional Karma, MEJIBRAY The 420 Theatrical Roses. How much would it be separately for each item and then total with postage and packaging to the UK? Thanks
  3. Juka08

    Loved every album they've ever done.
  4. Hi may be interested in your D'espairsray coll:set cd but could how much it would be in total to ship to the uk and I would be most grateful if you could supply me with images of the album. Thanksl
  5. Hi may be interested janne da arc another story cd. How much would it be in total including postage and packing to the uk. thanks
  6. Juka08

    Hi may be interested in moi dix mois beyond the gate cd. How much would it be in total including the postage and packaging to the UK. Thanks
  7. Hi I may be interested in the gazette DIM album. How much would it be including postage and packaging to uk. thanks.
  8. Hi I might be interested in purchasing dir en grey Gauze, missa and all your kuroyume cds but I was wondering how much for all the cds altogether including post and packaging to the UK would be. Thanks
  9. That's great thanks. So I'll pay for them on 07/02/2014. Also do you have any idea how long they would take to arrive?
  10. Hi was wondering how much it would be for shipping of a cd to the uk ? Also would you be able to hold the D=out Music Nippon album and the gazette disorder album for me until the 07/02/2014. Thanks.
  11. Juka08

    Hi I may be interested in the gazette stacked rubbish album but before I decide would you be able to let me know how much it is for shipping to the united kingdom and I would be very grateful if you would be able to provide me a image of the album. Thanks.
  12. Thanks a lot for all the info. I've decided to purchase them from you but would you be able to hold them for me until the 7th of January which is when I'll have the money to be able to pay for them. Thanks
  13. Oh and sorry forgot to mention Postage is to the United Kingdom.
  14. Hi I'm interested in maybe purchasing the following albums: Rentrer en Soi - Rentrer en Soi, Rentrer en Soi - Meggido, Versailles - Noble, Dir en grey - Withering to Death, Acid Black Cherry - Q.E.D. but before I decide there is few questions I hope you will be able to answer for me. 1.How much would all the albums be together in total including postage and packaging price? 2. Do you know what versions of each album you're selling. (Example: Chinese, Japanese, European)? 3. Would you be able to provide me with some images of the albums? Sorry if this all seems a bit much but I would be very grateful and it would help me immensely in my decision to purchase or not. Thanks
  15. Hi how much would postage and packaging be for cd sent to united kingdom. Thanks
  16. Hi I might be interested in the three And -eccentric agent- albums you are selling. Would you be able to let me know the price you are selling each of them for with the Postage and packaging price to the united kingdom included. I would also appreciate pictures of each of the albums. Thanks.
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