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Posts posted by RoseOfHizaki

  1. It's not that simple here. For almost every job the greatest requirement is to have an extrovert personality which would make you a great salesperson, even if you're not applying for being a salesperson. When I was younger, I was working for mail delivery (I ran solo all day, no one was around me), and one of their requirements was to be able to communicate with people like a breeze. It was a miracle I was even selected. 


    The only jobs I've worked so far that were okay for me and didn't leave me physically sick every day were administrative jobs, but they're just so meticulously boring. I seriously have no idea about my future because I can't break through my anxiety for people.



    As someone who has a 'frontline' job in a sector of the customer service industry for over 3 years in my current job and a year or two in others. I cant tell you how much i fucking hate people in general. People are rude, arrogant and in some cases just so disconnected from society and it just makes me fucking sick.


    Im stuck in this job because I cant find anything else. Im shit at CV writing and no employer seems to give a fuck unless you have a CV that you paid big bucks to have some random awesome dude from the internet write for you. So I am totally and utterly boned. I have no where else to go and i dont fancy going on the dole.


    I hate my job, I hate the place i work, I hate the people i work with, I hate my managers and I hate the fucking company i represent and work for because they honestly dont care about the little people. 


    I recently stopped two of my work colleagues from beating the shit out of each other in public. I was offered a promotion but I told the manager to shove it up his ass. They criticize me for not working overtime. I criticize them for not paying me a better wage.


    Now... dont get me wrong... I LOVE chatting with people. I would chat all day if my job allowed me to. Its nice to find random people to have a natter with out of all the shit i encounter every day. But I would prefer it more if my job was the sort of job that was mainly working 'in the background' one of the smaller cogs hidden behind pieces of metal in a machine that makes a bigger cog work.


    I worked for the postal service. but I was rarely solo unless i was on deliveries. Most of the time i was in the big warehouses as part of the massive team there that does all the processing. THAT to me was the best job i could ever ask for. The people i worked with were lovely and coming to work felt like i was coming home to a family, even though it was a little repetitive, it was never a chore and the money was decent.


    I just cant help looking at some people with disgust after seeing what ive seen. But that doesnt mean that I wont make friends with anyone. Im friendly with everyone but i tend to keep my thoughts to myself unless we've warmed to each other.



    Im not an introvert or an extrovert - Im just a guy trying to survive and get through life the best way he can while trying to find some place that he belongs.

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