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Posts posted by RoseOfHizaki

  1. well.... too all who commented about my 'offensive' comment - Yes it was a joke. Secondly none of you know me well enough or at least personally to know how I really am around girls. I say a lot of tongue in cheek stuff but i would never consider physically abusing or verbally abusing a woman unless she really really really and i mean really deserved it, and when i say really - I mean a slap to put her in her place a little but thats really a last resort option, cuz lets face it everyone deserves a slap across the face some time and not just the females. But i absolutely detest domestic abuse and have stopped a guy hitting a woman in the street while on the way to work a few times. people get mad but theres no need to resort to violence.



    Like i said - you dont know me enough to comment about who i am other than what i say on the forums and i have no need to justify my otherwise (possibly quirky) twisted or deadpan humor to any of you.


    You dont know me, You dont know the people i work with and you dont know the people (or girls) that i chat to and thats all im going to say on this matter.

  2. Treating your partner like any common item surely won't improve your chances of having a relationship, just saying...


    Depends if shes a submissive type. I know a few that actually get off on pleasing their partners, I admit i can be a bit of a bully, but someone needs to take the wheel for this kind of relationship but deep inside my heart is made of marshmellows and im as cuddly as a baby koala.

  3. I'm not, but I expect someone who would actually consider a relationship with you might be.



    Lol, Im brash and the girls i work around kinda like that  - though Its true you'd probably have to know me and my character first before it you can just laugh at what i say. Thats how my character is. though Im not always this 'impolite' like i said, its how you deliver the punchline that makes its offensive or non offensive. At the same time i dont act arrogant as fuck like i can get away with everything all the time but I know when to talk properly and who to talk properly to to avoid misunderstandings. 


    Im hard to read as a person but whats life without a challenge?


    Thats not to say that im completely oozing in self confidence but I know when to be a little more sensitive.  I dunno how to explain properly - Though if you think im a bit of a dick then fair enough. But you dont know me personally though (you'd might even say that you wouldnt even want to but thats your choice)



    But i digress -


    I am what i am. I am who I am 

  4. My best friend told me that girlfriends take a lot of stress off of a man's shoulder because they have something to look forward to when they come home, I wonder how true that is?


    Id say its fairly true but solely dependant that the girlfriend doesnt have a mouth that needs constant punching to make her shut the fuck up. 


    I dont mind a little nagging and some bellyaching and getting shit off your chest - If you need to say something then say it but constant whining, bitching, finger poking and this and that and it gets me annoyed as all i want to do after work is have a shower, eat something, have a bit of a cuddle, maybe a bit of a shag (not always) then sleep - Not always in the same order though - I have been known to shag first before the shower then the food and cuddles then sleep. it depends on the mood.



    Now people might think im an asshole, but im far from it. im generally very outspoken, up front and can be very patient when it comes to partners. being able to have a snuggle when you get home is a bit like your mommy kissing your ouchies better when you were a kid, Its emotionally lifting, especially when you've had a rough day

  5. haven't had any supernatural encounters before, but i have been abducted (multiple times) when i was younger by what i believe are aliens.


    Son... Its disrespectful to call your mum or dad an alien even when their marriage breaks up and one of them ends up trying to sneak you across the border of a foreign country telling you that mommy or daddy will come and join you for the 'holiday' later on.

  6. My month has been a rollercoaster ride so far in terms of work. 


    Unfortunately me region has been transferred to an area manager that i have a bit of a history with and he will do whatever it takes to fuck with me even though im in a position where i dont need to directly be in contact with him every day or every week. I used to work for him more than a year ago but i transferred to another region on my own accord because he was an asshole and i wanted to work for my old manager again who was always good to me.


    This manager has just taken over the region after my company had a major reshuffling of its managers less than two weeks ago and already hes tried to get me disciplined and told one of my guys he cant be working two jobs as the work we do should be private and confidential. So my colleague is leaving because the other job pays him more money. On top of that another one of my guys is currently in limbo, Hes not quite sure what he wants to do but hes 100% certain that he wants to leave the company and go do something else and tbh im in the same boat but im so bad with job hunting. This new area manager has pretty much caused a snowball effect and it has started breaking up the team and thats not a good thing for him either as we are currently very very short on staff.


     some folks are having to extra hours to cover the shortfall. 


    I dont mind chasing the wage but one thing i hate more than anything is serving a master that isnt worthy and I have had enough trouble with not just my manager but my HQ and HR aswell - To put it bluntly, theyre just out for themselves and even though they say they will help you, they wont and they just say it to throw you off. and Ive had multiple run ins with HQ


    This company is fucking bollocks

  7. Silent Hell


    Loving their 'Drama' album, Pitty the original singer left around 2014 some time, she was an amazing vocalist.




    Original vocalist is very much alike Angela Gossow.

  8. Looks real sexy. I have always thought about that case, but probably gunna opt out for something with better sound proofing...but damn it is sweet. Nice build!



    I am trying to hold out for Skylake for my next build. Let's see if I can make it XD



    Coming from a Fractal Define XL its not that loud at all. though i had a silly amount of fans running on it though 1x Corsair SP120 2x140mm Silverstone AP at the front, 1x180mm silverstone AP at the top, 1x140mm Noiseblocker Pro PK-3 at the back and 1x140mm Silverstone AP on the side All these fans were used in conjunction with a fan controller though so they were never running full out - Oh i forgot to add that i also had two 1850rpm Gentle Typhoons on my H80i


    I decided to retire my Define XL for something a bit more 'modern' with better airflow and the first Define XL didnt have support for 240mm radiators which was becoming a bit of an issue for future upgrades. The newer Fractal Define cases dont suffer from the same issues though as the manufacturer has worked on peoples feedback (better watercooling support) 


    So far my only gripe has been that i wish there were 'faster' white LED 140mm fans. all the ones i seem to find spin around 1000rpm which is what these corsair AF140's spin at.



    Oh and i did get a pair of 970s when they were first released - I think i was still running a pair of 680s the last time i showed my rig. 





    the PSU is kinda new too - I had a Corsair HX1050 go bad on me last year that needed to be swapped out. Corsair sent me back a HX1200i - Didnt need something so powerful and this PSU cost a tonne so i sold it off and made a nice bit of profit.

  9. Heres an updated build! - hardware is the same, but i ditched my Fractal Define XL (V.1) for something a little more fancy







    and the finished goods




    Its really hard to get a pic in the dark with my camera as it looks all grainy and saturated. but i assure you it looks majestic.



    Ive also switched out the Corsair H80i for a H105. a few LED strips are still yet to be added because i dont have a molex to molex extension to help me place the LED strip in the right place. This is easily one of the easiest and cleanest builds/transfers i have ever made. There is just so much space inside that case.


    I also 'floated' the fan cover at the top with some tiny magnets. Saves having to get a custom dust filter in.



  10. Ive had two encounters, Neither one was a negative experience unless you count the first time which was when i was about 12 or 13 and had me absolutely shitting bricks. 


    Was out doin the paper round in a light thunder storm early one morning - we're talking anywhere between 9-11am. Had to do these block of flats now normally the places that i deliver to can be fairly 'busy' with the usual hustle and bustle of daily life - people listening to the radio or watching tv, kids crying, screaming or generally just being loud. This time i entered the place I completely felt like I had stepped into some sort of different dimension. There was just some overwhelming heavy aura surround this place and i almost felt like i was being suffocated by it, There was no sound whatsoever. I couldnt hear any of the people going about their usual business before work or school etc etc.  I had my doubts but i shrugged it off and carried on. but as i worked through the floors all the hairs on the back of my neck were standing up and i just felt extremely cold even though it was a mix of sunshine & light thunderstorm going on outside (london's weather is pretty weird) I shrugged the feeling off again, but as i worked my way up the floors I started to feel that i was being watched or followed. Started looking over my shoulder just incase it was one of the local residents there playing games but again, Nobody was there. The further i progressed up the different levels the worser things got, I didnt just feel cold and felt like i was being watched/followed but I was starting to hear things too like foot steps or breathing close by that would stop when i stopped walking to get a better idea of what was going on. This happened a few times before I just completely lost my nerve and ran out of the place. The guy who i partnered up with said i looked like a sheet of paper - I had the chinese scared out of me. lol


    There was no other way to describe what i experienced, One sound that stood out the most apart from the breathing and sound of someone walking close behind me was this eerie dead silence, Its like when you hear voices in your head or someone speaking in your ear but then you turn around and nobodys there. Theres something 'unique' about this silence, It felt more like a signature or a calling card of some sort.  It was so terrifying that I had to have music on while falling asleep for a few weeks. If i hear the same silence again, I will mentally break.




    The second encounter was while i was on holiday in portugal - we took an excursion to the algarve and had to stay in a hotel for the night as it was right across the other side of the island from the hotel we were staying at. im probably around 18-20 at this stage and I havent had a single encounter since the paper round thing.

    During the night I heard the sound of running water, but it didnt sound like 'running' water - It sounded like somebody was having a shower. I was in some sort of half asleep stupor when youre just on the border of a deep sleep but your sensory functions are still active - you can see and probably hear things but your brain cant process them.


    Heard the water running water, thought it was my sister taking a leak or left the water running by accident, I tried to get up to go and turn the water off but I physically couldnt move my body at all below my neck, I did manage to lift my head though and at that moment some woman walked out with a bath towel wrapped around her body and her hair rolled up in a towel. I didnt manage to see her face at all. After that i just felt my head drop back onto the pillow and i was out cold.


    The following morning i asked if my dad or my sister had heard anything during the night as we all shared a big room. My dad did hear running water, but he thought it was my sister just going to the toilet, when i questioned my sister she said she never got out of bed to go toilet in the middle of the night.


    When i explained to my dad that i saw some woman walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around herself he didnt believe me, but I sure as hell knew what i saw.




    Ive not had another experience or encounter to date so far, Maybe as i got older i lost the empath in me. Either that or my 'guardian angel' or 'gate keeper' (who is definitely female) has been doing a great job at looking after me even though I havent been able to sense her presence around me for a long time now

  11. You know.... Life sucks.


    I was unemployed and looking for work at the time while in my mid teens but wasnt having much luck. Some how I managed to get into a relationship with a girl who lived 2-3hrs away from me. The relationship lasted a while, but it was difficult as i never had much money due to unemployment. I cant remember how long we were together but it was probably close to about a year. Back then the economy was having a heart attack and many businesses were cutting staff rather than hiring them and i had a hard time finding work. Money was always an issue but i never once asked her for a single penny.



    Anyway - after while she decided to end it based on the fact that yes it was a long distance relationship and that she couldnt stand not being with me physically. I was against it, but i decided it was also for the best as i was always skint and the state benefits here in the UK as far as for Job Hunters goes is paltry compared to the likes of other countries.


    I've always hated myself from that point on. I enjoyed chatting to her on the phone, online and over skype and we really seemed to click, I hated what happened and i hated myself even more for being so skint.... Took me a while to get over it but I did eventually, though the mental scars in my head are real.


    I swore to myself that I would never put myself in a position where i would be penniless and in a relationship again let along be penniless and in a long distance relationship.


    Eventually managed to find myself a job, Shit money & long hours but sometimes in life we've just got to go along with it however shitty and grueling it turns out. The most important thing was i wasnt penniless..... 



    So I eventually ended up falling for a girl online and she also live 2 or 3 hours away but that wasnt a problem as i had  money this time (however little of it, it may seem) and we chatted for years before eventually deciding to make it a thing and started seeing each other properly.


    She didnt have a job at the time cuz she was still in 6th form/college but that was OK. I didnt mind being the one buying tickets (which were so damn extortionate at the time) to go see her for the day. She became everything in my life for four long years and for once i was so contented with life. I had a job even though it wasnt a very good one, and i had myself a woman ;3 


    SADLY things started falling apart for her at home. Her dad turned out to be an alcoholic, and her mum turned out to be a gambler that owed so called people who were supposed to be her 'friends' money. They constantly argued and she even pushed him down the stairs in an effort to kill him. I met her parents and spoke to them a few times. Her dad seemed an OK guy, I knew he liked to have a drink but he certainly didnt look like an alcoholic to me anyway...


    Things got worse at home and mum tried to stab dad with a knife. blah blah blah and they eventually got divorced. Around this time I tried to be around my gf as much as possible spending at least every other weekend with her as i worked shift monday to friday. 


    She was so very emotionally unstable and i tried my best to be there as much as i could for her. I even went as far as trying to be a mediator for her parents which i know i shouldnt have done.... Nothing bad came of it though but then again nothing good came out of it either and it was just like a mexican standoff Neither of her parents wanted to put their guns down and come back to the table and talk things over. 


    I tried my best to convince them that arguing this way wasnt good for either of them and worst of all it splits their family in two. 


    Nothing i could say or do made a difference and slowly my gf started being extremely withdrawn which lead to our eventual break up. She wouldnt see me anymore, she wouldnt talk to anymore and she told me she just didnt feel ready for a relationship after what was going on with her parents. 


    To me - thats all the more reason why i should still be around. I told her if she wanted to break it off then that was fine, but I was there if she ever needed me. Eventually it got to a point where she stopped talking to me entirely and none of my calls or messages would get a response.


    To me, she was my soulmate (if there is such a thing) and I never told her until just before the trouble started happening at home and watched it slowly destroy her emotionally.  I wanted to get engaged. I wanted to move us both to a place where we would be happy in each others company. Id get a transfer from london up to her town and we'd live together.


    She stopped talking to me, but i always said id wait for her, and i waited for two years and went into a endless cycle of depression and self hatred. I quit my job, became an unemployed bum and social recluse, all the while still cursing at myself for not trying harder, Not doing enough. Not being there with her enough as much as i wanted to. I had money but it had done me no good. All the mental wounds of the past relationship just opened up again. I was so utterly defeated and i wanted to throw myself off a bridge or the edge of a cliff and to this day i still do occasionally when i think about it.


    I was depressed for 3 years but i waited for her longer than that. I was unemployed, back living with my parents and in debt from unpaid bills from when i quit my job. 



    It took a long time to get over it and drag myself out from the black hole of depression and self-deprecation, In some way ive never really gotten over it. But I had to drag myself out of depression and back to life, Its taken me so long to just mentally psych myself up and to keep myself motivated so i keep moving forward with my life but Ive done it though i still hate myself more than ever.


    I havent really dated since though but then again I havent really tried or had anyone made the effort to want to get to know me properly. 


    Life carries on.... I cant just sit around and mope about it anymore. Not that she would ever know or care or really know how it felt to me about losing her.



    but such is life 

  12. Granrodeo - Silence


    (cant find an original pv so heres a guitar cover)



    I love this song cuz of the guitar work. the mid to late intro is very 'Norifumi Shima'ish' (Concerto Moon, Double Dealer - some would call him Japan's answer to Malmsteen) - its typically a Shima riff. Later on in the song the guitar work takes an almost Syu like 'image' but without the signature scooped mids in his guitar tone that Syu usually runs and Syu is amazing at neo-classical guitar but neo-classical is more Shima's domain.


    just an awesome high energy track from start to finish

  13. It's not. I assumed you would know who Silver Ash are just by me mentioning them. They're the first non-JP visual kei band (ha! Seremedy!), the first Chinese visual kei band, and basically responsible for promoting the popularity of the movement there. You not knowing who they are is part of the reason why visual kei hasn't taken root there. They've been around since the early 2000's but they've faced nothing but difficulties: problems keeping members, problems acquiring new members, the government not liking their dress style or their music, difficulty promoting themselves within and outside of China (THANKS FIREWALL!), etc. They were the only one of their kind for a long, long time.

    This new band you found proves that they were successful at something.


    I think i might have some silver ash somewhere but i didnt know they were V.K. As for Chinese music - I dont listen to it too much and when i do its usually the old pop songs my parents used to listen to, or the old 'chinese opera' style of music my grandpappy loves. Metal is so undergound in China

  14. JBL Control 1 monitor speakers (2 pairs)



    -=Friends PC Upgrade=-


    Intel i5-4670k

    MSI PC Mate Motherboard (yeah i know this is a budget board - I originally ordered a 4670 non-k model but they sent me a K model, their loss is my gain)

    AMD 280X

    Fractal Define R4

    Corsair H75 

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