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Posts posted by Youko_o

  1. It's really catchy to listen to, but the kawaiiness is annoying sometimes (that's part of the reason I dropped anime almost completely). And I don't like the way it is produced. BABYMETAL is just a selling machine. Well produced music, yes, but still just a selling machine. I enjoy when artists make a song themselves and put their souls on it. The musicians behind BABYMETAL are just making music to sell, nothing else. And the girls are also singing and dancing to sell. There's no purpose beyond that. Lame.

  2. Wayyyy too fast. NB and Deathgaze are the perfect definition of lack of innovation, all the same songs with lots of screaming. My dl space for this album is already reserved (suck on this, Masa!).  :hum:

    NB innovated a little on their last releases. They tried some ~new~ stuff. Their sound became kind of more commercial appealing, but I think they innovated a little. But for DEATHGAZE, yeah, almost always the same stuff (and I still headbang hard to them).

  3. I also checked a song by Chemical Pictures. I enjoyed them, the song I listened to (Walking Ashland) is pretty creative to my ears.


    After all I have the question: why the f**k is Tenten singing like this on My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND? He can make his voice sound strong. Tenten, please...

  4. I was expecting more. I'm that kind of guy who run the eyes through a band look and thinks "they have an awesome look, let's check the sound". Their look is awesomely produced, but their music... Meh. The core-ish instrumentals got my attention since I got really into core music by the last months. That combined with the drive vocals... wow, it's powerful! Maybe generic, but powerful. The problem is: clean vocals don't fit. I never heard Tenten before and am going to do because I wanna know more of his work since everyone says good things about him. But for this release: weak clean vocals imo.



  5. Well, I guess it's been almost 2 years form their last, so It's not THAT fast. But they could release one more single before, I guess, and release it in February/March next year. Either way, will check it out. 

    Nope, they released Kassai to Gekijou no GLORIA last year. So it was kinda fast to announce a new album. Anyway, I'm pretty excited for it since they are a great band.

  6. So... I created my account here last year but never introduced myself. Shame on me, right?


    I've been listening to japanese music since 2010, and on the first day of 2011 my sister (she's actually a friend, but I consider her as a sister XD) showed me Stray Cat by alice nine. (I like writing their name this way even if they don't use it anymore). First time I saw them I couldn't believe they were all men haha, but then I got used to it, met more visual kei and non-visual kei japanese bands and here I am. I am addicted to japanese rock and metal (not all bands and subgenres, but ok) probably because I like japanese language and vocals. Japanese vocals use to be different from another countries, right? 


    You can call me just Youko. I use Youko_o here cause I couldn't use just Youko >:


    I am a dude from Brazil and I enjoy to discuss music with people from around the world. I already do that on EdohSama's chatbox sometimes XD


    My favorite bands are certainly DELUHI and GALEYD, followed by ALSDEAD, D'espairsRay, the GazettE, NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST and so on. You can check my last.fm if you want (and feel free to add). I do not listen only to japanese music, there are bands from another countries that I am very fond too.





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