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  1. Interesting
    YuyoDrift reacted to Gesu in Separating art from artist   
    Personally, I disagree. They're citizens too, and telling them to shut up just because they're famous sounds kind of ignorant to me. If people want to listen to them and do what they say (or not), they're welcome to, but their opinions are their own and everyone has a right to free speech. I'm really not big on censorship and tbh, I don't care how much I disagree with someone; I would never, ever want them to not have a voice. Yeah, okay, some of the stuff they say is a bit dumb, but if you don't like it, don't pay attention to it. Besides, fame is kind of subjective. They might be famous in one country/culture/whatever but not another, so where do they reach the point where they're famous enough to have to keep their opinions to themselves? That, and you're never gonna shut someone up provided their opinions are strong enough, so it seems kind of pointless and controlling to me. I mean, if there was a law in place saying celebrities couldn't state their opinions on a particular subject, there'd be an uproar, and rightfully so. Provided it's not infringing upon anyone else's human rights, I believe everyone should have the right to say what they feel. Maybe it'd be easier for some if they didn't, but that's an ideal we can't pretend will ever exist.
  2. wow
    YuyoDrift reacted to secret_no_03 in Separating art from artist   
    If I felt that way I'd hate violin since violin strings used to be made of cat guts and I love cats. 
  3. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to Lestat in Separating art from artist   
    Depends on your political interests. I'm very right leaning and I personally cannot stand the average social justice warrior writer or actor for their individual spoutings of nonsense on Twitter. There's some I adore for the books they write or the roles they play, but if I'm seeing J.K. Rowling's incessant pressure of 'wE nEeDz InTeRrAcIaL mArRiAgEs FoR EvErYoNe' and 'HeRmIoNe ShOuLd Be A bLaCk MuSlIm LeSbIaN' she can go sod right off.  
    Lovecraft is a different story. The guy was born in an entirely separate time from ours and you cannot compare the late 19th century / early 20th century to ours whatsoever. And for his writings; it's fiction. Get over it if Cthulhu has a distaste for the Chinese or whatever the fuck you can uncover from his warped words. The majority of people during those times were racists.
    For another thing, Antifa are actively looking to stir up drama where there isn't. If I remember correctly there have been at least five black metal bands in the past few months who haven't been able to finish their tours or been refused playtime during festivals and the like because these liberals think it's either necessary to threaten the venue or bands personally and thus gigs have been cancelled out of safety, or they've gotten the venues and / or municipalities to believe the bands have racist / national-socialist intentions whereas most black metal bands don't give a damn about political leanings and want to be left alone on the subject. It's just disgusting. 
  4. Interesting
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from psychonnect_rozen in Separating art from artist   
    Really? Hahaha I bet that fucks some people up for sure. But hey, its your own mind you're drowning in, at least I hope.
    You make this statement out of fear of the repercussions of not being clear, and I'll tell you right now (and for those who don't want to hear it but need to) that in a perfect world, these types of people need to exist. Part of having people with their own identity is being proud of it, even if it is the worst thing in the world like murdering or racism. It's what keeps the balance/order in society, and always has been since the dawn of time.
    Now, if their actions are something we can't stop/prevent, then that's where the imbalance begins. I think we are heading in that direction already.
    Soon no one will want to be their own person, or worse, hide their agendas/motives under the public eye because it will soon be so easy to do so.
    I think that is a scarier picture that few people seem to understand can happen.
    I wish I knew examples in history for reference, but I don't . I guess murderers/rapists who have been able to hide under normal society can be the closest related thing to what I'm trying to say, and if right now we can't even tell what they look like under the types of people we have in the world now, what's gonna happen when everyone "looks" and "acts" the same?
  5. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Gesu in Separating art from artist   
    Really? Hahaha I bet that fucks some people up for sure. But hey, its your own mind you're drowning in, at least I hope.
    You make this statement out of fear of the repercussions of not being clear, and I'll tell you right now (and for those who don't want to hear it but need to) that in a perfect world, these types of people need to exist. Part of having people with their own identity is being proud of it, even if it is the worst thing in the world like murdering or racism. It's what keeps the balance/order in society, and always has been since the dawn of time.
    Now, if their actions are something we can't stop/prevent, then that's where the imbalance begins. I think we are heading in that direction already.
    Soon no one will want to be their own person, or worse, hide their agendas/motives under the public eye because it will soon be so easy to do so.
    I think that is a scarier picture that few people seem to understand can happen.
    I wish I knew examples in history for reference, but I don't . I guess murderers/rapists who have been able to hide under normal society can be the closest related thing to what I'm trying to say, and if right now we can't even tell what they look like under the types of people we have in the world now, what's gonna happen when everyone "looks" and "acts" the same?
  6. Interesting
    YuyoDrift reacted to psychonnect_rozen in Separating art from artist   
    I’m a fan of The Smashing Pumpkins and Billy Corgan has said some...interesting opinions over the years. While some of them are...stupid, I’ve never really cared. He’s mellowed out his political opinions since then.
    I think it’s when artists become too right leaning is where I’m like “Really?”. Im fine with artists being moderate or centrist or whatever, but I still would feel guilty for supporting people with such behaviour.
    Like people love H.P Lovecraft even though that guy is racist.
    NOTE: I’m only saying this to people who are ACTUALLY saying these kinds of things out loud and proud of being those kinds of people. 
  7. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to Gesu in Separating art from artist   
    What really pisses me off is when people drop someone for something that hasn't even been proven. "So-and-so might have committed this crime". Might. You are not a detective investigator; shut up and carry on with your life as normal until you know something or can at least piece something together with evidence. Similarly, it bugs me when someone doing something maybe a bit unusual/embarrassing is seen as bad because people want the "tea" that can unjustly defame someone. "So-and-so had sex with x amount of people". It's their business, not yours, so stay out of it and - you guessed it - carry on with your life as normal. I can understand why people might have a hard time separating the art from the artist if they've done something genuinely bad because it can make you feel guilty for supporting them, but if it's for some stupid shite like that, I just can't stand it and I don't really get why everyone cares so much.
  8. Interesting
    YuyoDrift reacted to Triangle in Separating art from artist   
    I mean I don't think I'm gonna touch that piece of art because...I guess sanitary reasons? XD
    I don't think I would stop admiring the art piece or not listening to the song if I liked it. Sure, first reactions would not be good but, as cruel and as weird as it sounds, I like that song. I can't help that. It's not the song's or the piece of art's fault they were made in weird circumstances. 
    Then again, there's a double standard to it. Because let's say one of the victims might be someone that you know. Then it would probably affect you more on a personal level because I guess that's how human brain works. 
  9. I feel ya..
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from psychonnect_rozen in Separating art from artist   
    Ah, 2019: The year where most people give a shit about things they weren't even around for.
    I'll go ahead and partake OP, as I've always wanted to share my thoughts on this as someone who has a self identity and wants to understand those who don't have one.
    1. What artists do you separate their art from their actions?
    All of them. Not a single time did I ever think to myself "Man, that CD/Merch I bought because I thought sounded/looked great, must sound/look so good because the people are so wholesome and the holiest of holy that they couldn't EVER do anything wrong.....".
    No, I bought it because I wanted to.
    Mind you, I apply this to everything that can be considered a work of art.
    2. Is it a legitimate argument?
    Depends, but overall not really. Sometimes I question people's rationality when it comes to things like being a fan or being interested in something for your own reasons.
    If I bought let's say a painting, and at the time I didn't know or care about the origin or meaning behind it, I'd say that was a decision I made simply because I thought it looked great and would look better in my home/office. Now, if for some reason I found out it belonged to idk ..... Hitler, I'm going to be honest with you, I'd probably see fucking dollar signs for days on end. This is because I can see past Hitler the mass murderer and see him as the artist he was. I have a rare fucking painting that will go for millions of dollars and would end up in a museum if otherwise, I don't give a shit about anything else. I was not around during that time, and in fact my family weren't even on American soil either.
    Am I greedy? Hmm....that's another topic. Am I cold-hearted bastard? No I see the reality. You might have not even read what I posted and just want to voice your useless opinion to make me feel like I'm going to be responsible (lol the fuck) for something that occurred so long ago and has nothing to do with me (my assumption since you didn't care about my insight, so I'm allowed to not care about yours and share how I feel about it too).
    If other people would go out and say I support Nazism or something, and demand I burn it or tear it apart, I'd say you're fucking stupid. I'd say something else like "Oh yeah? Well goddamn, lets go to the most well known museum of art and burn the whole fucking place down, because I know of at least 1/2 of the artists that have art on display that "shouldn't". Sounds pretty fucking irrational if you ask me. Collectors of art/music can see past this, and so can the people who work at museums, simply because they CAN see past the person who might have done terrible things, and focus on what is related to their profession, the artist.
    Bringing it back to music, it's even easier to separate. If someone like say Kisaki made all this music back in the 90's we enjoy, you have to remember that he made the music all back then. If you were alive and in Japan when it released, and knew some dirt on Kisaki that you can prove and date back to that same timeline, then you can hold an argument with me on this. But guess what? I'm pretty sure EVERYONE did what he might have done back then, and most likely got away with it. But let's pretend our world is perfect and say he was the odd man and single him out, kudos. Shady shit in Japan was a daily thing. I fucking love hearing about it as it gives Japan this flair for being badass and dangerous while proving that every society has its colors.
    Fast forward today and no one cares or knows who Kisaki is among new fans, yet you learn about his current life and how he might suck at it hard, and now suddenly what? You, the fan from back then who probably has 1'' of dust of old demo tapes from la'sadie or whatever fucking band he was in in a box somewhere, and you are gonna throw them out? HAHAHA don't make me fucking choke, you're about as a big as a hypocrite as the people you have around you. Being played by the society that can easily turn on you at the drop of a hat. The you from back then called, they want you to get your fucking backbone back and decide what YOU want to do, and not what you feel society would want as a "justice served" spew of bullshit I'm tired of seeing on the internet.
    3. Do you think that one persons actions should generalize a whole band? (Ex. Kisaki and Phantasmagoria or any of his past bands)?
    I can't believe this is a question but OK, no, it shouldn't.
    If people really dropped a band like say, lynch.  as of recently, for something like Akinori smoking some pot, then don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
    No one gave a fuck.
  10. LOVE!
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Lestat in Separating art from artist   
    Ah, 2019: The year where most people give a shit about things they weren't even around for.
    I'll go ahead and partake OP, as I've always wanted to share my thoughts on this as someone who has a self identity and wants to understand those who don't have one.
    1. What artists do you separate their art from their actions?
    All of them. Not a single time did I ever think to myself "Man, that CD/Merch I bought because I thought sounded/looked great, must sound/look so good because the people are so wholesome and the holiest of holy that they couldn't EVER do anything wrong.....".
    No, I bought it because I wanted to.
    Mind you, I apply this to everything that can be considered a work of art.
    2. Is it a legitimate argument?
    Depends, but overall not really. Sometimes I question people's rationality when it comes to things like being a fan or being interested in something for your own reasons.
    If I bought let's say a painting, and at the time I didn't know or care about the origin or meaning behind it, I'd say that was a decision I made simply because I thought it looked great and would look better in my home/office. Now, if for some reason I found out it belonged to idk ..... Hitler, I'm going to be honest with you, I'd probably see fucking dollar signs for days on end. This is because I can see past Hitler the mass murderer and see him as the artist he was. I have a rare fucking painting that will go for millions of dollars and would end up in a museum if otherwise, I don't give a shit about anything else. I was not around during that time, and in fact my family weren't even on American soil either.
    Am I greedy? Hmm....that's another topic. Am I cold-hearted bastard? No I see the reality. You might have not even read what I posted and just want to voice your useless opinion to make me feel like I'm going to be responsible (lol the fuck) for something that occurred so long ago and has nothing to do with me (my assumption since you didn't care about my insight, so I'm allowed to not care about yours and share how I feel about it too).
    If other people would go out and say I support Nazism or something, and demand I burn it or tear it apart, I'd say you're fucking stupid. I'd say something else like "Oh yeah? Well goddamn, lets go to the most well known museum of art and burn the whole fucking place down, because I know of at least 1/2 of the artists that have art on display that "shouldn't". Sounds pretty fucking irrational if you ask me. Collectors of art/music can see past this, and so can the people who work at museums, simply because they CAN see past the person who might have done terrible things, and focus on what is related to their profession, the artist.
    Bringing it back to music, it's even easier to separate. If someone like say Kisaki made all this music back in the 90's we enjoy, you have to remember that he made the music all back then. If you were alive and in Japan when it released, and knew some dirt on Kisaki that you can prove and date back to that same timeline, then you can hold an argument with me on this. But guess what? I'm pretty sure EVERYONE did what he might have done back then, and most likely got away with it. But let's pretend our world is perfect and say he was the odd man and single him out, kudos. Shady shit in Japan was a daily thing. I fucking love hearing about it as it gives Japan this flair for being badass and dangerous while proving that every society has its colors.
    Fast forward today and no one cares or knows who Kisaki is among new fans, yet you learn about his current life and how he might suck at it hard, and now suddenly what? You, the fan from back then who probably has 1'' of dust of old demo tapes from la'sadie or whatever fucking band he was in in a box somewhere, and you are gonna throw them out? HAHAHA don't make me fucking choke, you're about as a big as a hypocrite as the people you have around you. Being played by the society that can easily turn on you at the drop of a hat. The you from back then called, they want you to get your fucking backbone back and decide what YOU want to do, and not what you feel society would want as a "justice served" spew of bullshit I'm tired of seeing on the internet.
    3. Do you think that one persons actions should generalize a whole band? (Ex. Kisaki and Phantasmagoria or any of his past bands)?
    I can't believe this is a question but OK, no, it shouldn't.
    If people really dropped a band like say, lynch.  as of recently, for something like Akinori smoking some pot, then don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
    No one gave a fuck.
  11. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from AoiMoon in Hello, It's me...   
    So many new users!
    Welcome to MH! Thanks for coming out of lurking to say hi lol.
    You'd be surprised at how much more the website has to offer when you become a member🙂
    Take a look around and ask any of us MH staff if you have any questions.
    I'll check out the channel when I have the chance, as I'm always up for supporting YouTube fans of the scene.
  12. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to AoiMoon in Hello, It's me...   
    Hi guys!
    So I finally decided making an introduction topic here... I'm not good with this but, let's go:
    You guys can call me Aoi, I'm a eternal 24 years old veteran fan VK. As you can tell I like The Gazette, and Jiluka, Kiryu, NoGod and I'm into Nokubura these days too!
    I started a variety youtube channel specialized in VK with a friend this year. You can check it out here.
    The name is VK Onee san.
    (Our inicial idea is creating a bilingual channel, but until now the videos are only in english ^^')
    Also we have accounts on Twitter/Instagram: @vkoneesan, please follow us^^
  13. Interesting
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Joel in DIMLIM Gt. Ryuya and Ba. Taishi will depart   
    Can someone elaborate on Ryuya's departure from a musical/musician's standpoint?
    Does he feel his performance has plateaued with the current music style of band, or if his outlook on whether or not he is a good guitarist at all hit him so hard that he's calling it quits? It's always hard to digest Japanese formality, and so nuances on whether or not they are leaving on good terms or not doesn't interest me.
    I'm more interested on the music's sound, and how that comes back to the musician and their current state.
    I really feel for the guy, as any musician who prides themselves in their work would be crushed if they suddenly realized that they might be the reason for the future stagnation of the band, or if they know that this is all they can do and suddenly realize the gap in talent within the other members as time goes on. It really screws me up that guitarists are always the ones that seem to always have this internal conflict within themselves and find leaving the band or retiring completely as the easy way out.
    As far as the replacements go, tempos and rhythms can be matched in terms of performance, for both guitar and bass. What can't be replaced is the flow and scaling, which for those who had already pointed out, seems to have been tapped out with the current lineup. It definitely explains why the latest single was sporadic, and I had a feeling that they would get worse on the next release.
    This news is terrible, but the fact the others will continue activities brought up these thoughts and I wonder if they were being limited in progression in the first place?
  14. Interesting
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from secret_no_03 in What kind of phone do you have and why?   
    Currently own the first gen iPhone X 256GB model (ya know, the actual iPhone X with good materials).
    I'm usually one to spend extra if it will allow me to future-proof my devices for 3-5 years. Made a good call as I hear the newer gen iPhone X's materials have been cut down..... Or was my model discontinued like they said they would? Lol.
    Before this I owned an iPhone 6 tapped out at 128GB, again, for same reasons. Overall a great phone, as it was as "field-serviceable" as an apple product could get at the time. I had replaced the battery replaced 2x, and changed the lightning port since it burnt from the lint that got stuck in it from being in/out of my pocket. The headphone jack I think I miss the most on it.
    Before that I owned the iPhone 4S 64GB. Geez was that thing small but fun to use. I also didn't care about dropping it lol.
    Apple iPhones have been very reliable and simple-use phones for me in the IT industry, with their seamless ecosystem and their great customer service.
  15. Thanks
    YuyoDrift reacted to Masato in Johnny from Johnny's died   
    He died today at the age of 87.
    He was basically the founder of the japanese male idol groups incl. SMAP, Arashi, Kat-tun and many more.
  16. LOLOL
    YuyoDrift reacted to secret_no_03 in Halle Bailey of ChloexHalle to play Ariel in Live Action Remake of The Little Mermaid.   
    You'd be surprised how many people are legit worried about them trying to get rid of all red heads on tv and breed them out of existence. We'll always have Conan though.
  17. LOLOL
    YuyoDrift reacted to CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
  18. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from reminiscing2004 in New Trade-off format / Sub-forum   
    In a way this is a great idea @Original Saku. I voted for you testing these waters however muahahaha.
    In the past I've wanted to listen to some of the mixtapes created by others, under themes I'd be interested in (even though I was not participating in the Trade-Off itself). Rather than go out and request a copy for myself to listen to (I am too embarrassed, busy at the time, or I receive no reply), I can simply go into this section of the Trade-Off and download the mixtape since it's free to listen to and Ok'ed to be shared by the creator.
    The only simpler way to share the tapes would be to just add a spoiler tag under the list of partners, and then populate it with all the links (titled most likely) once the organizer receives them. It does create extra work for the organizer however, and so I'm not too sure if its gonna be more of a hassle than it already is. Having said that though, I think the extra effort is worth it if it means allowing potentially new Trade-Off participants to sign up on the next one since they can sample a mixtape.
    Not sure how we can organize the user's feedback outside the Trade-Off Thread however.
    I guess a separate thread would be OK, and then link it somewhere in the Trade-Off's OP.
  19. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from -NOVA- in DIMLIM new single “離人” release   
    Shit, this song takes you for a ride alright.
    Place me into the group that would call this Vanitas 2.0, as that artistic approach has been kicked up a notch, making the entire track sporadic.
    It's hard to put it into words but the song is so close to not being listenable due to the amount of ideas thrown into it. I agree with many others here that they need to take it easy considering how well they are doing right now in the VK scene. If its a rival thing with NAZARE then please let us know.
    I really feel my thoughts have already been mentioned by others but their work really does make everything else out in the VK world right now pale in comparison.
    There, I said it.
  20. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to Komorebi in Halle Bailey of ChloexHalle to play Ariel in Live Action Remake of The Little Mermaid.   
    Why are y'all so upset about this thread? You can all ignore it. It's not like no one posts random shit here, people come and cry about their failed relationships all the time and no one bats an eye about those "boohoo my ex left me" threads. There's no specific rule on the forum about political discussions so I don't really see the problem. Y'all can just ignore the threads you aren't interested in instead of making a fuss about them. Or then rewrite the rules or something, idk. Go post about VK to balance it out.
    To secret: yeah, the religious post was fun and insightful as a few others that had real substance, but just posting a link or a youtube video and expecting discussion to take off in a healthy manner is not the way to go either, this isn't your FB newsfeed. I advise to either restrain from it or at least provide a richer starting point for a conversation to make it interesting. Otherwise it looks like cheap clickbait and I can see why users get upset. 
  21. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Flame-X in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
    Well, I was told by many to watch Your Lie in April  because it was so great and that people cried at the end blah blah.
    So I sat down to watch it.
    First few episodes were great, pacing was good, and character introduction and plot were well established. I actually thought it was cool.
    Thennnnnn I got to episode 6 or so and  they "shat the bed" (using references to Darling in the FranXX) with the crappiest resolve moment crap for the protagonist that I just stopped watching. It was so stupid to me what happened in those episodes leading up to the moment that I was in arguments with friends that I was not getting the message or that it was a good resolve and I was being dramatic. Oh, I got the message, but it was handled in such poor taste that the characters leave nothing to be desired, and so soon I might add that the resolve made no sense and actually, it was not even needed. I was gonna put it on hold to finish it, but from what I hear it was actually really bad from episode 10 onward by what others who've seen the show said so I'll most likely drop it since I already thought nothing more of it to continue watching.
    Such a shame too because the show had promise.
    And I'm pretty sure someone dies at the end like all these types of shows tend to do.
    Probably a good thing I watched this alone otherwise I'd piss some people off that I didn't enjoy the show.
  22. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Gesu in Halle Bailey of ChloexHalle to play Ariel in Live Action Remake of The Little Mermaid.   
    Well I just lurked here at the wrong time now, didn't I?
  23. LOLOL
    YuyoDrift reacted to Lestat in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
    People shouldn’t watch the dubbed version in the first place. 
  24. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to nullmoon in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
    I'm late to the party but Aggretsuko is life. It makes me want to watch Detroit Metal City all over again ❤️
  25. LOLOL
    YuyoDrift reacted to secret_no_03 in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
    Netflix has re-dubbed Neon Genesis Evangelion and people are pissed.
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