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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift

    So many new users! Welcome to MH! Thanks for coming out of lurking to say hi lol. You'd be surprised at how much more the website has to offer when you become a member🙂 Take a look around and ask any of us MH staff if you have any questions. I'll check out the channel when I have the chance, as I'm always up for supporting YouTube fans of the scene.
  2. YuyoDrift

    Currently own the first gen iPhone X 256GB model (ya know, the actual iPhone X with good materials). I'm usually one to spend extra if it will allow me to future-proof my devices for 3-5 years. Made a good call as I hear the newer gen iPhone X's materials have been cut down..... Or was my model discontinued like they said they would? Lol. Before this I owned an iPhone 6 tapped out at 128GB, again, for same reasons. Overall a great phone, as it was as "field-serviceable" as an apple product could get at the time. I had replaced the battery replaced 2x, and changed the lightning port since it burnt from the lint that got stuck in it from being in/out of my pocket. The headphone jack I think I miss the most on it. Before that I owned the iPhone 4S 64GB. Geez was that thing small but fun to use. I also didn't care about dropping it lol. Apple iPhones have been very reliable and simple-use phones for me in the IT industry, with their seamless ecosystem and their great customer service.
  3. YuyoDrift

    Can someone elaborate on Ryuya's departure from a musical/musician's standpoint? Does he feel his performance has plateaued with the current music style of band, or if his outlook on whether or not he is a good guitarist at all hit him so hard that he's calling it quits? It's always hard to digest Japanese formality, and so nuances on whether or not they are leaving on good terms or not doesn't interest me. I'm more interested on the music's sound, and how that comes back to the musician and their current state. I really feel for the guy, as any musician who prides themselves in their work would be crushed if they suddenly realized that they might be the reason for the future stagnation of the band, or if they know that this is all they can do and suddenly realize the gap in talent within the other members as time goes on. It really screws me up that guitarists are always the ones that seem to always have this internal conflict within themselves and find leaving the band or retiring completely as the easy way out. As far as the replacements go, tempos and rhythms can be matched in terms of performance, for both guitar and bass. What can't be replaced is the flow and scaling, which for those who had already pointed out, seems to have been tapped out with the current lineup. It definitely explains why the latest single was sporadic, and I had a feeling that they would get worse on the next release. This news is terrible, but the fact the others will continue activities brought up these thoughts and I wonder if they were being limited in progression in the first place?
  4. YuyoDrift

    Wow damn, I learned something today. RIP to the man, the legend, pretty much the reason why Japanese TV shows are the way they are over the last 50 years.
  5. Well I just lurked here at the wrong time now, didn't I?
  6. YuyoDrift

    Well, I was told by many to watch Your Lie in April because it was so great and that people cried at the end blah blah. So I sat down to watch it. First few episodes were great, pacing was good, and character introduction and plot were well established. I actually thought it was cool. Thennnnnn I got to episode 6 or so and they "shat the bed" (using references to Darling in the FranXX) with the crappiest resolve moment crap for the protagonist that I just stopped watching. It was so stupid to me what happened in those episodes leading up to the moment that I was in arguments with friends that I was not getting the message or that it was a good resolve and I was being dramatic. Oh, I got the message, but it was handled in such poor taste that the characters leave nothing to be desired, and so soon I might add that the resolve made no sense and actually, it was not even needed. I was gonna put it on hold to finish it, but from what I hear it was actually really bad from episode 10 onward by what others who've seen the show said so I'll most likely drop it since I already thought nothing more of it to continue watching. Such a shame too because the show had promise. And I'm pretty sure someone dies at the end like all these types of shows tend to do. Probably a good thing I watched this alone otherwise I'd piss some people off that I didn't enjoy the show.
  7. YuyoDrift

    We were doing it back in 2005-2006 when Mao formed Sadie and everyone knew he liked DEG, so naturally the comparisons were made right there for each album they churned out. I guess it's easier to point out this difference now than it was back then 🤷‍♂️ Glad Mao is doing well in THE THIRTEEN, and even then he had a rough beginning with this project too lol. DIMLIM are already known as the Saviors of VK haha, its almost fitting. It has been that long. I was into VK a year or so longer but the people who taught me were around in 2002-2003, right when the boom internationally was beginning. I do wish they stuck around though . Might help a bit to keep VK relevant in the USA. Check out the live report on the GazettE Tour in NYC recently and share your thoughts/views on the demographic of new VK listeners that you saw for an audience. Oh BTW, reading your responses here @ambivalentideal I can see you know your history haha. That's real good. New users are popping up constantly now, that they outweigh the minority of us that stuck around lol.
  8. YuyoDrift

    In a way this is a great idea @Original Saku. I voted for you testing these waters however muahahaha. In the past I've wanted to listen to some of the mixtapes created by others, under themes I'd be interested in (even though I was not participating in the Trade-Off itself). Rather than go out and request a copy for myself to listen to (I am too embarrassed, busy at the time, or I receive no reply), I can simply go into this section of the Trade-Off and download the mixtape since it's free to listen to and Ok'ed to be shared by the creator. The only simpler way to share the tapes would be to just add a spoiler tag under the list of partners, and then populate it with all the links (titled most likely) once the organizer receives them. It does create extra work for the organizer however, and so I'm not too sure if its gonna be more of a hassle than it already is. Having said that though, I think the extra effort is worth it if it means allowing potentially new Trade-Off participants to sign up on the next one since they can sample a mixtape. Not sure how we can organize the user's feedback outside the Trade-Off Thread however. I guess a separate thread would be OK, and then link it somewhere in the Trade-Off's OP.
  9. YuyoDrift

    So confession: I never got around to listening to their first album 絶景色 (Zekkeishoku) back in the day. Only the Akatsuki single. Well I'm listening to it right now and wow, the album definitely is appropriate for its age. It definitely sounds like music from 2006, and what they said about Shou sounding like he has a cold are true lol. The album as a first listen is very easy to digest, as they aren't trying too hard to make an impact. Sounds like they are enjoying themselves honestly. All I know is "Haru, Sakura no Koro" is a song that has been missing from my life for a while now.
  10. YuyoDrift

    2006 definitely counts as old haha. Your tastes are also so broad that I think you'll fit in just fine. Welcome to MH! Honestly if the GazettE coming to the USA can bring back many of the fans that once existed back into the scene (and maybe even migrate them here to MH), then I'm so glad they decided to tour here again. Enjoy your return to VK dood! The scene has been sporadic asf but the new generation has entered the mix and they are pretty good. Many artists from bands that once were are in new projects, so read up on some of the news we have here and see what you can find.
  11. YuyoDrift

    Damn, this thread bros. I wouldn't go out of my way to pick a fight, but I do become cocky asf when I'm drunk. That said, I would drunk-fight the entire gang from lynch. I'm sure they'd get a kick out of that. Something to laugh about when we can't feel our faces lol.
  12. YuyoDrift

    I find this funny because so many other anime shows in recent years still do this, yet my boi Saitama getting shafted. Sometimes being recognized/popular is not a good thing, and I'm sure people don't know that a lot of the illustrators for Shonen Jump draw like this. Very easy to identify.
  13. YuyoDrift

    I'm surprised your account was not deactivated lol. Welcome (back) to the forums! If you haven't already been lurking over the years on here, take a look around. Plenty of topics and artists threads to read/contribute to, and many of us that were around during the mid 00's are still kicking (we are entering old age though lol). Any bands/artists from back then that you are still following? Plenty of bandomen have moved on to new projects, and this year has seen some pretty great releases from newcomers as well.
  14. YuyoDrift

    Seen the documentary myself, as well as other ideas for shows like Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix, and an entire Minimalism channel by Matt D'Avella on YouTube. Fascinating that people have that much of an attachment to things or items and have the inability to see what materialism has done to America. Is there an equivalent to digital minimalism out there? Lol that's my problem atm. Oh and @Gesu, Toys"R"Us can burn to the ground. I used to work there in my teen years and on top of the terrible pay, you witness first hand why the retail business is as horrible to work in as they say and all the stories you hear from other people come true. I think the worst encounter I had with a customer was when there was a misprint in their advertisements for one of those Jeep Wrangler car things from Fisher Price (ad was like a digit off reg price), and this lady came into the store bouncing from employee to employee demanding that we honor the screw up. When we told her we didn't carry stock she nearly reeee'd before this was even a thing, and demanded one of us be responsible and get reprimanded/fired right in front of her for not doing our jobs. These people exist. The horrors of middle aged moms yelling at me about where the fuck the Zhu Zhu Pets were, like they were some sort of crack will haunt my memories forever.
  15. YuyoDrift

    At lunch so I can talk a bit. Believe it or not but I'd be the first to advocate against posting things like this. Other mods can vouch for this lol. MH is a community that I feel does not need the drama/events of our IRL in it, and I want to be sure it stays that way in order to keep the original concept of a forum intact. We like VK/Japanese Rock, and that will be the main focus. Granted, the community has proven itself to be very accepting and open to people's thoughts from all over the world, and for that I'm thankful.
  16. YuyoDrift

    Fuck, reading how you were brought up gave me some anxiety @platy. I never went to church, and when I did (baptisms for nieces/nephews, weddings, or funerals sometimes) I always felt out of place because I was given something at birth that most don't : freewill. I know enough about Christianity and Catholicism to know they are flawed, and by that I mean the lack of context within the context. Oh, you don't know the meaning of this snippet/excerpt of text (cuz no one from that time exists to explain it), so we're just gonna assume or fill in the blanks with our best interpretation of it because we can't just leave it as gibberish? Yeah, I'm good. As a person who has accepted I'm just some species/organism that has the option to procreate or grow old and die (alone or not) but ride a wave until then, I leave religion or those who follow it in peace. They haven't bothered me, and out of respect I do the same. Sometimes people do some great things knowing they have someone watching their back and for that I still acknowledge that (hold your pitchforks) religion is a necessary "evil". Great way of looking at it. Society as a whole has lost all meaning of what once could have been common knowledge millenniums ago, simply because we are no longer living in such simple times. Ironically caring a bit, I feel it's a mockery to pick and choose what you want to follow, when you want to follow them. Either accept everything that religion has to offer, or don't follow it at all/find something else. When I tell people that what is in those textbooks were the precise thoughts and beliefs (all the odd, negative, and horrific content you might gloss over cuz it sounds inhumane or whatever) of that individual, they shudder before telling me "nah well that was them. I'm me." Wtf? You sure about that? Now if I found like-minded people IRL to talk ideologies on our existence, then I cut loose. What I seek is wisdom/means to do more, and no scripture or ancient textbook written by someone else's POV (possibly not even genuine history at this point since were terrible at preserving things and stuff gets altered/re-written all the time) is going to grant me this. Even less is the false sense that by following these religions am I gonna find the answers I seek. I think the biggest worry I have for those who follow blindly from fear/lack of awareness (thinking that life like that is normal for everyone/that there is no alternative out there that will work for them) is that they might lose "faith"/will after a major experience or great realization that leaves them with "nothing" to questions they thought they'd get once they were old or something. Who do those individuals turn to? Certainly not themselves, right? I don't want to be guided to their answers (especially not my entire life), I want to be allowed to seek my own, by any means necessary. Unfortunately, the reality is that I can't use the means I would like to, only because we live in a civilization that requires me to contribute something to society in order to eat and live as healthy as I can. If I could live in the mountains and thrive by my natural instincts and sheer willpower, I would. But I'm a fragile Ruki-Sized individual that probably wouldn't survive mano a mano with most savage animals lol, so I submit to the way of life here until I figure out a way to overcome these handicaps. For now I believe in myself, I believe in you guys, and I believe in what we as the current humanity can purse and attain/achieve, good or bad. Balance is key. This can be identified as a nihilist or satanist take when it comes to my view of the world and our (really my) existence in it. Ehh, I can't deny or confirm this but I do know that unless I do something worth preserving in history books for however long they can last, most people who will remember me will die within 100-150 years. Pretty sad reading it back to myself lol. As you can see I am simply fascinated by the sheer will of humans and their drive to find their own purpose (or rather their selfish attempts to be remembered or their ideals *wink wink*, for millenniums to come) than accept that they were just born to live like everyone else, let alone by following a system that they can't question. I think that at some point at every era of civilization, there was a realization that their entire existence, or rather their progress and achievements, would be lost in time. Fortunately for them, we have continued to recover remnants/pieces of puzzles they once possessed. Ok I'm done because I'm sure I wont stop until I'm fired for being on MH instead of doing work lol. I am however very intrigued on everyone else's ideologies and will take some time to look into all these religions. Thanks.
  17. YuyoDrift

    Since these things get lost in the MH archives quite often, I'm going to leave this discussion from a few years ago regarding Gackt's and his departure from Malice Mizer. Always great references ya know?
  18. YuyoDrift

    From what I've heard as rumors in the past, Mizérable (as well as Vanilla) were originally intended for a possible MM album (assuming he stayed) that never was. I do agree that Gackt was way better as a VK artist, but the way he had distanced himself (and kept his musical contributions to himself too) near the end of his era with MM, tells us that he wanted more. @secret_no_03 I enjoyed the entire read, and appreciate this huge contribution.
  19. Don't forget to start your Japanese Ratings List for this year!


    It's super easy! Also, with plenty of time left to start, I'd be very interested to see what everyone thinks of this year's hot releases.

    So quit writing them down on that lucky napkin that you took from a bar, cuz I'm sure someone's gonna blow their nose with by mistake. Maybe that notepad you keep lying around on your desk at work? Boss is gonna be like "wtf bro? INFINITUM is at least a 4/5". Better to not have that conversation haha.

  20. YuyoDrift

    Next is "Kimchi", just wait.
  21. You ever wonder htf Yoshiki manages to appear at the most random of fucking places? Coachella, Anime OPs, Jackie Chan's partner in crime, and now at a Polo tournament w/ the Queen of England? I'm now convinced that he wanted to spread some of his X Japan essence on her for future manipulation, and the only thing capable of doing that is that scarf possessed with Hide's spirit that he "lost track of as the wind blew".
  22. That scarf could have a mind of it's own. I wouldn't be surprised if that scarf was brought in for questioning, possibly scenes for the return season of X-Files with Yoshiki starring in it. FUUUUCK he could be creating the new OP Theme for it LOL
  23. You mean Gillian Anderson! Fucking X-Files extraordinary detective Dana Scully, whom I'm still fucking questioning as to how the fuck she was there too. Maybe Yoshi is an alien after all.
  24. YuyoDrift

    So I believe in chance/luck more than ever now. On Sunday my gf and I were hungry for Ramen, so we decided between two Ramen Shops (within very close vicinity of each other, and the latter had just opened), so we did a coin toss to decide. So since it landed on tails, we went to the new one. We walk in and immediately I recognize a nice Asian waitress I had already met months prior at another shop (although she apparently had left the business so I never saw her there again), and then she introduces me to her husband, who is the sushi chef. Well guess what? I had already met this guy before at another sushi restaurant almost a year ago (it was only once, and when I went back there again like half a year later he had already left). The look on eachother's faces when we both realized we had already met haha we were laughing about how uncanny this coincidence was and we spent the entire time catching up. So I literally ran into the same two people I had already met before, and these same 2 people were married and working in their new restaurant they opened up haha. A fucking coin toss decided this. Holy shit.
  25. YuyoDrift

    Right. I'm still upset we didn't hear UNFINISHED though. Would have made more sense to replace Tomorrow Never Dies with it since UNFINISHED is on the album they're touring for lol. If I can hear "Nausea & Shudder", "Baretta", or "Taion" live just once I can die happy. Maybe "Shadow VI II I" too.
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