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Everything posted by KonataYumiko

  1. Wow really good stuff, thanks for sharing
  2. I don't like their new look but I'm looking forward to the pv being hopeful.
  3. KonataYumiko

    I finished last week the japanese Second Love with Kazuya Kamenashi and Kyoko Fukada. At first I wasn't really impressed but at the end become enjoyable. Not one of Kamenashi's best of course and to be sincere iIdidn't like much his character. Anyway, does someone has good dramas to recommend in the line of Last Friends, Sunao ni Narenakute or Osozaki no Himawari (wich I recommend all)? Friendship and slight love in other words. Even some like Tatta Hitostu no Koi would be cool, since I really loved it. Also, l'm looking since always to a website wich you can add drama in wishlist or watched list. Imdb isn't good for dramas.
  4. KonataYumiko

    It seems like we can add tracks to favorite again.
  5. KonataYumiko

    I guess it depend to what you use for scrobbling. I use spotify and it works fine as ever and AIMP3 player too. Windows Media Player never worked fine to me, it scrobbled 5 tracks out of 10 but now is even worse. The only difference I've seen in scrobbling is that usually the track scrobbled shows up after is ended on last.fm and not as you play it sometimes.
  6. KonataYumiko

    Since we're talking about HYDE's fanboys I can't not mention yasu from Acid Black Cherry (ex Janne Da Arc) and his kohai DAIGO from BREAKERZ. Especially yasu who's really into HYDE since...ever. He admitted it in some interviews and lot of times in his blog. Here's an old tv show where he's been teased about his being a fanboy. He always dreamed about getting a purikura with his lovely idol and here, he got it. Also he told that during an HALLOWEEN PARTY that hyde likes to do almost every year, yasu had finally the chance to kiss kim (yeah, very lucky man) but unfortunately we don't have any pictures to as proof. But we gotta believe him and the audience of course. Also here's a picture with him and DAIGO being good fanboys and wearing hyde's t-shirts. Also we fans really have the impression that yasu likes to "copy" on purpose (more in a funny way not for lack of ideas) some hyde's styles as shown in Re:Birth and CRISIS pv's. Especially last one where is matter of fact that he's the same hair that hyde got on 2012 L'Arc En Ciel live. Also since hyde knows well about his 2 fanboy he thought about making them a surprise (mostly for us because of course they knew) and appearing during theyr Acid BREAKERZ Cherry 5th Anniversay 69-sixnine- live. During the MC DAIGO took his mobile to shoot a pic of the audience and said to his sempai "Look, yasu-san! There is an unexpected appearance of god in the photo!" (They likes to address hyde as "God", infact almost every January, on hyde birthday, they wish Merry Christmas each other on twitter). And it was hyde. The he got on stage and they sang all three together the 2nd ABC single song "Black Cherry". Here a short video of the performance Quite a story, isn'it?
  7. KonataYumiko

    Lol to the title. Anyway I've sent already two bad feedback to them, hope it helps but I guess at the end not. Feels so bad not having the compatibility meter anymore. And how I loved my wall with all the bands logo, it was more lovely that the walls of my room. Shame on last.fm.
  8. KonataYumiko

    I didn't listen much to Crazy Shampoo so I'm voting DADAROMA wich I really like.
  9. KonataYumiko

    I'm not really a big fan of The Gazette but this new album seems good so far.
  10. Why that had to happen to last.fm? :(

  11. Well they're not my top but I can say I quite enjoy their style especially in 'Those Who The Gods Detest' and lyrics of course. I was quite waiting new album, still haven't heard it but I have good expectations.
  12. New NiILE album 'WHAT SHOULD NOT BE UNEARTHED' is finally out guys. Let's be happy and enjoy the lyrics.
  13. KonataYumiko

    Fallout 3, since the new one is coming this fall
  14. Saw live Obituary, still thrilled

    1. Lestat


      Saw them twice, and that were two of the sickest performances I've seen.

    2. Bear


      Cool! I am jelly as fuck, even though I only truly appreciate 2-3 of their albums.

    3. KonataYumiko


      Was my first time, finally I had the chance. Really an amazing performance :D

  15. KonataYumiko

    Carpathian Forest - Mask of the Slave
  16. KonataYumiko

    VAMPS covered David Bowie "Life of Mars?"
  17. Yeah, heard this morning, seems promising. Let's see what comes out from these guys.
  18. KonataYumiko

    Well, I change my wallpaper more or less twice per year but whatever.
  19. For anyone interested in some good doom/death, check out these guys.
  20. Sounds a little weak to me (at first I was tricked too thinking was some remaster of Summer Dive ). Not bad but not at the level of their old ones.
  21. KonataYumiko

    Si, Oboeru Sakana è proprio bella ed anche Ame no Waltz non mi dispiace. Grazie del suggerimento, provo ad ascoltarli
  22. KonataYumiko

    Nuove band non proprio, come dicevo su sto seguendo solo quelle che già conosco e mi piacciono. Ogni tanto mi capita però di curiosare tra le nuove band, ma son così tante che mi passano tutte per la mente. Ah qualche settimana fa ascoltai i Dadaroma che mi parvero abbastanza decenti ma non so se si posso ancora considerare nuovi dato che sono del 2014
  23. KonataYumiko

    Benvenuta Sakurai-san Haha a chi lo dici!
  24. KonataYumiko

    I Royz erano carini nelle prime uscite con Starry Heaven ed altri mini album. Personalmente li ascoltavo e mi piacevano ma mi sono fermata all'album Tears. Già con Tears Drop, che è una vera lagna, hanno perso molto, dopo Lilia poi li ho abbandonati del tutto e non ho neanche la minima idea di come stanno procedendo al momento. I golden Bomber personalmente non mi hanno mai attirato, ascolto solo qualche canzone a random di tanto in tanto. Li trovo simpatici però, forse valgono più sotto un'aspetto scenico che musicale a mio parere. Mi fa piacere sapere che non sono l'unica a notare il recente fiasco del visual kei in genere che mi ha permesso di allontanarmi dal genere. Molti di gruppi si sono rovinati nel tempo, con mio grande dispiacere, come An Cafe, DIV, persino I BORN che tanto mi piacevano e molti altri. Sulle nuove band non mi posso esprimere più di tanto perchè non sto seguendpo il visual kei, son rimasta ai tempi dei Meteoroid, Echtelion (che poi hanno persino assunto Sebastiano Serafini, lol), Codomo Dragon ecc. Il nuovo singolo dei Diaura...dovrei provarlo, li adoravo ma Focus mi ha lasciato così tanto amaro in bocca che li avevo dimenticati, sino ad'ora. Ah già, scusate l'intrusione...
  25. KonataYumiko

    Hey ciao, benvenuto
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