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Everything posted by jurideluhi

  1. jurideluhi

  2. jurideluhi

    RED universe-fuyuuzuki
  3. jurideluhi

    I'm impressed by them.liked them rite away after listened to their previews last month. genki (Vo.) wrote most of the lyrics and has improved even much better in their 1st minialbum butterfly effect. CODE BLUE(remastered) is the most epic song ever. Looking forward for next release and I will keep supporting them. So,am I the only like them or what? Do you like all the tracks from butterfly effect ?o_O I do.ALL.
  4. jurideluhi

    LAST EVA-水色??神殿??????????アルテア
  5. jurideluhi

    tokyo michael-SIGN
  6. jurideluhi

    Wow. i want to have this. cant wait.
  7. jurideluhi

  8. jurideluhi

    ^hahaha. that is true n.n
  9. jurideluhi

    what? that disease is very rare! how can it happened to him? omg. IT IS A FATAL DISEASEEEEE!!!!
  10. jurideluhi

    TOON FACTORY-last scene
  11. jurideluhi

    ^ I can fall in love even w/wo makeup because you look like a guy . O__O
  12. jurideluhi

    CANZEL-wish upon a star
  13. jurideluhi

    RED universe-FINAL CLOSURE awesome song ever listened
  14. jurideluhi

    Happy birthday on a Christmas day, ??ャン !
  15. jurideluhi

    cool.hope for something enjoyable like loli lolipop.
  16. jurideluhi

    red universe-code blue
  17. jurideluhi

    the preview sucks a lot.girugamesh is definitely a pop-ish band now to me.no hard musics anymore like they used to last time. disband anytime soon please.
  18. jurideluhi

    SuG's website, and golden bomber.
  19. jurideluhi

    @alisapp you're a girl aren't you? ^^; you look like sakito from nightmare without makeup!! @o hai itz will omg.beautiful eye COLOR!
  20. jurideluhi

    Christmas blackforest cake
  21. jurideluhi

    toon factory-last scene
  22. jurideluhi

    ^that is awesome!
  23. jurideluhi

    likes to get high scores in exams.
  24. jurideluhi

    lol. same. i thought it was new breed.
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